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This tool is based on work found in weihanwang/webdriver-python. My copy resides in a fork at and you are certainly welcome to clone or fork this repo$

git clone
cd icg_web_test
docker build -t icg_web_test .     <-- Build a local image. Takes a couple minutes. Don't forget the period at the end!
docker-compose run icg_web_test    <-- Run the icg_web_test portion of docker-compose.yml for all /tests/*.yml files.

You should see some output in your terminal window as the tests run against Digital Grinnell.

If you would like to create tests of your own just make a copy of ./tests/digital_grinnell_public.yml, or any other .yml file found in /tests or /tests/DISABLED, and give your copy a different name. You may also find the /tests/DISABLED folder to be can move .yml files there to effectively "disable" them but also keep them as examples or for use at a later time.

Environment Variable Options

icg_web_test responds to three optional environment variables/settings.

-e TEST - You may also run a single .yml file or 'glob' of files by specifying a TEST=path environment variable with the 'docker-compose run' command, similar to the following:

docker-compose run -e TEST='/tests/DISABLED/Google.yml' icg_web_test


docker-compose run -e TEST='/tests/DISABLED/Digital*.yml' icg_web_test

Note that when using this option the file(s) specified by TEST must be accessible within the icg_web_test container, as are all files inside the /tests directory and its subordinates.

-e BASE_URL - You may override the base URL specified in the selected YAML file(s) using an environment spec similar to the following:

docker-compose run -e BASE_URL='' icg_web_test


docker-compose run -e TEST='/tests/digital_grinnell_public.yml' -e BASE_URL='https://isle-dev.localdomain' icg_web_test

The first example would run all /tests/*.yml test files but with a base URL of '' instead of whatever is specified inside each *.yml file.

The second example would run the tests prescribed for Digital Grinnell - Public, but against an isle-dev.localdomain host instance of ISLE.

-e NOTIFY - You may override the notification_address portion of your file, the email address(es) to which failure and/or success notifications are dispatched, using an environment spec similar to the following:

docker-compose run -e NOTIFY=',' icg_web_test

Firefox and Screenshots

This early version of the tool uses a Firefox browser and should create screenshot .png files in the ./screenshots folder. I find these images to be very helpful too.


At Grinnell, we run a daily suite of tests using a root cron job on server DGDockerX, a CentOS 7 VM dedicated to running Docker. The crontab entry in our case reads like this:

0 6 * * * /bin/bash -c 'source /home/mcfatem/Projects/Docker/icg_web_test/'

The contents of weihanwang's origial webdriver-python tool appears in its original form below.


This is a Docker container combined with a few utility functions to simplify writing Selenium tests in Python. It uses Firefox as the driver. Dockerfile.

Run example code

The example test querys the keyword "test" at and print the first search result to stdout:

$ docker run weihan/webdriver-python

To export screenshots to the ./shots folder on the host computer:

$ docker run -v $PWD/shots:/sreenshots aerofs/webdriver-python

Write tests

Check out this document for Selenium's concepts and operations.

To write new tests, you can either bind mount your python files to the container or create a new Docker image and copy files into the image. The example code is located at / in the container. You may overwrite this file or place your files at different locations. For the latter, run the container as follows:

$ docker run weihan/webdriver-python python -u /path/to/your/python/code

At the beginning of your code, call webdriver_util.init() to set up the environment and retrieve a few utility objects. Screenshots will be saved at the container's "/screenshots" folder. You may use bind mount to export them to the host.

from webdriver_util import init
driver, wait, selector = init()

driver is the Selenium WebDriver object

wait is a convenience wrapper around WebDriverWait. Every call to wait.until*() methods produce useful console output and a screenshot at the end of the wait. You can also use wait.shoot() at any time to save a screenshot.

selector provides shortcuts to WebDriver.find_element_by_css_selector(). It restricts element selection to using CSS selectors only.

See example code for the usage of these objects.


Use the RESOLUTION environmental variable to customize screen size and depth. The default is "1024x768x24". For example:

docker run -e RESOLUTION=1920x1600x24 weihan/webdriver-python

Build from source

Check out this GitHub repository and run this command in the repository's root folder:

$ docker build -t aerofs/webdriver-python .


A Docker container to simplify writing Selenium Python tests. It uses Firefox as the driver.







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  • Python 96.0%
  • Shell 4.0%