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Zachary McCoy edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

D.T app

The D.T app is actively being developed and available in the Apple and Android stores. It is a mobile interface for interacting with the Disciple.Tools software, which boosts collaboration, clarity, and accountability for disciple and church multiplication movements.

Multiplying Disciples is what Disciple.Tools is all about.

Features That Matter

The reasons you’ll love it are many...

Unique and Strategic

Specifically tailored to generational disciple-making and church planting, track and organize your progress while boosting clarity, accountability, and effectiveness.

Security Minded

Designed for sensitive fields, restrict database access based on permission levels and specific assignments. Securely pass contacts to other networks.

Scalable and Affordable

Relevant for individuals, groups and movements. Unlimited user accounts and contact records. Scalable from small field teams to entire organizations.

Quick and Mobile

With "quick action" buttons to help you report on repetitive tasks with a single click, and a mobile app (for both iOS and Android platforms) supporting Push Notifications and the capability to work offline (the changes will sync once you are back online), you will be able to record notes on your last interaction while on the go.

Custom Views and Filtering

Powerful filtering and sorting to allow you to see your contacts and groups in helpful working lists. Need to come back to the same view regularly? Save it as a custom view.


Disciple.Tools is multilingual, facilitating cross-cultural collaboration. It is easy to have the app interface functioning in non-English languages and if a desired language is missing, then request it here.

Translations for

Open Source Development

Disciple.Tools is an open source project created in WordPress (D.T Web/API) and React Native (Mobile app) creating space for contributors to bring new features to Disciple.Tools that benefit the community as a whole.

Powerful Integrations

Integrated with Facebook and Mailchimp. Automatically create new contact records when seekers interact with your media platforms. More integrations are on their way, i.e. Zapier and SMS messaging.

Extensions and Customizations

Customize and adapt it to your specific needs through tens of thousands of existing WordPress plugins and a growing list of 3rd-party integrations. Or build your own plug-in - we've got several templates to get you started

Find seekers in your area

Quickly view the connections you are actively stewarding among seekers and disciples.

Track progress

Clarify next steps for your contacts.

Collaborate together

Share a contact with a teammate and keep in sync through collaborative notes.

Charts and visuals

See the big picture of how your contacts are progressing through key spiritual milestones.

Hand off contacts

Never let a seeker or new disciple fall through the cracks again.

Live Stats Dashboard

Visualize seekers, disciples, groups, and churches generationally to inspire prayer and boost clarity, accountability, and effectiveness.

  • FB Integration
  • Webform Integration
  • Custom Tags
  • Duplicate Record Detection
  • Merging Records
  • Update Needed reminder
  • Notifications
  • Gen Mapping
  • Basic CSV Import
  • Locations and Mapping strategy
  • Customization of tiles, fields and lists
  • Network Dashboard
  • Mobile App (Offline and Push Notifications and Security) - SOON
  • User Dashboard - SOON
  • Set Reminders - SOON
  • Basic ManyChat Integration - SOON