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Testing with Zip file from AppVeyors Continues Integration

Dirkster99 edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

Continues Integration

This GitHub project is linked to a continues integration service (CI). This CI service will re-compile sources each time when there is a new commit available. A result of this 're-compilation on commit' process is that the service can give a build passing or failing status based on current sources and it can also provide the results in binary form as a download package in a zip file.

This page explains how you can download the zip file and use it such that it will work on Windows 7-10.

Unblock screenshot via Windows File Explorer Properties

  • Unzip the file and execute Edi.exe

Note: Not unblocking the zip file will leave individual binary files (Exe and DLLs) contained in the zip file as blocked when they are extracted. The software will not work as a consequence.