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Dirtmigurt edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ConvertHero wiki!

What is ConvertHero?

ConvertHero is a tool designed for the rapid prototyping of CloneHero .chart files. The specific scenario that this tool is meant for is...

  1. A song does NOT have CloneHero chart.
  2. A song DOES have a GuitarPro (.gpx) tab file available.
  3. Download .gpx file and open it in (GuitarPro/MuseScore3/TuxGuitar)
  4. Export the tab as MIDI File.
  5. Open MIDI File in ConvertHero.
  6. Convert MIDI File to .chart File.

Important Notes

  • Gradient Tempo Changes are not supported in MIDI files and thus should be changed in the Tab Editor to multiple small tempo changes.
  • The quality of the resulting .chart file directly depends on the quality of the GuitarPro tab.
  • ConvertHero WILL make mistakes because mapping 30+ tones to 5 notes is HARD.

General Use

  • Use the 'Remove Track' buttons to remove MIDI tracks for incorrect instruments.
  • Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' buttons to change the priority of the noes in a track. If two instruments are playing at the same time only the notes from the top track will be included in the final chart.
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