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Combine python and yaml in a nice human readable yaml format. All the power of python with readability of YAML


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Overview of Features:

  • Combine python and YAML in a nice human readable format. All the power of python with readability of YAML;
  • Can automatically get pillar data and inject into state;
  • Non YAMLScript state files such as YAML, jinja2, and pyobjects can be included. Those state files will be injected into the YAMLScript template where their values can be read or even modified. And pre-processing on the state files, such a jinja2 template will automatically take place in advance. It can be as easy as just adding pillar data and run with no state file modifications except adding the !#yamlscript shebang (or appending it to an existing one);
  • Access to read / write to any state file value;
  • Requisites are automatically calculated just by using $with statement and nesting (indenting) other states below;
  • Test mode available to test state files against a test file before deployment;
  • Support for pyobjects' maps; YAML format available for creating them;
  • Tracking of error positions in python snippets that will display real line number error happened on in state file, compared to just a generic stack trace related to YAMLScript source files.


You must escape any scalar value that begins with a $ with another $ so to produce $4.19, escape like this: $$4.19.


  • Auto pillar mode is disabled by default. The yamlscript renderer will attempt to locate pillar data automatically based on the id of the state file when auto mode is enabled or individual state id is listed in the $pillars.enabled list.
  • The pillar structure must match state structure unless a state-side pillar map is set.
  • Place __pillar__ within an individual state to override any defaults.
  • A pillar alias may be used to shorten paths in pillar data, or when combining multiple types of state data within the same pillar data.


Note that any values set in pillar WILL override any defaults set within the state file with the exception of values set by python code.


state defaults <-- sls defaults <-- pillar data <-- generated code

The following is an example of shortening the pillar path:

pillar data (/srv/pillar/users/init.sls)

        gid: 400
        createhome: True
  • OR... shorten the pillar path and use an alias of user.user
      gid: 400
      createhome: True
  • OR... shorten the pillar path even more with an alias of None
    gid: 400
    createhome: True

Pillars state file declaration:

  auto: True|(False)
    - <state_id>
    - <state_id>
    - <state_id>
    - <state_id>: <pillar_id>
    - <state_id>.<state_name>: None|<path>

YAMLScript state file (/srv/salt/users/init.sls)


  auto: True
    - user.user: None
    - ssh

Pillar data (/srv/pillar/users/init.sls):

    gid: 400
    createhome: True
      save_keys: False


Every state can contain additional keys / value pairs to provide hints to the YAMLScript renderer's parser:


Override the supplied state id with scalar value. This is useful to prevent duplicate state id's when creating states dynamically:



Override auto, disabled and enabled declarations.

    __pillar__: True|False|<string>

True: Will attempt to merge pillar data

False: Will not attempt to merge pillar data

string: string value of the pillar_id to use (map)


An __alias__ declaration can be set to change the path to pillar_data. Only the path needs to be set since state_id and state_path can be obtained.

    __alias__: null
    __alias__: user.user

YAMLScript Commands:

Embed python script into YAML. Indent 4 spaces. Python can be embedded in multiple locations without fear of using a duplicate key.

All variables and functions created within the embedded python script is available to all states that follow the code which can be referenced from the state from within the scalar by starting the scalar with a dollar $ sign.

Likewise, the python script can directly set values to individual states by accessing them via dot notation via <state_id>.<state_name>.<key>.

Pillar data can be manually loaded and accessed by dot-notation so long as the pillar data is dictionary formed as well by updating the YAMLScript renderer:

Individual states can also access other state values in the same manner.

$python |
    # Update the YAMLScript renderer with manually obtained pillar
    # data.  The update command will return a dot.notation accessible
    # dictionary to allow convenient access as well as merge any pillar
    # data with the states within the SLS file based on pillar and
    # alias rules.
    pillar_data = pillar('custom_pillar, {})

    # Directly set the name of the group = 'apache'

    # Set gid so state can reference and use it
    gid = 3000

    - __id__: group_apache
    - name:   null
    # Use the value defined in python script for gid
    - gid:    $gid

    # Use the group name as Directly set in python as this state id
    - __id__: $'{0}_group'.format(

Iterate over some object. States may be included within the loop by indenting them:

# Loop through all groups provided in pillar and create dynamic states
# to create them
$for name in pillar('absent_groups', []):
      - __id__: $'{0}_absent_group'.format(name)
      - name:   $name
Allows any state indented below to become an automatic requisites which automatically sets the indented state to require the state.




Conditionals will only include indented state if conditions are met:

$if user.user.createhome and user.user.home is not None:
    - __id__:           $'{0}_user'.format(
    - name:             $user.user.home

Includes another state file and is not parsed by YAMLScript directly.

XXX: Provide more detailed explanation


Extend an existing state file. YAMLScript does not parse the file.

XXX: Provide more detailed explanation


Includes another state file and is parsed by YAMLScript directly. All states imported are directly able to be referenced.

XXX: Provide more detailed explanation

Explained above.
A test file can contain expected final highstate results that can be used to test and verify state files. See sample test files included with the YAMLScript formula for better understanding of usage.
defaults can be set as True or False. If True, all state fields are pre-populated with the states default variables and values which may be useful when using aliased (short) pillar names to prevent additional pillar data from being merged.

Just allows a nicely formatted YAML comment block. Future versions of YAMLScript will convert regular style comments starting with the pound/number sign # to $comment when loading the YAML and then convert back when dumping to allow regular comments to persist.

Normally comments are lost since they are not parsed and this would not be desired in some use cases.

YAMLScript Installation Notes:

  • Requires salt >= 2014.7.1
  • Documentation is not complete
  • Check out the users-yamlscript-formula for real world usage

YAMLScript contains a renderer and utils that must be moved to the correct location in salt base and then synced before use.

Here is an example of how to set things up assuming the yamlscript-formuala is located at /srv/salt-formulas/yamlscript-formula and the salt base is located at /srv/salt:

Checkout out to find out how to install formulas.

    - /srv/salt
    - /srv/salt-formulas/yamlscript-formula

Then YAMLScript modules need to be synced using one of the following:

salt-call --local saltutil.sync_all
salt-call --local state.highstate
salt '*' saltutil.sync_all
salt '*' state.highstate


Combine python and yaml in a nice human readable yaml format. All the power of python with readability of YAML





