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📚 Description

Welcome to @digital-alchemy/mqtt-extension!

💾 Install

This library can be installed as a simple dependency

npm i @digital-alchemy/mqtt-extension

Then added to your project

import { LIB_MQTT } from "@digital-alchemy/mqtt-extension";

// application
const MY_APP = CreateApplication({
  libraries: [LIB_MQTT],
  name: "home_automation",

// library
export const MY_LIBRARY = CreateLibrary({
  depends: [LIB_MQTT],
  name: "special_logic",

⚙️ Configuration

CLIENT_OPTIONS gets passed straight to mqtt library.

See mqtt code for all available options.

Add the following to your application's configuration file.


🛠 Usage

Library is in an "experimental" state

More useful services will be added in the future

🔄 Bindings

The bindings file is an "everything in one file". It handles

  • Connection at onPostConfig
  • logging standard events (error messages, reconnect events, etc)

➕ subscribe

The subscribe method will automatically listen to topics for you, and pass through messages to your provided callback. You can use wildcards in your topics:

  • + - single level (device/+/turned_off)
  • # - multi level wildcard (device/thingie/#)
import { TServiceParams } from "@digital-alchemy/core";

type YourMessage = {}
export function Example({ logger, mqtt, context }: TServiceParams) {
    exec(message:YourMessage) {"my topic was sent!")
    topic: "my/topic",

📤 publish

Simple wrapper for the publish method on the mqtt client.

import { TServiceParams } from "@digital-alchemy/core";

type YourMessage = {}
export function Example({ logger, mqtt, lifecycle }: TServiceParams) {

  lifecycle.onReady(() => {
	    extra_payload_data: {},
	    foo: "bar"

🔍 getClient

Need something more complicated? Retrieve the already configured mqtt instance

import { TServiceParams } from "@digital-alchemy/core";

type YourMessage = {}
export function Example({ mqtt, lifecycle }: TServiceParams) {

  lifecycle.onBootstrap(() => {
    const client = mqtt.bindings.getClient();
