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Welcome To The Hello World Project!

Dillon Depeel edited this page Jun 21, 2022 · 1 revision

On the Hello world Project, Where Our goal is to make a hello world program in every single listed language available on github! The repository consiats of both hello world programs already on Github, official hello world programs (for microsoft) and programs I have Programmed myself!

The Hello World Project is in recognition to the program that has sparked the intrest in millions of fellow programmers just like me. The “Hello World” program is universally recognized and can be written in nearly every programming language!

The first Hello World: The first known instance of the usage of the words “hello” and “world” together in computer literature occurred in Brian Kernighan’s 1972 Tutorial Introduction to the Language B, with the following code:

`main( ) {

extrn a, b, c;

putchar(a); putchar(b); putchar(c); putchar('!*n'); }

a 'hell';

b 'o, w';

c 'orld';


Support The Hello World Project! feel free to email me at and help us give The Hello World Program the recognition it deserves! Contribute to the Hello World Project on github.

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