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ResNet50 image feature extraction and label prediction with docker

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Docker Automated build

ResNet 50 inside Docker

Easily extract image features from ResNet50 pre-trained on ImageNet. Or just use it in prediction mode to get labels for input images. Or even better, produce heatmaps to identify the location of objects in images.


Clone this repo and run the bin/ as well as bin/ scripts.

  • bin/ with extract ImageNet predictions for all images in this repository's data folder. The will appear in the output folder.
  • bin/ will train a custom clasification head for a cat vs no-cat classifier. It's weights will appear in custom_heads/reference_model/weights and for fitting, the code in custom_heads/reference_model/methods/ will be used.

How to use

With little to no customization and no installation, you can extract information from images using a pre-trained ResNet model. Mount images into a Docker container and specify what you want to generate. You can run this image in two different modes: extraction and training.

Extraction allows you to apply the model to images to extract information. By default, pre-trained ImageNet weights will be used to initialize ResNet. You can use customly trained classification heads though (more on that later). As output of the extraction, you can either get class labels of the final classification layer or feature maps from the layer before the classification layer. The latter allow to create nice heatmaps to locate objects.

Sometimes you want to apply ResNet with your own class labels. To do that, you can train a custom classification head with your own labeled data. Run this image in training mode to do so. This will first extract feature maps from ResNet with ImageNet weights. These will be fed into a simple Keras model acting as your custom classification head. This model will be saved for later use in extractions.


The extraction script will look for images in the directory /data inside the container. Mount your data folder accordingly. You can specify a file extension of your images (e.g., .jpg). The script will search recursively for images of that file type.

Outputs of the extraction script will be written to /output inside the container. Thus, you should mount a host folder there as well to persist outputs. Extraction generates two files. One is prefixed index_resnet50 and contains a numpy array of image names. The other is prefixed extractions_resnet50 and contains the main extraction output (i.e., class labels or feature maps).

You can pass a number of options to the extraction script:

  • -head (default = 'imagenet'): One of 'imagenet', 'custom' and 'none'. Defines how the final layer(s) of the model should be like. Use 'imagenet' for standard ImageNet classification. Use 'custom' for a customized model you creating with the training script. Or use 'none' to extract feature maps without a final layer.
  • -fcn (default = False): Either True or False. If True, model will be converted into a fully convolutional version. As a result, you can feed it images of any size and it will apply the model to all 224x224 subframes of the image. Suitable to create heatmaps of any size, either of class labels or feature maps.
  • -e (default = 'jpg'): Can be any string. Defines the file extension of images.
  • -hs (default = 224): Can be any integer. Defined the height to which all images will be resized.
  • -ws (default = 224): Can be any integer. Defined the width to which all images will be resized.

Here is an example of how to start a container to extract a class label heatmap from a customly trained classification head:

docker run --rm \
           -it \
           -v $DATA_DIR:/data \
           -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/output \
           dominicbreuker/resnet_50_docker:latest \
           /bin/sh -c "python /resnet_50/ -e jpg -w imagenet_refined -fcn True -head True -hs 300 -ws 300"

Training custom classification heads

Like the extraction script, the training script will look for images in /data. Inside this folder, create one subfolder per class with corresponding images inside. The script first looks for extracted features in /output. If it does not find them, it will create features using the extractor. Then it will train a custom classification head and put it's weights into /resnet_50/model/custom_model/weights. Make sure to mount a host directory here to which the weights shall be saved.

Fitting is very basic and should be customized. You can do so by mounting your own model compiling and fitting code to /resnet_50/model/custom_model/methods. The default code should give you an idea how to customize. It looks like this:

from keras.models import Model

class Compiler(object):
    def __init__(self, custom_head):
        self.custom_head = custom_head

    def compile(self, feature_input, output):
        model = Model(input=feature_input, output=output)
        model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy',
        return model

class Fitter(object):
    def __init__(self, custom_head):
        self.custom_head = custom_head

    def fit(self, model, X, y):
        latest_weights_file = self.custom_head._latest_weights_file()
        if latest_weights_file is not None:
            self.custom_head.load_weights_into(model, False), y)

Like for extracting, you also have to specify the file extension of images and their height and width. For example, you can use the script as follows:

docker run --rm \
           -it \
           -v $DATA_DIR:/data \
           -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/output \
           -v $CUSTOM_MODEL_DIR:/resnet_50/model/custom_model/weights \
           -v $CUSTOM_COMPILE_FIT_DIR:/resnet_50/model/custom_model/methods \
           dominicbreuker/resnet_50_docker:latest \
           /bin/sh -c "python /resnet_50/ -e jpg"

To extract outputs of this custom classification head, just mount the $CUSTOM_MODEL_DIR during extraction and set the flag -head to custom. The script will then use the custom head and load the most recently created weights file. For instance, run the following command to create heatmaps with your custom head:

docker run --rm \
           -it \
           -v $DATA_DIR:/data \
           -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/output \
           -v $CUSTOM_MODEL_DIR:/resnet_50/model/custom_model \
           dominicbreuker/resnet_50_docker:latest \
           /bin/sh -c "python /resnet_50/ -e jpg -head custom -fcn True -hs 300 -ws 300"

Additional details


To see if you are using the weights correctly, check out /resnet_50/model/ It will apply ResNet with pure ImageNet weights and a custom model to images in /resnet_50/model/test_images/*.jpg to create predictions and heatmaps. This script is run during the Docker image build to verify predictions are reasonable.

Sources of test images:


ResNet50 image feature extraction and label prediction with docker






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