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Releases: Dimencia/LuteBot3

LuteBot v3.6.5

04 Jul 00:28
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Version 3.6.5

  • Fixed issue with wrong lutemod version making installs fail

Version 3.6.4

Warning: This is a 'beta' version of LuteBot, probably less stable than most. Backup your midis before doing any bulk re-saving, and be aware that Voice is broken in the included LuteMod 2.6.9 (but it has many other improvements)
(The LuteMod version is pretty solid, though, except the broken voice and issue with mirror-duplication... but I haven't really finalized it, there may still be some debug stuff in there)

Basically I got caught up in work stuff before I could finish this completely and then stopped wanting to code in my free time for a bit, and it could be months before I mess with it again.
So I figured I should release what I have, because I've been using it and it's definitely an improvement in a lot of ways, and it works reasonably well for me. So you guys might want it, even if it's a little unpolished

  • If previously all your songs sounded bad, you should probably re-save your midis again, with Reorder, using the LuteMod menu at the top of LuteBot. . Use Clear Offsets if you have lots of old midis that are pitched too high or too low

    • Warning: Something about this can sometimes make songs just be completely off-pitch, but I couldn't find out how or why. Only use this if they already sound bad, and I think using Clear Offsets should resolve that issue (most songs sound fine at the default octaves, in recent lutebot versions that transpose better)
    • Also it seems like if you adjust the position of any track or channel and re-save it, that also seems to fix it... if it happens
  • Rewrote pretty much everything with modern .Net 7 and thread safety; should fix many crashes, improve speed and rendering, and lets me use nice new features

  • Fixed crash when re-opening the Guild Library

  • Hopefully fixed lockups by making the entire app async

    • So even while it's loading midis, you can select and view them, or drag more in, it's much harder to break
  • Fixed issue where auto-ordering, auto-selection, and sometimes lute settings as a whole were failing to save with the partition

  • Multi-threaded loading and saving partitions

  • Fixed some LuteBot transposition issues (it should no longer transpose at all, LuteMod does that)

  • Fixed some LuteMod transposition issues maybe (Warning: Something is still wrong with it. Notes that are too low sometimes get transposed out of key...? IDK. But it's better than before, I think)

  • All partitions saved for LuteMod (with this version of LuteBot or above) now start at the first note, with no whitespace in front

  • Ordering can now be done on Channels

  • Flute auto-selection can now occur on Channels or Tracks, depending on which has the best percentages and most options

  • Added new setting on Instruments (you need to set it in %appdata%/LuteBot/Config/Instruments.json manually, if you want to change it, for now) to determine what percentages from the AI they should enable (when importing songs without settings, or forcing it to discard settings)

    • Default: Lute 0% to 60%, Flute 50% to 100%; allows some overlap and usually does a decent job of splitting things
  • Added option to ignore old offsets when resaving

  • Removed Rust instruments

  • Normalized Flute Percentage result displays (Not sure I love these, it's a bit less informative when the highest is always "100%")

  • Added right click menu to move the selected Partition(s) to the top of the list

  • When saving for LuteMod, chooses either channels or tracks for ordering, depending on which one has the most valid channels/tracks unchecked
    So if you're checking and unchecking things in Tracks, the order of Tracks is what matters, and vice versa. If you use both, it will only respect ordering of the one with the most entries modified... which is complicated, so avoid doing both for now. Modify only tracks, or only channels

LuteMod 2.6.4
- Fixed issue with transposing low and high notes, I think (sort of; low notes still get weird sometimes)
- Fixed issue with note duplication being probably completely broken before
- Made duplicated notes have the same priority they started with, ensuring duplicate makes your songs twice as loud (Note: they may be less complex while duplicating, but it's usually worth it)
- Fixed issue with note copying not respecting track order and prioritizing backwards
- Fixed accidentally deleting duplicate notes
- Fixed issue with not properly detecting the owner of a chat message
- Turned on Duplication by default, it normalizes volume a bit and otherwise doesn't interfere
- Startup message now instructs you to start a local match to configure LuteMod (or to enter ~Help if already in a local match)
- Warning: Bug: If Duplication is on for two of the same instrument during mirroring, it will duplicate the last played note endlessly. Turn it off for lute, if you're mirroring and you have two lutes
- Bug: - Broke Voice - woops. It was nerfed in the recent patch anyway, this will do for now

Note: If something is wrong with the LuteBot changes but you want the LuteMod changes, you can copy LuteMod 2.69 into your CustomPaks folder to keep its updates
If you don't like the neural network, you can always replace the channelNeural file near your LuteBot.exe to an older version, or train your own

LuteBot v3.6.4

01 Jul 01:49
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Warning: This is a 'beta' version of LuteBot, probably less stable than most. Backup your midis before doing any bulk re-saving, and be aware that Voice is broken in the included LuteMod 2.6.9 (but it has many other improvements)
(The LuteMod version is pretty solid, though, except the broken voice and issue with mirror-duplication... but I haven't really finalized it, there may still be some debug stuff in there)

Basically I got caught up in work stuff before I could finish this completely and then stopped wanting to code in my free time for a bit, and it could be months before I mess with it again.
So I figured I should release what I have, because I've been using it and it's definitely an improvement in a lot of ways, and it works reasonably well for me. So you guys might want it, even if it's a little unpolished

  • If previously all your songs sounded bad, you should probably re-save your midis again, with Reorder, using the LuteMod menu at the top of LuteBot. . Use Clear Offsets if you have lots of old midis that are pitched too high or too low

    • Warning: Something about this can sometimes make songs just be completely off-pitch, but I couldn't find out how or why. Only use this if they already sound bad, and I think using Clear Offsets should resolve that issue (most songs sound fine at the default octaves, in recent lutebot versions that transpose better)
    • Also it seems like if you adjust the position of any track or channel and re-save it, that also seems to fix it... if it happens
  • Rewrote pretty much everything with modern .Net 7 and thread safety; should fix many crashes, improve speed and rendering, and lets me use nice new features

  • Fixed crash when re-opening the Guild Library

  • Hopefully fixed lockups by making the entire app async

    • So even while it's loading midis, you can select and view them, or drag more in, it's much harder to break
  • Fixed issue where auto-ordering, auto-selection, and sometimes lute settings as a whole were failing to save with the partition

  • Multi-threaded loading and saving partitions

  • Fixed some LuteBot transposition issues (it should no longer transpose at all, LuteMod does that)

  • Fixed some LuteMod transposition issues maybe (Warning: Something is still wrong with it. Notes that are too low sometimes get transposed out of key...? IDK. But it's better than before, I think)

  • All partitions saved for LuteMod (with this version of LuteBot or above) now start at the first note, with no whitespace in front

  • Ordering can now be done on Channels

  • Flute auto-selection can now occur on Channels or Tracks, depending on which has the best percentages and most options

  • Added new setting on Instruments (you need to set it in %appdata%/LuteBot/Config/Instruments.json manually, if you want to change it, for now) to determine what percentages from the AI they should enable (when importing songs without settings, or forcing it to discard settings)

    • Default: Lute 0% to 60%, Flute 50% to 100%; allows some overlap and usually does a decent job of splitting things
  • Added option to ignore old offsets when resaving

  • Removed Rust instruments

  • Normalized Flute Percentage result displays (Not sure I love these, it's a bit less informative when the highest is always "100%")

  • Added right click menu to move the selected Partition(s) to the top of the list

  • When saving for LuteMod, chooses either channels or tracks for ordering, depending on which one has the most valid channels/tracks unchecked
    So if you're checking and unchecking things in Tracks, the order of Tracks is what matters, and vice versa. If you use both, it will only respect ordering of the one with the most entries modified... which is complicated, so avoid doing both for now. Modify only tracks, or only channels

LuteMod 2.6.9
- Fixed issue with transposing low and high notes, I think (sort of; low notes still get weird sometimes)
- Fixed issue with note duplication being probably completely broken before
- Made duplicated notes have the same priority they started with, ensuring duplicate makes your songs twice as loud (Note: they may be less complex while duplicating, but it's usually worth it)
- Fixed issue with note copying not respecting track order and prioritizing backwards
- Fixed accidentally deleting duplicate notes
- Fixed issue with not properly detecting the owner of a chat message
- Turned on Duplication by default, it normalizes volume a bit and otherwise doesn't interfere
- Startup message now instructs you to start a local match to configure LuteMod (or to enter ~Help if already in a local match)
- Warning: Bug: If Duplication is on for two of the same instrument during mirroring, it will duplicate the last played note endlessly. Turn it off for lute, if you're mirroring and you have two lutes
- This isn't fixed yet in 2.6.9 either...
- Bug: - Broke Voice - woops. It was nerfed in the recent patch anyway, this will do for now

Note: If something is wrong with the LuteBot changes but you want the LuteMod changes, you can copy LuteMod 2.69 into your CustomPaks folder to keep its updates
If you don't like the neural network, you can always replace the channelNeural file near your LuteBot.exe to an older version, or train your own

LuteBot v3.6.3

27 Apr 03:07
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Version 3.6.3

  • Fixed yet another issue with track reordering, you should re-save your partitions yet again (Neural Network also improved)
  • Fixed issue requiring you to have Flute selected in order to save flute tracks
  • Added notation for empty and drum tracks/channels, and removed them from ordering and neural network selection
  • (Hopefully) Fixed issue with opening midis saved with 3.5.5
  • Fixed issue where unconfigured midis were not automatically arranged and setup
  • Fixed issue with Neural Network training becoming unresponsive
  • Improved Neural Network training by removing drums and empty tracks/channels
  • Neural Network Pause/Resume no longer reloads or reshuffles test and training sets (if the Training form is not closed between sessions)
  • Updated default Neural Network with a newly trained one
  • Added new right click option to move selected songs to the top of the list (first page)

(You can always change your Neural Network to any of the previous versions by downloading and replacing channelNeural in LuteBot files)
(You can also train it yourself, you should usually just leave the values alone and hit train, and it will learn based on what is activated for flute on your midis)

LuteMod 2.6.3
- Improved playback for multiple flutes on the same track
- Added ~Help command
- Added instructions when LuteMod loads to either join a local match, or if already in a local match, to enter ~Help or ~Keybinds
- If LuteMod loads for the first time in a local match, automatically displays keybinds and help

LuteBot v3.6.2

26 Apr 18:09
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Version 3.6.2

  • Fixed issue where neural network would not get scaled values if rating Tracks instead of Channels

  • Improved default AI (You should probably re-save your songs)

  • Fixed issue that resaving would only reorder the currently selected instrument, instead of both lute and flute

  • Added menu option to resave all with AI choosing flute tracks (not recommended, the AI isn't that good yet)

  • Fixed issue where Mordhau Pak Path wasn't being saved between launches

  • Fixed issue where Mordhau Pak Path wasn't being validated correctly

    LuteMod 2.62

    • LuteMod can now play old partitions without resaving them, but you should still resave them for best results

Known Issues:

  • Midis saved with 3.5.5 incorrectly fail to load because drum tracks were removed from them; otherwise versions above 3.3 should all be loadable
    • WARNING: If you drag these midis from the PartitionMidis folder to reload them, they will be deleted when they fail to load. Copy them somewhere else first, if you want to do that
  • New songs (without any config) do not automatically reorder the first time they are loaded (but they should). Use Resave on new midis, after adding them, for now
  • Malformed midis can't be loaded. Load them in a Midi Editor and re-save them until I can find a way to ignore the errors
  • Midis that are loaded or resaved without selecting the Flute in Track Selection do not save correctly with flute settings. Select Flute before performing a resave

Version 3.6.1

  • Bugfixes, improved Neural Network

Version 3.6.0

  • Major rework of LuteBot and LuteMod note handling and configuration
    See previous release notes for more information

NOTE You need to Re-save your partitions (with the new button) for them to play correctly in the new version
NOTE Use "~Keybinds" in chat to set keybindings, they are no longer tied to Mordhau bindings

LuteBot v3.6.1

25 Apr 18:52
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Version 3.6.1

  • Fixed startup crash for new users
  • Updated Resave to overwrite without asking
  • Fixed issue that Resave would remove spaces
  • Fixed potential issue causing midis to not be saved to folder when creating a partition
  • Fixed incorrect numbers and percentages being displayed in Neural Network training
  • Added Neural Network pause/resume during training; it saves when paused
  • Improved training model to include more data (if you have your own trained model, it won't work and you'll need to re-train)
  • Added menu option to Resave all and to resave all with forced reordering (I suggest using this if you already resaved, to resave again with the improved Neural Network)
  • Added crash reporting back
  • LuteMod 2.61
    • Re-enabled loading of voice config settings
    • Fixed issue where playing sometimes pauses itself immediately

Version 3.6.0

  • Major rework of LuteBot and LuteMod note handling and configuration
    See previous release notes for more information

NOTE You need to Re-save your partitions (with the new button) for them to play correctly in the new version
NOTE Use "~Keybinds" in chat to set keybindings, they are no longer tied to Mordhau bindings

LuteBot v3.6.0

25 Apr 05:12
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Version 3.6.0

  • Major rework of LuteBot and LuteMod note handling and configuration

    • LuteMod now sounds much better on most songs; it now respects note durations and the order of Tracks, which you can set in LuteBot by clicking and dragging tracks (not channels)
    • LuteBot now uses a different library for loading midis, to hopefully have fewer midis that fail
    • 'Notes Per Chord' was removed because it is obsolete; LuteMod now plays midis well even when all tracks are enabled for all instruments, trimming is not necessary
    • LuteMod now forces a server update when playing each note, so should sound better across the network
    • Added keybindings menu to LuteMod, accessible by entering "~Keybinds" in chat
  • Warning: Old partitions will no longer play correctly on flute. Select all your partitions (select the first one, scroll to the bottom, hold shift, click the last one) and use the new 'Resave' button to reload them all with note durations


  • Added default path for Epic Mordhau install
  • Revamped LuteBot UI (More revamp later)
  • Added validation that Mordhau is closed before installing LuteMod
  • Simplified MIDI loading process to save directly to LuteMod as soon as they're loaded, with options to edit afterward
  • Added note duration and track ordering to LuteBot/LuteMod Partitions
    • Use Track Selection and click+drag tracks up or down; tracks at the top have priority
    • Higher priority tracks can interrupt lower priority tracks
    • Lower priority tracks can't play until the higher priority notes are done playing
    • Lutes ignore these restrictions but still play the highest priority tracks first
    • Track priority is ordered by the flute-estimation AI by default
  • LuteMod updated to 2.6 to handle this new system
    • LuteMod now also forces server update to help ensure all your notes are heard, and has improved timing
    • Cleans up most songs by prioritizing track order (on lute and flute), and playing multiple flute tracks no longer sounds like a trainwreck
  • Added keybindings menu to LuteMod; Enter "~Keybinds" in the chat to open it
  • Removed unused/broken functionality; LuteBot no longer supports Rust, Scrap Mechanic, Time Sync, Playlists, Soundboards, or Midi playback
    • Use older versions if necessary (use a real Midi player for Midi playback)
  • Removed LuteBot's ability to play through Mordhau Console (and its related hotkeys and settings) to prevent confusion. LuteMod should be used instead, check the Help button for more information
  • Swapped MIDI parsing engine to use DryWetMidi (should be more consistent and with less lockups and failures)
  • Track Filtering now scales based on tempo to show 30s by default
  • Maybe fixed concurrency issue when training the AI with more than one CPU Core
  • Fixed many potential memory leaks in LuteBot
  • Partitions are loaded in Track Selection when a single one is selected
  • Guild library form now supports adding multiple songs at once
  • Guild library form has better error reporting

LuteBot v3.5.5

14 Feb 18:05
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Version 3.5.5

  • New partitions are now inserted at the front of the Partition List
  • Deleting a partition now also deletes the midi file LuteBot generated in its temporary folder
  • Fixed startup crash if a configured output device no longer exists

LuteBot v3.5.4

23 Jan 00:20
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Version 3.5.4

  • Fixed MAJOR issue that could cause partitions to become corrupt
  • Fixed issue causing crash for users with corrupt partitions

LuteBot v3.5.3

07 Dec 14:00
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Version 3.5.3

  • Updated to LuteMod 2.1, removing queueing on Flutes to clean up playback

    • The first time launching with this LuteBot version, it will automatically update LuteMod
  • Rewrote file-saving logic for .sav files:

    • In some rare instances, Partitions and the PartitionIndex were being corrupted or filled with junk data
    • This rewrite simplifies saving these files and should hopefully stop that from happening
  • Fixed issue with detecting if LuteMod version is up to date

  • Set default NumChords to 6 for new installs

Version 3.5.2

  • Fixed issue loading Neural Network when the application was started from a different directory

Version 3.5.1

  • Fixed issue loading Neural Network for languages that use , as a decimal separator

LuteBot v3.5.1

24 Nov 17:10
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Version 3.5.1

  • Fixed issue loading Neural Network for languages that use , as a decimal separator