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  1. HTML / CSS Syntax
  2. JS Data Types, JSON, API URLs
  3. JS Control Flow
  4. JS Functions
  5. APIs, getJSON, and the DOM
  6. User Events, click, submit, keyup
  7. scroll, hammer.js, jQuery
  8. Built-in Objects, Lodash
  9. Recursion, setTimeout(), requestAnimationFrame()
  10. Canvas, p5.js
  11. Object Oriented JS
  12. Vectors


  1. npm, node.js, http, express, res.sendFile(), res.render(), EJS,
  2. Heroku, Git, path, Request,
  3. Promises, Async Await, Fetch, Got, fs
  4. Mongo
  5. Saving Pics from User AWS S3
  6. Pug, Stylus, Babel
  7. A touch of PHP, Fortrabbit

Client Again

  1. SVG, svg.js
  2. Paper.js
  3. Video
  4. THREE.js
  5. ml5.js
  6. A-Frame
  7. VueJS

Server Again

  1. Sessions, Cookies, LocalStorage, Authentication, bcrypt
  2. OAuth2, Slack Integrations

Client Once More

  1. Svelte, Rollup
  2. React, WebPack


  1. Cordova
  2. Meteor
  3. Dart, Flutter
  4. React Native
  5. Swift
  6. Kotlin


  1. Physical Computing Conservation
  2. Network Design
  3. Variable/Computational Type Design
  4. Game Design
  5. Machine Learning Portraiture