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Benchmarks for Realtime One-Counter Automata Learning

This project is used to run benchmarks on the LearnLib's implementation of Realtime One-Counter Automata (ROCA). It is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Random benchmarks

The random benchmarks are straightforward: for fixed ROCA and alphabet sizes, we generate an ROCA, and run the learning algorithm on it. Note that the random generation does not have any guarantees on the number of reachable and co-reachable states. However, we try to maximize the number of reachable states. Thus, the random generation is as follows:

  1. Let n be the ROCA size we consider and k be the alphabet size.
  2. We generate an ROCA A by constructing n states (each state has a probability 0.5 to be final) and the transitions between the states for the k symbols and the two transition functions.
  3. If the number of reachable states of A is n, we return A.
  4. Otherwise, we go back at 2.
  5. If after 100 tries, we could not generate an ROCA with n reachable states, we return an ROCA such that the number of reachable states was maximal among the ones seen.

Results are written in a CSV file in the folder Results/Random/. The columns of the CSV file are as following:

  • "Target ROCA size" and "Alphabet size": the parameter for the random generation.
  • "Total time (ms)": the total time taken by the learning algorithm, in milliseconds.
  • "ROCA counterexample time (ms)" and "DFA counterexample time (ms)": the time needed to find counterexamples for the constructed ROCAs and DFAs, respectively, in milliseconds.
  • "Learning DFA time (ms)": the time needed to learn all the intermediate DFAs, in milliseconds.
  • "Table time (ms)": the time needed to make the table closed, Sigma-consistent, and bottom-consistent, in milliseconds.
  • "Finding descriptions (ms)": the time needed to compute the periodic descriptions of the the DFAs, in milliseconds.
  • "Membership queries", "Counter value queries", "Partial equivalence queries", "Equivalence queries": the number of asked queries.
  • "Rounds": the number of iterations of the main learning loops. Equals to the number of processed ROCAs counterexamples + 1.
  • "Openness", "Sigma-inconsistencies", "Bottom-inconsistencies": the number of resolved errors in the table.
  • "Mismatches": among the number of "Bottom-inconsistencies", gives the number of cases where a new "only for language" column was added.
  • "Length longest cex": the length of the longest counterexample, ROCA and DFA alike.
  • "|R|", "|S|", "|Ŝ \ S|": the number of short prefixes, classical suffixes (with counter values), and "only for language" suffixes (without counter values).
  • "# of bin rows": the number of short prefix rows that represent the bin state.
  • "Counter limit": the counter limit of the table at the end of the learning process.
  • "Result target size": the size of the learned ROCA.

JSON benchmarks

The JSON-based benchmarks aim to construct an ROCA accepting the same set of JSON documents than a given JSON Schema. In order to be able to learn a JSON Schema, some assumptions must be made:

  • Strings are equal to "\S", integers to "\I", and numbers to "\D".
  • For every key key of an object, "key" is considered a single input symbol in the alphabet.
  • The alphabet grows in size according to the new symbols present in the ROCA and DFA counterexamples.

The resulting ROCA's transitions match with these assumptions. That is, a JSON document must be abstracted the same way before being verified by the ROCA.

Results are written in a CSV file in the folder Results/JSON/. The columns are the same than for random benchmarks except that "Target ROCA size" and "Alphabet size" are removed, and "Result alphabet size" is added.

Build instructions

First, follow the build instructions from AutomataLib (at least version 0.11) and LearnLib (at least version 0.17). Run mvn clean install in the JSON directory to locally install the JSON-based part. Then, run mvn clean package in the benchmarks directory. A jar file including the dependencies will be produced in benchmarks/target.

Running random benchmarks

To run benchmarks based on randomly generated ROCAs, run java -jar benchmarks/target/rocabenchmarks-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar random {Timeout} {minROCASize} {maxROCASize} [minAlphabetSize [maxAlphabetSize [numberRepetitions]]] where:

  • {Timeout} is the time limit in seconds allowed for each learning process (i.e., for each generated ROCA). Mandatory argument.
  • {minROCASize} is the minimal ROCA size to consider for the random generation. Mandatory argument.
  • {maxROCASize} is the maximal ROCA size to consider for the random generation. Mandatory argument.
  • minAlphabetSize is the minimal alphabet size to consider for the random generation. Optional argument. Default value: 3.
  • maxAlphabetSize is the maximal alphabet size to consider for the random generation. Optional argument. Default value: 3.
  • nRepetitions is the number of ROCAs to generate by combination of ROCA size and alphabet size. Optional argument. Default value: 3.

Running JSON benchmarks

To run benchmarks based on JSON Schemas, run java -jar benchmarks/target/rocabenchmarks-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar json {Timeout} {filePath} [nTests [nRepetitions [shuffleKeys]]] where:

  • {Timeout} is the time limit in seconds allowed for each learning process (i.e., for each generated ROCA). Mandatory argument.
  • {filePath} is the path to the JSON Schema.
  • nTests is the number of tests to execute in the (partial) equivalence oracles. Default value: 1000.
  • nRepetitions is the number of times the experiment must be repeated. Default value: 1000.
  • shuffleKeys decides whether the keys of the objects must be shuffled. If false, the ROCA assumes a fixed order on the keys. That does not satisfy JSON Schema requirement but allows a faster learning algorithm. Default value: true.

Generating statistical data

This project also includes two Python 3 scripts to generate statistical figures from the results:

  • for random ROCA benchmarks.
  • for JSON benchmarks.

These scripts require pandas, numpy, and scipy to be installed.

  • For random benchmarks, run python3 {CSVFile} {Timeout} where {Timeout} must be equal to the time limit used for the benchmarks. Two files are produced in statistics/. One is a LaTeX table (requiring booktabs) listing the number of timeouts and out of memory errors by pair of alphabet and target ROCA size. The second file contains data that can be used by PGFPlots to display 3D surface plots.
  • For JSON benchmarks, the command is python3 {CSVFile} {Timeout} {Name}. A single file containing a LaTeX table is produced in statistics/{Name}.json.


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