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RestShaper is a project designed to generate API test cases off of swagger documents. The difference with RestShaper is that it seeks to learn the... well, shape of the REST API under test, and alert on changes to that shape. R Rather than generating cases purely at random, it aims to

  • give the user some "steering" for the test case generation
  • inform future test case generation with the results of previous tests

Getting started

RestShaper, at it's core, takes an API documentation, and calls into that API with semi-randomized input that matches the shape of the API docs.

To run with docker image or from the JAR

First you need a json config file. See test/kotlin/Resources/TestConfig/PetTest.json for an example file. It's argument match the configuration in The configuration in kotlin, except it does not include the generator functions. When using this run method you always use the default input/output generators.

The default generators take a swagger spec and output to a global variable or Json file. You just need to define:

  • the number of TOTAL cases to run. => numCases
  • the location of the swagger documentation(either a url or filepath). => swagger url
  • The list of endpoints to test. Defined by their methods and paths. Leave empty to test all endpoints in the swagger spec. => endpoints

example so you don't have to go all the way over to example file. It's a long walk:

 "numCases": 5,
 "swaggerLocation": "",
 "endpoints": [
     "method":  "POST",
     "path": "/pet"
     "method":  "GET",
     "path": "/pet/{petId}"

from jar

mvn clean package will build a jar in the target folder if you haven't downloaded it. You can then run the jar with java -jar target/RestShaper-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar [Config-file-path] See for an example.

from docker-compose

Put your config in test-config.json in the source root. You can copy test-config.example.json to start. Then, just run docker-compose up!

Remote docker image TBD.

As an api with docker compose

docker-compose -f docker-compose-api.yml up

Configuration in Kotlin

If you want a public kotlin interface, you can use the RestShaper Kotlin DSL to configure and run a test with one call! You can see examples in SimpleRunner.kt

       return runnerConfig {
           inputFunction = SimpleInputGenerator(numCases)::getInput  // You can add custom test gerators
           // If there are values you want every request to have you can set them in staticParams
           staticParams = StaticParams( 
               headers = mapOf("api_key" to "token"),
               pathParams = mapOf("petId" to 12313213)
               queryParams = mapOf("param" to "some value")
               cookies = mapOf("session" to "some session info")
           outputFunction = Results::saveToGlobal // You add a custom output function too
           endpointConfig = {
               swaggerUrl = "" // The url or file path of the swagger doc under test
               endpoints = listOf( // The list of all endpoints in swagger to test. 
                   GET to "/store/order/{orderId}"

Currently supported

  • Query parameter, path parameter, header, and request body generation
    • Currently, String, Integer, Decimal data types are supported.
  • Serialized results output in JSON

Coming soon

  • additional parameter data types
  • API call "chaining"
  • persistent result storage

Vocab and big picture tidbits

  • a "spec" IS A specification of how to generate values for test inputs for a piece of the request under test.
  • a "generator" IS A function that transforms information about the test (for example, an Endpoint spec or test results) to a new form for another area(for example, test query parameters or a results flat-file)

Starting kafka

To run without Kafka set environment variable USE_KAFKA = false

docker-compose -f kafka/docker-compose.kafka.yaml up -d --remove-orphans

start with topics

Docker desktop must be running

exec to container docker exec -it kafka bash

create topic ./usr/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --create --topic my-first-topic --partitions 3 --if-not-exists

list topics ./usr/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --list

describe topic ./usr/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --topic result-store --describe

produce message ./usr/bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic result-store --property parse.key=true --property key.separator=: < topic-input.txt

consume message docker exec -i kafka ./usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic result-body-store --property print.key=true --property key.separator=: --from-beginning


No description, website, or topics provided.






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