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Covid Knowledge Extractor

The code is organized to help work through the filtering process of the CORD-19 annotations from SciBiteAI. Each step relies on the previous script in the process having been completed.


The following files must be place in the directory data.

cv19_scc.tsv: This is the sentence level co-occurrence annotations from SciBiteAI. Please download from here Under sentence-co-occurrence-CORD-19, please select the latest version of the dataset.

structure_links.csv: This file contains data on all chemicals in DrugBank. It is available here To enable downloading, a free DrugBank account must be created.

DBCAT000021:This is the website hosted which contains a list of all amino acids currently in DrugBank.

uniprot_links.csv: This is a file from drugbank which describes all DrugBank -> UniProt target ids. Please download from here Under Target Drug-UniProt Links, Drug Group "All"

human_proteins.tsv: This file comes from UniProt and contains a hand reviewed list of all human proteins. The database may be inspected here, for convience and to keep parameters we suggest running the cURL command below

curl ',entry%20name,reviewed,protein%20names,genes,organism,length&compress=yes' --compressed > human_proteins.tsv.gz

corona_virus_proteins.tsv: This file comes from UniProt and contains a hand reviewed list of all Corona Virus viral proteins. The database may be inspected here, for convience and to keep parameters we suggest running the cURL command below

curl ',entry%20name,reviewed,protein%20names,genes,organism,length&compress=yes' --compressed > corona_virus_proteins.tsv.gz

metadata.csv: This file comes from Kaggle and contains metadata on all papers present in CORD19.

Here are the different sections of the code:

Step 1: This step takes in cv19_scc.tsv and finds all papers in which a SARSCOV ontological tag is found. It then removes all papers without this tag. This filtered dataset is placed in data/cv19_scc_filtered_for_COVID.tsv.

Step 2: This step takes in cv19_scc_filtered_for_COVID.tsv and runs our co-occurrence algorithm against it. Once these co-occurrence counts are found they are placed in data/CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs.csv.

Step 3: This step takes in CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs.csv and runs our hypergeometric scoring algorithm against it. This then adds that as a column on the csv and outputs that to data/CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs_scored.csv

Step 4: This step takes in CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs_scored.csv and filters for any pairing which is not a protein->chemical relationship. This is then saved as data/CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs_scored_filtered.csv

Step 5: This step requires all of the DrugBank and UniProt files mentioned in setup to be placed in the data directory. It takes in CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs_scored_filtered.csv matches the UniProt identifiers and ChEMBL identifiers against those in the provided datasets, if a match is not found the pair will be removed. This is outputted in data/CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs_scored_filtered_db_uniprot.csv

Step 6: This step generates csvs of all pair information to be downloaded by the users of the site. It also calculates number of known drug targets for a specific compound, to perform this calculation the DrugBank information on uniprot targets must be placed in the data directory. This step takes in CORD19_co-occurrence_pairs_scored_filtered_db_uniprot.csv and outputs as many csvs as there are viable targets into data/csvs.

Step 7: This step generates static HTML and JSON files for the website. The files take in the csvs generated in Step6 and output "index.html","dtd_table.html","dtd_table_singleton.html","target_info.html", and "downloads.html" into the data/html directory. It also outputs as many jsons as there are viable targets into data/jsons.


Covid Knowledge Extractor







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