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Empires is the prototype of a round-based strategy game which the player can control through an interactive dialogue with a chatbot.


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Part of the Master in Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg

Course: Dialogue Systems (LT2216)

Assignment: Final project

Empires is the prototype of a round-based strategy game which the player can control through an interactive dialogue with a chatbot. Hereby, the player can use natural language to express their moves while the game can respond, clarify or execute the proper action with variability. The whole game is implemented in React, using the XState framework to control the game flow. Voice is transcribed and generated through Microsoft Azure services and subsequently parsed with the help of Rasa.

How to play

The game can be played on The website needs permission to access the microphone.

The goal of the game is to defeat the bases of the three enemy (AI) empires. For this the player needs to move their own units strategically over the board towards the enemy bases and attack it. The enemy units try to prevent this.

Every round, the player can perform one action with each unit and train a new unit (if none is already trained). Each unit can either attack another unit or move to another tile on the board whereas every type of unit has its own strengths and weaknesses (following the rock, paper, scissors principle):

Unit Move distance Strong against Weak against
Archer 2 Spearman Horseman
Spearman 2 Horseman Archer
Horseman 3 Archer Spearman

Depending on the attacked enemy, the unit deals double, normal or half the damage. After the player chose an action for all units, the remaining empires are playing their rounds (currently random actions).

Voice commands

The commands can be expressed in many different ways. The player can for instance use different names for the units (e.g. horseman, cavalry, ...), give information turn by turn, or correct themselves.

To move a unit, among others the following utterances are possible:

  • Move the horseman to A4
  • Move the knight - Where do you want to move it? - Move it to B3.
  • Place it on C3. - Which unit? - Nevermind.

Apart from moving a unit, attacking a unit and training a unit, the player can also

  • skip the turn,
  • ask how far a unit can move,
  • ask what moves are possible with a unit and optionally approve the game's proposal
  • and ask what is the current turn

The game will then answer the questions, clarify missing information or execute the requested action while acknowledging it. In case the player doesn't say anything for some time, the game proposes a random action which the player can approve. To decrease repetitiveness, the game chooses from several utterances for each option.

See for more details on the commands.


The game is developed in React and mainly based on the XState framework. The speech recognition and generation is built on Speechstate by vladmaraev, which uses the Microsoft Azure Speech Services for Speech-to-text and Text-to-Speech. After the utterances by the player are turned into text, they are passed to a Rasa server to extract Intents and Entities. Depending on these, the game transitions into different states, to for example request more information or execute the commands.

How to run the game locally

To run the game locally, the following things need to be set up:

Rasa server


Microsoft Azure Speech services

Create a speech service in a resource group in the Azure portal. Save the KEY 1.

Local server

Install yarn and clone this repository. Adapt the homepage in the package.json to e.g. http://localhost/empires.

Copy the .env.example to .env and add the following variable:

  • Microsoft Azure Speech Service KEY 1 as REACT_APP_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY
  • URL for the Rasa server as REACT_APP_RASA_SERVER
  • URL of the lexicon as REACT_APP_TTS_LEXICON (e.g. http://localhost/empires/lexicon.xml)

If you used another region in the Microsoft Azure Speech Service, this needs to be adapted in TOKEN_ENDPOINT and REGION constants in src/machines/SpeecRecognitionMachine.ts

Install all dependencies and run the local server with the following commands:

yarn install
yarn start


Empires is the prototype of a round-based strategy game which the player can control through an interactive dialogue with a chatbot.





