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neutral triangular mesh text v1

Dmitrii Semikin edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 1 revision


Neutral Triangular Mesh (Text) v1. Draft

The rationale for making particular decisions is collected in separate document: Neutral Triangular Mesh (Text) - Reasoning.


This is early draft of the specification. Any detail of it may be changed any moment, including document structure, headers etc.


File extension

Files, which use this fomrat should have extension .ntmt1, where "ntmt" stands for "neutral triangular mesh text" and "1" is the version of the format.

Encoding, line separators

This file should use only ASCII symbols.

This file may use either LF or CR LF line separators or mixture of those.

Advice to the Reader developers

Generally CR symbols should be just ignored.

Advice to the Writer developers

The developers are discouraged to use mixtures of the line separators.
