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Registering an Event Listener

SeanOMik edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Registering an event listener is pretty simple. Here's the syntax:

#include <discpp/events/EVENT_HEADER.h>

discpp::EventHandler<discpp::EVENT_NAME>::RegisterListener([](discpp::EVENT_NAME event) {
    // Do things when the event is triggered.

Where EVENT_NAME is the event you want to listen for. You can find a list of events you can listen to here. Just click on the header to view the event class name.

Where EVENT_HEADER is the event header you want to listen for. You can find a list of event headers here.


#include <discpp/events/ready_event.h>

discpp::EventHandler<discpp::ReadyEvent>::RegisterListener([](discpp::ReadyEvent event) {
    std::cout << "Ready!" << std::endl;