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Releases: Donkie/Spoolman


20 Sep 19:42
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Minor fixes for 0.12


  • Fixed API returning all items if an empty filter is combined with a non-empty one
  • Improved API documentation regarding empty filter specification

Web client

  • Fixed client not handling empty fields filtering correctly

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1


20 Sep 18:43
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  • Added ability to fully sort, filter and limit the "find" GET requests for spools, filaments and vendors. Filtering was previously possible but the naming convention for the query parameters caused ambiguitiy issues so they were renamed. The old query parameters are kept but now deprecated.
  • Added the X-Total-Count response header for knowing the length of the full response incase it was limited.
  • Added a few simple GET endpoints for getting aggregated lists of data, for example, all materials.
  • If you now specify an empty query parameter like ?, you will only get filaments with no name set in the response, instead of getting filaments by any name.
  • Added git commit and build date to the info GET API.
  • Added the initial workings of a websocket notification API for spools. Simply replace the scheme from http:// to ws:// on the GET spool API and you will receive a message every time that spool changes. The message contains the full spool data. This API is experimental and subject to change.
  • Added missing timezone identifier in datetime responses.

Web client

  • All lists now uses the new server-side filtering, sorting and pagination. That means the client doesn't need to download and juggle around all spools just to show a single page of them, which will make the UI more responsive on slower devices. Also this means less data needs to be transferred.
  • Fixed print dialog producing empty pages.
  • Added ability to specify spool weight by measured weight that takes the spool weight into account. By @TomW1605
  • Updated number formatting in inputs. You can now use either period or comma without any locale issues.
  • Added Polish, Chinese and Russian translations. Also updates to German to support the latest updates. Many thanks to the community for this!

Pull Requests

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0


13 Aug 10:27
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Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0

Some minor quick fixes that popped up from last release

Web client

  • Added ability to specify custom paper sizes in the QR printing dialog
  • Added filament link in spool show page, and vendor link in filament show page
  • Fixed the camera not closing properly after closing the QR scanner dialog
  • Sorted the filament and vendor drop downs alphabetically


12 Aug 20:54
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  • Added support for alpha channel in the color_hex field for filaments

Web client

  • Added QR code/label printing tool for printing spool information on label sheets.
    • The QR code contents is a new custom URL format, web+spoolman:s-123, where the number is the spool ID.
  • Added camera button that can parse the custom QR code, which opens the spool page. Due to security reasons, the camera only works if your Spoolman is hosted with https.
  • Enabled search in the vendor/filament dropdowns in the create/edit pages.
  • URLs added to comments are now clickable.
  • Made decimals more consistent throughout the client.
  • Save/delete notification popups now appear in the center of the screen instead of top-right so it doesn't block as much of the view.
  • Changing transparency for the filament color field now works properly.

Community Contributions

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.10.0


14 Jul 17:23
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Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1


  • Fixed all spools being considered archived by default in the GET spools request.

Web client

  • No changes


14 Jul 13:18
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Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0


  • Added new archived field to spools. Archived spools will be hidden from the GET spools request unless allow_archived is set to true.
  • Enabled gzip compression in response if the request headers allow it.

Web client

  • Added show/hide columns feature to all tables. Some columns like diameter and density are hidden by default.
  • Added missing columns to filament and spool tables.
  • Added full localization (translation) support to the web client. Currently fully translated to English and Swedish. Only some stuff are translated to German. See the translation guide if you want to contribute!
  • Added support for archiving spools.
  • Improved code packaging, pages should load a lot faster now.
  • Disabled Refine telemetry.


10 Jul 11:05
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Full Changelog: 0.7.0...v0.8.0


  • BREAKING: Backup API endpoint now returns 500 on failure instead of using the "status" field. The status field has been removed.
  • Removed 404 response from some API endpoint descriptions where it would never happen.
  • Now fully supports specifying negative weight/length consumption in the spool use_* endpoints
  • Added used_length and remaining_length fields in the spool response. These are computed on-the-go from the used_weight values.'
  • Added a new /info API endpoint to get some general info about Spoolman, such as it's version and some configuration settings.
  • Switched to PDM for package management
  • Now prints Spoolman's version on startup in log
  • Improved logging for scheduled backup run

Web client

  • Added a colored spool icon to the spool/filament lists to show the specified color value
  • Added a version text at the bottom of the page
  • Clarified the help text regarding filament weight / filament spool weight


06 Jul 21:42
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Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.7.0


  • Added SQLite backup system
    • By default it performs a nightly backup, can be disabled by the environment variable SPOOLMAN_AUTOMATIC_BACKUP
    • Backups can also be triggered manually using the new backup API endpoint
    • Hard-coded to keep 5 backup copies
  • Fixed some code requiring newer than Python 3.9 to run
  • Added a health-check endpoint
  • Unified the format of some of the logging prints
  • You can no longer set SPOOLMAN_DB_NAME if you specified a SQLite database since that made little sense

Web client

  • Added ability to sort and filter columns
  • Improved pagination
  • Fixed error if you tried to clone a filament that had no vendor set
  • Improved filament label in drop down for spool create/edit


30 Jun 21:07
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Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.0


  • Datetimes in requests with timezones are now correctly handled
  • Clarified that datetime responses are in UTC
  • 404 errors are now a bit more descriptive
  • Added extra check when consuming spool filament to see if the spool has a filament assigned to it
  • SQLite databases now handle many more concurrent requests correctly

Web client

  • Fixed first/last used times showing a bogus value for spools which haven't been used yet
  • Added clone buttons for all item types
  • More accurate timezone handling
  • Locale specific comma behaviour for numbers is now correct


03 Jun 19:48
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Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.5.0

  • arm/v7 (raspberry pi) Docker builds
  • Color picker for the new color field in the client