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Goal : Find the best approximation
Content : 2 class --> Node : Treat the tree of the formula
		  --> Evolution : Modify the function
  • Node : 3 attributs (2 Node* and 1 char*) - include string and vector

    • Public :
      • Constructor : Node(Node* lc, Node* rc, std::string v), copy constructor and destructor
      • Getters
        • Node* left_child()
        • Node* right_child()
        • std::string value()
      • Setters
        • void set_left_child (Node* lc)
        • void set_right_child (Node* rc)
        • void set_value (std::string s)
      • int node_result(std::vector x) : for have the result of the formula with different value at the end of the tree
      • std::string node_formula() : give the formula of the tree
    • Protected (attributes):
      • Node* left_child_
      • Node* right_child_
      • std::string value_
  • Evolution : 5 attributs (1 Node* and 4 char*) - Use class Node

    • Public :
      • Constructor : Evolution(Node* node, std::string data)
      • Getters
        • Node* root()
        • std::vector<Node*> mutant_children()
        • std::vector<std::vector> data()
        • std::vector fitnesses()
      • Setters
        • void set_node(Node* node)
        • void set_data(std::string data)
      • std::vector evolution(int number_of_cycles, int number_of_children)
    • Protected :
      • std::vector<Node*> replication_(int number_of_children) : for create number_of_child children to the parent's formula
      • void mutation_(Node* position, Node* root, int id) : makes a mutation on a precise Node of a future mutant
      • void insertion_(Node* position, Node* parent, int id) : make the mutation 'insertion' at a given place of the formula
      • void deletion_(Node* position, Node* parent, int id) : make the mutation 'deletion' at a given place of the formula
      • void replacement_(Node* position, Node* parent, int id) : make the mutation 'replacement' at a given place of the formula
      • void replacement_leaf_management_(Node* position, Node* parent, Node* new_node_1, Node* new_node_2, int index_1, int index_2, int n, int id) : Auxiliary function to manage a replacement on a leaf Node
      • void replacement_and_management_(Node* position, Node* parent, Node* new_node_1, Node* new_node_2, int index_1, int index_2, int n, int id) : Auxiliary function to manage a replacement on an AND Node
      • void replacement_or_management_(Node* position, Node* parent, Node* new_node_1, Node* new_node_2, int index_1, int index_2, int n, int id) : Auxiliary function to manage a replacement on an OR Node
      • void replacement_not_management_(Node* position, Node* parent, Node* new_node_1, Node* new_node_2, int index_1, int index_2, int n, int id) : Auxiliary function to manage a replacement on a NOT Node
      • float compute_fitness_(Node* node) : Computes and returns the fitness for one Node
      • void compare_fitness_() : Compares all mutants' fitnesses and if one of them has a better fitness than the base Node, it becomes the new base Node for the following cycle
      • void apoptosis_(Node* node, int id) : Deletes a Node with its children
      • Node* get_parent_node_(Node* position, Node* root) : Returns a pointer pointing on the parent of the Node position
      • int left_or_right_child_(Node* position, Node* parent) : Returns -1 if the Node position isn't a child, 0 if the Node position is a left child and 1 if the Node position is a right child
      • Node* node_at_path_(Node* node, std::string path) : Returns the Node on which the mutation will occur
      • std::string generate_path_() : Generates and returns a randomly generated path to the Node on which the mutation will occur
      • std::vector<std::vector> parse_data_(std::string data_to_parse) : Generates and returns a vector containing the data of the csv file
      • void generate_used_operands_(Node* root, std::vectorstd::string &sub_used_operands) : Generates a vector of vector of unusable genes for each future mutant (only one copy of the gene for one formula)
      • void generate_operands_(int number) : Generates a vector of vector of usable genes for each future mutant
      • void operands_to_used_(int index, int id) : When a gene is used, it is transfered to the corresponding vector of no more usable genes
      • void used_to_operands_(int index, int id) : When a Node is deleted, its genes are transfered to the corresponding vector of usable genes
      • void re_operands_to_used_(Node* node, int id) : Same as operands_to_used_ but with a Node as parameter
      • Attributes
        • std::vector<Node*> mutant_children_ : Vector of mutated clones
        • Node* root_ : Base Node from which will be generated the clones to be mutated
        • std::string path_ : The path to the actual Node to mutate
        • std::vector<std::vector> data_ : Vector containing the data of the csv file
        • std::vector fitnesses_ : Vector of computed fitnesses per mutants


Sofware Development Team 5






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