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DigitalMind edited this page Aug 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Blogster - an Introduction

Blogster. A sleek WordPress blog theme ready to be the perfect canvas for your content.

Blogster is minimal in style, but rich in features. Blogster was designed to be super easy to understand.

The theme offers a variety of customization options. You can dig into the Theme Cerebellum (aka theme options) and take full control over every feature.

That's not enough? You want the power to change the overall look of Blogster as well? You can have it!

We wrote Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets (Sass) to style Blogster, and while we were at it, we created these awesome variables which make adjusting your theme incredibly simple. You probably won't even need our documentation for that (we still provided it though, just in case).

Just use the navigation on the left to find the instructions you are looking for.