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Warren's simple CPU. It's purpose is solely to help Warren understand how to deal with block RAM/ROM which is clocked, as against RAM/ROM which is purely combinational. The high-level datapath design is:

  ROM -----------/---------------------
   ^        |        |        |       ^
   |        V        V        V       |
  8/        AR       IR       X-------+
   |        |        |
   |<-------+        V
   |              Decoder <--- uSeq

The CPU is microsequenced. On phase zero of each high-level instruction, IR is fetched from ROM[PC++] and uSeq is incremented. Further phases can: load the address register (AR), load the X register from ROM[PC] or ROM[AR], write the X register to ROM[AR], or write AR to PC (so as to jump the PC).

There are a few generic components: register, counter, memory. The main ROM has 256 8-bit locations; ditto the Decoder ROM. The low nibble of the IR is combined with the low nibble of the uSeq phase to index the Decoder ROM. Thus: only 16 possible high-level instructions, each of which can have up to 16 microinstructions. The current instructions are:

0 NOP: IRload PCincr         Do nothing except increment the PC
1 LCX: IRload PCincr         Load X with byte after instruction
       Xload uSreset
2 LDX: IRload PCincr         Load X with ROM[byte after instruction]
       ARload PCincr
       ARena Xload uSreset
3 STX: IRload PCincr         Store X to ROM[byte after instruction]
       ARload PCincr                 OK, so ROM is also RAM-like!
       ARena Xena uSreset
4 JMP: IRload PCincr         Jump: set PC's value to byte after instruction
       ARload PCincr
       ARena PCload uSreset

The rom.hex file has this short machine code program:

  00: LCX $23        01 23
  02: STX $40        03 40   Store 0x23 into memory location 0x40
  04: LCX $56        01 56
  06: STX $41        03 41   Store 0x56 into memory location 0x41
  08: JMP $0C        04 0C   Skip over some instructions
  0A: NOP            00
  0B: NOP            00
  0C: LDX $40        02 40   Load X from mem location 0x40, should get 0x23
  0E: LDX $41        02 41   Load X from mem location 0x41, should get 0x56
  10: NOP            00
  11: JMP $10        04 10   Jump back to the NOP at location 0x10

Update: Fixed the Problem

I was able to convert my memory module into a clocked version:

  output reg [7:0] result;      // Output memory's value
  reg [7:0] mem [0:255];        // Actual memory store
  always @(posedge i_clk) begin // Update internal value if wr_stb is high
    if (wr_stb)
      mem[address] <= data;
    result <= mem[address];     // Update result on each clock tick

To get the CPU to deal with the change, I changed the microsequences to provide some delays to give the memory ROM and Decode ROM time to propagate their outputs. Below are the new microsequences. The starred lines indicate the changes made.

0 NOP: IRload PCincr            Increment the PC, load the IR
       * do_nothing             (wait for the IR to be loaded)
       uSreset                  Reset the micosequencer

1 LCX: IRload PCincr            Increment the PC, load the IR
       * do_nothing             (wait for the IR to be loaded)
       Xload uSreset            Load the X register, reset the micosequencer

2 LDX: IRload PCincr            Increment the PC, load the IR
       * do_nothing             (wait for the IR to be loaded)
       ARload PCincr            Load the address reg, increment the PC
       * Arena                  Use the AR to index the ROM, wait for it
       Xload uSreset            Load the X register, reset the micosequencer

3 STX: IRload PCincr            Increment the PC, load the IR
       * do_nothing             (wait for the IR to be loaded)
       ARload PCincr            Load the address reg, increment the PC
       ARena Xena uSreset       Put X on the databus, write to ROM, reset uSeq

4 JMP: IRload PCincr            Increment the PC, load the IR
       * do_nothing             (wait for the IR to be loaded)
       ARload                   Load the address register
       ARena PCload uSreset     Load the PC from AR, reset the micosequencer


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