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Randstalker 1.6.0

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@Dinopony Dinopony released this 22 Dec 12:57
· 213 commits to master since this release

Release candidate for the new 1.6.0 version of Randstalker, introducing lots of new exciting features!
For Windows users, downloadable package below is ready-to-use: you just have to put your US ROM of the game named inside the folder, and double click gen_preset.bat. Your seed appeared in the seeds/ subfolder, have fun!

1.6.0 - Foxy update

Hints rework & changes

Meet Foxy, the all-knowing and ubiquitous wizard fox!
Sign posts no longer give you hints: to get hints, you will have to find Foxy among one of the 148 possible spots where he can be (full list with screenshots here).
This has several advantages compared to the old system:

  • It rewards exploration and quick routing adaptativity, whereas the old system encouraged a nearly fixed optimal route
  • You can put as many hints as you want through the hintsCount setting, whether it be 0 or 40 (default value being 20)
  • It is easily recognizable, even for beginners. Signs were a bit obscure, and if you didn't read the rules before playing, there is a high chance you would have missed them.

While I'm happy with what this brings to the game, I don't think we have reached an optimal state regarding hints by any means. Your feedback is welcome (just like with any other feature) to make Foxy an even greater encounter 😉

Only those hints remain as non-Foxy hints:

  • Lithograph and Oracle Stone hints
  • "Where is lithograph" hint on King Nole's Cave sign (might be removed in the future / put on any Foxy)
  • Mercator fortune teller hint

Other changes also happened related to hints:

  • Lantern and Sun Stone can now be hinted as a required / useless item
  • Added "in a very dark place" as a hint for the region requiring Lantern
  • Added "in a very hot place" as a hint for hot rooms (Verla Mines and KNL Firedemon sector)
  • "in a region inhabited by bears" now include "Massan Cave", "Massan after Swamp Shrine" and "Gumi after Swamp Shrine"
  • Forced all Gola items to be hinted somewhere
  • Added a hint type to know which region is the dark region

Personal settings

There is now a new personal_settings.json file that contains all personal settings (fitting name, heh?) that apply to all generated seeds, including ones generated using permalinks.
These settings are always cosmetic / QoL choices that may vary from one player to another without influencing the actual generation in terms of logic / gameplay.

There are currently 3 personal settings:

  • inGameTracker: greys out items in the in-game inventory to keep track of items you don't already have
  • hudColor: changes the color of the game UI
  • nigelColor: changes the colors of Nigel's shirt (light color and dark color)

An example file is given inside the downloadable package, ready to use.

Game changes

  • Tree cutting glitch fix was not fully working (there was a workaround way of exploiting it...) and therefore was removed entirely as an option
  • There is now an option to make tree cutting glitch NOT drop a Magic Sword (named removeTreeCuttingGlitchDrops, enabled by default). This enables keeping the skilled part of doing the trick to get out-of-logic checks without getting a powerful item out of nowhere.
  • Dex is back in Verla Mines
  • Slasher is now still present in Verla Mines even if Marley was beaten before
  • NPCs can now give golds and even nothing as a reward
  • Giants in Verla Mines first keydoor map are back from vanilla game
  • Sword of Gaia is now always placed before Lake Shrine, to make it impossible being blocked because of no Statues of Gaia in inventory
  • Verla Mines last map before exit to Destel is now dark if Verla Mines is the darkened region
  • You can now take the boat to Verla more than once
  • Pawn Ticket effect is now 3x quicker, but costs 200g to make infinite money abuse a bit less effficient when Pawn Ticket is in a shop
  • Removed the small cutscene where kid leaves Mercator monster zoo
  • Changed title screen. You'll notice it.


  • Fahl enemies are no longer bugged
  • Fixed the Duke being almost always able to land a final hit during the beginning of his death cutscene
  • Fixed Verla soldiers being present on Verla spawn
  • Fixed bugs related to Lantern handling
  • Fixed a bug when playing with more than 5 jewels
  • Fixed an infinite chest that was exploitable in save room of King Nole's Labyrinth

Technical improvements

  • Added plandos & half-plandos proper handling, allowing to build custom seeds with full or partial item placement, custom hints...
  • Reworked the whole randomization algorithm to give it more diversity for generated seeds
  • Added a new preset setting to control items distribution
  • Added a new preset setting to control hints distribution
  • Added a new preset setting to choose how much health each lifestock gives
  • Added a new personal setting to alter Nigel's shirt color
  • Added the option to not output any spoiler log by setting an empty path
  • Wiped some unused content for slightly better in-game performance
  • Added the possibility to use --permalink alone, letting the program prompt the permalink inside the console
  • Huge refactor of the project to split the randomizer stuff from the game editing stuff, giving birth to landstalker-lib which enables building romhacks easily

Known bugs

  • When Foxy is in a room with enemies using fireballs (reapers, spectres...), his color changes to an orange-y tint and his sprite sometimes glitches, being mangled with fireball animation sprites.