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ChatGPT Clone with Azure, OpenAI, and Flutter

This project is a partial clone of ChatGPT, built using Azure, OpenAI, and the Flutter framework, as described in the comprehensive article that accompanies this codebase. The goal is to create an intelligent chatbot capable of engaging in dynamic conversations with users, powered by cutting-edge AI technologies.



Getting Started

In order to run the application successfully, please follow these steps:

  1. Create an api_keys.dart file in the src directory, as detailed in the accompanying article. Ensure that you securely store your API keys and other sensitive information.

  2. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.

  3. Set up a Flutter development environment if you haven't already.

  4. Run the application on your local environment and start exploring the chatbot capabilities.


  • Create an AI-powered chatbot using Azure, OpenAI, and Flutter.
  • Dynamically render chat messages using a ListView.builder for performance with long conversations.
  • Implement a responsive text input section with loading indicators.
  • Customize the assistant's responses using parameters like temperature.
  • Save and reference previous conversations for future use.

Further Improvements

  • Implement HTTP streaming to progressively display the assistant's response.
  • Explore additional model customization using OpenAI's parameters to fine-tune behavior.
  • Add the ability to save and retrieve conversation histories for enhanced user experience.


We welcome contributions and suggestions. Feel free to create pull requests or open issues.


This project is licensed under the MIT License


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