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aspangaro committed May 23, 2014
2 parents 0a67009 + 349d617 commit 22bd184
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Showing 291 changed files with 1,664 additions and 13,943 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion ChangeLog
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,15 @@ Fix: [ bug #1362 ] Note is not saved.
Fix: tr/td balance.
Fix: [ bug #1360 ] note indicator for member tab.
Fix: Nb of notes and doc not visible onto tasks.
Fix: [ bug #1372 ] Margin calculation does not work in proposals
Fix: [ bug #1372 ] Margin calculation does not work in proposals.
Fix: [ bug #1381 ] PHP Warning when listing stock transactions page.
Fix: [ bug #1367 ] "Show invoice" link after a POS sell throws an error.
Fix: TCPDF error file not found in member card generation.
Fix: [ bug #1380 ] Customer invoices are not grouped in company results report.
Fix: [ bug #1393 ] PHP Warning when creating a supplier invoice.
Fix: [ bug #1399 ] [pgsql] Silent warning when setting a propal as "facturée" in propal.php
Fix: When number reach 9999 with default numbering module, next number
will be 10000 instead of 0000 and error.

***** ChangeLog for 3.5.2 compared to 3.5.1 *****
Fix: Can't add user for a task.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build/exe/doliwamp/php.ini.install
Expand Up @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ upload_max_filesize = 2M

; Whether to allow the treatment of URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files.
allow_url_fopen = Off
allow_url_fopen = On

; Whether to allow include/require to open URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files.
allow_url_include = Off
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions build/rpm/dolibarr_fedora.spec
Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ done >>%{name}.lang
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions build/rpm/dolibarr_generic.spec
Expand Up @@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ done >>%{name}.lang
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions build/rpm/dolibarr_mandriva.spec
Expand Up @@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ done >>%{name}.lang
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions build/rpm/dolibarr_opensuse.spec
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ done >>%{name}.lang
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267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions dev/translation/strip_language_file.php
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
* strip_language_file.php
* (c) 2014 by FromDual GmbH, licensed under GPL v2
* Compares a secondary language translation file with its primary
* language file and strips redundant translations.
* Todo: Check if it works with multi byte (mb_*) character sets!
* Usage:
* cd htdocs/langs
* ../../dev/translation/strip_language_file.php <primary_lang_dir> <secondary_lang_dir> <languagefile.lang>
* Parameters:
* 1 - Primary Language
* 2 - Secondary Language
* Rules:
* secondary string == primary string -> strip
* secondary string redundant -> strip and warning
* secondary string not in primary -> strip and warning
* secondary string has no value -> strip and warning
* secondary string != primary string ->
* To rename all .delta fils, you can do
* for fic in `ls *.delta`; do f=`echo $fic | sed -e 's/\.delta//'`; echo $f; mv $ $f; done

* \file dev/translation/strip_language_file.php
* \ingroup dev
* \brief This script clean sub-languages from duplicate keys-values

$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
$script_file = basename(__FILE__);

// Test if batch mode
if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) == 'cgi') {
echo "Error: You are using PHP for CGI. To execute ".$script_file." from command line, you must use PHP for CLI mode.\n";

$rc = 0;

// Get and check arguments

$lPrimary = isset($argv[1])?$argv[1]:'';
$lSecondary = isset($argv[2])?$argv[2]:'';
$filesToProcess = isset($argv[3])?$argv[3]:'';

if (empty($lPrimary) || empty($lSecondary) || empty($filesToProcess))
$rc = 1;
$msg = '***** Script to clean language files *****'."\n";
$msg.= 'Usage: ../../dev/translation/strip_language_file.php xx_XX xx_YY [file.lang|all]'."\n";
print $msg . "(rc=$rc).\n";

$aPrimary = array();
$aSecondary = array();

// Define array $filesToProcess
if ($filesToProcess == 'all')
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($lPrimary);
while($dir->valid()) {
if(!$dir->isDot() && $dir->isFile() && ! preg_match('/^\./',$dir->getFilename())) {
$files[] = $dir->getFilename();
else $filesToProcess=explode(',',$filesToProcess);

// Arguments should be OK here.

// Loop on each file
foreach($filesToProcess as $fileToProcess)
$lPrimaryFile = $lPrimary.'/'.$fileToProcess;
$lSecondaryFile = $lSecondary.'/'.$fileToProcess;
$output = $lSecondaryFile . '.delta';

print "---- Process language file ".$lSecondaryFile."\n";

if ( ! is_readable($lPrimaryFile) ) {
$rc = 2;
$msg = "Cannot read primary language file $lPrimaryFile.";
print $msg . " (rc=$rc).\n";

if ( ! is_readable($lSecondaryFile) ) {
$rc = 3;
$msg = "Cannot read secondary language file $lSecondaryFile. We discard this file.";
print $msg . "\n";

// Start reading and parsing Secondary

if ( $handle = fopen($lSecondaryFile, 'r') )
print "Read Secondary File $lSecondaryFile:\n";
$cnt = 0;
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false)

// strip comments
if ( preg_match("/^\w*#/", $line) ) {
// strip empty lines
if ( preg_match("/^\w*$/", $line) ) {

$a = mb_split('=', trim($line), 2);
if ( count($a) != 2 ) {
print "ERROR in file $lSecondaryFile, line $cnt: " . trim($line) . "\n";

list($key, $value) = $a;

// key is redundant
if ( array_key_exists($key, $aSecondary) ) {
print "Key $key is redundant in file $lSecondaryFile (line: $cnt).\n";

// String has no value
if ( $value == '' ) {
print "Key $key has no value in file $lSecondaryFile (line: $cnt).\n";

$aSecondary[$key] = trim($value);
if ( ! feof($handle) )
$rc = 5;
$msg = "Unexpected fgets() fail";
print $msg . " (rc=$rc).\n";
else {
$rc = 6;
$msg = "Cannot open file $lSecondaryFile";
print $msg . " (rc=$rc).\n";

// Start reading and parsing Primary. See rules in header!


if ( $handle = fopen($lPrimaryFile, 'r') )
if ( ! $oh = fopen($output, 'w') )
print "ERROR in writing to file $output\n";

print "Read Primary File $lPrimaryFile and write ".$output.":\n";

fwrite($oh, "# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - ".(preg_replace('/\.lang$/','',$fileToProcess))."\n");

$cnt = 0;
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false)

// strip comments
if ( preg_match("/^\w*#/", $line) ) {
// strip empty lines
if ( preg_match("/^\w*$/", $line) ) {

$a = mb_split('=', trim($line), 2);
if ( count($a) != 2 ) {
print "ERROR in file $lPrimaryFile, line $cnt: " . trim($line) . "\n";

list($key, $value) = $a;

// key is redundant
if ( array_key_exists($key, $aPrimary) ) {
print "Key $key is redundant in file $lPrimaryFile (line: $cnt) - Already found into ".$fileFirstFound[$key]." (line: ".$lineFirstFound[$key].").\n";
$fileFirstFound[$key] = $fileToProcess;
$lineFirstFound[$key] = $cnt;

// String has no value
if ( $value == '' ) {
print "Key $key has no value in file $lPrimaryFile (line: $cnt).\n";

$aPrimary[$key] = trim($value);
$fileFirstFound[$key] = $fileToProcess;
$lineFirstFound[$key] = $cnt;

// ----- Process output now -----

// Key not in other file
if (in_array($key, $arrayofkeytoalwayskeep) || preg_match('/^FormatDate/',$key) || preg_match('/^FormatHour/',$key))
//print "Key $key is a key we always want to see into secondary file (line: $cnt).\n";
else if ( ! array_key_exists($key, $aSecondary))
//print "Key $key does NOT exist in secondary language (line: $cnt).\n";

// String exists in both files and does not match
if ((! empty($aSecondary[$key]) && $aSecondary[$key] != $aPrimary[$key]) || in_array($key, $arrayofkeytoalwayskeep) || preg_match('/^FormatDate/',$key) || preg_match('/^FormatHour/',$key))
//print "Key $key differs so we add it into new secondary language (line: $cnt).\n";
fwrite($oh, $key."=".(empty($aSecondary[$key])?$aPrimary[$key]:$aSecondary[$key])."\n");
if ( ! feof($handle) ) {
$rc = 7;
$msg = "Unexpected fgets() fail";
print $msg . " (rc=$rc).\n";
else {
$rc = 8;
$msg = "Cannot open file $lPrimaryFile";
print $msg . " (rc=$rc).\n";

print "Output can be found at $output.\n";

return 0;
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion dev/translation/
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,13 @@ then
echo "This pull remote transifex files to local dir."
echo "Note: If you pull a language file (not source), file will be skipped if local file is newer."
echo " Using -f will overwrite local file (does not work with 'all')."
echo "Usage: (all|xx_XX) [-r dolibarr.file] [-f]"
echo "Usage: ./dev/translation/ (all|xx_XX) [-r dolibarr.file] [-f]"

if [ ! -d ".tx" ]
echo "Script must be ran from root directory of project with command ./dev/translation/"

Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion dev/translation/
Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,15 @@ then
echo "This push local files to transifex."
echo "Note: If you push a language file (not source), file will be skipped if transifex file is newer."
echo " Using -f will overwrite translation but not memory."
echo "Usage: (source|all|xx_XX) [-r dolibarr.file] [-f] [--no-interactive]"
echo "Usage: ./dev/translation/ (source|all|xx_XX) [-r dolibarr.file] [-f] [--no-interactive]"

if [ ! -d ".tx" ]
echo "Script must be ran from root directory of project with command ./dev/translation/"

if [ "x$1" = "xall" ]
Expand Down

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