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Sovryn perpetuals swap limit orders relayer

Limit orders relaying scripts for Sovryn Perpetual Swaps

Install it

$ git clone
$ cd relayer-limit-orders-for-perps
$ mv .env-sample .env
$ npm install
$ npm install -g ts-node

Configure it

Edit the ecosystem.config.js file:

Make sure that OWNER_ADDRESS is one of your wallet addresses, because that's where the commissions earned by liquidating traders will end into!

Make sure the MANAGER_ADDRESS and the TOKEN_ADDRESS point to the AMM that's currently in use, the rBTC ERC20 contract and the address of the running order book contract. The ones in the .env-sample should point to the correct ones.

For now there are 2 perpetuals running: BTC/USD and BNB/USD. In order to have one relayer instance working for each of these, we have it configured as an app in the ecosystem.config.js file. There are a few other env variable which needs to be configured in the above file:

  • ORDER_BOOK_ADDRESS - the address where the orderbook for that perp is deployed
  • IDX_START_ADDR - the index of the start wallet generated using the MNEMONIC (ie: for IDX_START_ADDR=3, the derivation path of the starting wallet is m/44'/60'/0'/0/3)
  • NUM_ADDRESSES is the number of wallets that'll be used to relay orders concurrently. (ie: if IDX_START_ADDR=3 and NUM_ADDRESSES=3, then the derivation path of the last wallet used will be m/44'/60'/0'/0/5)
  • PERP_NAME - this is used when sending heartbeats and in logs to differentiate between perpetuals and testnet/mainnet
  • NODE_URLS - a list of nodes where the orders relayer will connect to (it will choose a random one from this list)
  • PUBLIC_NODE_PROVIDER - a single node which we query to get the latest block mined. This number is compared with the latest block mined by the node the orders relayer is connected to.
  • DB_NAME - the filename of the sqlite db used for storing/retrieving info cached for the dashboard.
  • BLOCK_EXPLORER - the URL of the block explorer, used when displaying transactions/wallet URLs
  • SERVER_PORT - the port where the dashboard for the current perpetual can be accessed
  • BALANCE_THRESHOLD - the BNB amount below which orders relayer wallet account is shown in red in the dashboard

The HEARTBEAT_LISTENER_URL is a heartbeat listening API endpoint. TheNurse is a project that's being built for this. If there's a running instance of TheNurse at, then HEARTBEAT_LISTENER_URL would be set to

Create and edit the .env file (mv .env-example .env): Configure TELEGRAM_BOT_SECRET and TELEGRAM_CHANNEL_ID with the correct credentials of a telegram bot (here's how you can create your own) so that the orders relayer can send you notifications* if something goes wrong.

Run it.

The relayer needs access to a mnemonic that represents a bip39 seed phrase, so it can create multiple wallet instances that can relay multiple orders concurrently.

The call to getConnectedAndFundedSigners( 'LimitOrderBook', ORDER_BOOK_ADDRESS, 0, 3, true); in the src/main.ts file, returns up to 4 wallet** instances, from which the first one is used to listen to the smart contract emitted events and the last (up to) 3 are used to relay orders.

The orders relayer reads the mnemonic from the MNEMONIC environment variable. Whether you set it in the .env file, or from the CLI in the terminal where you start the script, it doesn't matter.

Once the MNEMONIC env variable is configured, run:

$ ts-node src/main.ts

Or, to start it with pm2:

$ pm2 start ecosystem.config.js


* The script won't start without the telegram credentials configured. If you want to start it started without configuring the telegram bot, comment out all the references to the notifier variable in the src/main.ts and the src/utilFunctions.ts files.

** up to 3, meaning the function will filter out the wallets that are not funded with the equivalent of 4 million gas in testnet BSC, to make sure all of them are able to liquidate at least once.