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This repository contains the solution to the OpenTable challenge, focusing on a Reservation app. It utilizes modern Android development tools and follows best practices in software architecture and design patterns.


To get started with this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Build the project using your preferred IDE or command-line tools.


Once the project has been built successfully, you can run it on an Android device or an emulator.


This project makes use of several key libraries:

  • Jetpack Compose: For building native UI.
  • Navigation Component: To handle in-app navigation.
  • JUnit: For unit testing.
  • Kotest: An elegant Kotlin test framework.
  • MockK: Mocking library for Kotlin.
  • Turbine: A test library for Kotlin Flow.

Architecture and Design Patterns

The application is structured following the Clean Architecture principles and includes the following design patterns:

  • Clean Architecture: Ensures separation of concerns by dividing the project into layers.
  • Repository Pattern: Abstracts the data layer to provide a clean API for data access to the rest of the application.
  • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel): Facilitates a separation between the app's UI logic and the business logic.
  • Data Sources: Responsible for handling data operations.

Areas of Improvement

Due to time constraints, the following areas of improvement were identified but not implemented:

  • Optimization of the Scheduler Algorithm: Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the scheduling logic.
  • Integration of Dependency Injection (DI): To improve the manageability and scalability of the code.
  • Handling Corner Cases in Unit Testing: Strengthening the test suite by covering more edge cases.
  • Implementation of Android Catalog Versions: Ensuring compatibility and optimization across different Android versions.
  • Improvements in UX/UI: Enhancing the user interface and user experience for better usability and appeal.

These areas represent opportunities for future development and enhancements.

Feel free to contribute or fork this project. For any queries or suggestions, open an issue in the repository.


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