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Installing and running this repo

  • Install the dependencies in this repo with yarn. I left husky in rather than adding it to the .gitignore file as the transition from v4-v5 occurred about a week ago (now shell scripted rather than written as a hook in package.json).

Many Thanks to Stargazers tossing this repo stars(⭐)

Stargazers repo roster for @DopamineDriven/nextjs-analytics

Use Snoowrap api for node

Reddit App policy change

  • On the weekend of March 12th, Reddit changed their app policy and disallow any apps containing the name reddit in them now. Therefore I had to generate new credentials when working with a root oauth_config.json file

oauth_config.json conundrum

  • The oauth_config.json file, when contained in the root, has the following values:
	"client_id": "xxxxxxxx",
	"client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.152 Safari/537.36"
  • note how the above values differ from the credentials initially provided? Namely, the client_id and client_secret values. The alteration of the pattern for these raw values may be reflective of the shift in Reddit's policy.


  • That said, to execute the test/index.test.tsx test successfully, this root json file must be added. After adding the file, make the following changes to the lib/snoo-config.ts file
import snoowrap, { SnoowrapOptions } from 'snoowrap';
import secrets from '../oauth_config.json';
const snoowrapOptions: SnoowrapOptions = {
	clientId: secrets.client_id,
	clientSecret: secrets.client_secret,
	userAgent: secrets.user_agent,
	refreshToken: secrets.refresh_token
export const r = new snoowrap(snoowrapOptions);
  • Finally, import the json file into pages/_app.tsx as follows
import '../styles/index.css';
import '../styles/chrome-bug.css';
import 'keen-slider/keen-slider.min.css';
import '../oauth_config.json';
// ...
  • While this does allow page-level tests to execute successfully, it interferes with getInitialProps. My next step is to incorporate getInitProps in the _app file in an effort to resolve this problem (it also causes vercel builds to fail).

  • To get your unique NEXT_PUBLIC_USER_AGENT, follow the instructions found here in the official Next documentation

Jest Quirks

  • The tests in this repo reside in the root test directory. That said, there are some quirks associated with configuring the test suite to run perfectly. Therefore, I will outline how to configure a testing environment since the snoowrap library complicates things with its oauth_info.json file required for testing. The presence of this file alters the behavior of the snoowrap fetcher. I spent my Saturday and Sunday evenings trying to resolve how exactly my serializations/deserializations in index.tsx and /r/[display_name].tsx were no longer acceptable. It left me a bit baffled, so I grapped the most recent working version from just before adding said config file to the root. I have not added it since yet mimicked all the other changes I made globally. The app still functions as intended, thought it is a bit peculiar that it is throwing an error about Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0 in JSON only in the presence of said configuration file 🤔
  • This leaves me to believe that it must be a getIntialProps issue, and that having this config file be scooped up by _app and lib/snoo-config alike delays the init population of these values, even if only by 50-100ms.

JEST UPDATE -- 04/15/21

  • simply add this code to the top of the test/testUtil.ts file for seamless .env.testing support
import { loadEnvConfig } from '@next/env';

export default async () => {
	const projectDir = process.cwd();

Compiling code

  • To compile the code, run
yarn build
  • To compile the code and generated server/client bundles in the browser to analyze, run
yarn analyze
  • To run tests, run
yarn test
  • To run linting, type checking, and tests, run
yarn test-all
  • To replicate a vercel production environment locally, run
yarn vercel dev
  • To execute all of the husky-mediated precommit tasks, run
git add . && git commit -m "message"

Notes about this project

  • Syncing audio with video proved to be a difficult task, which is evident upon inspection of the root file


  • I attempted many methods regarding pagination, everything from custom approaches to SWR hooks to smuggling a fetchMore handler from getStaticProps into the client -- none of which succeeded when using getStaticProps+ISR -- something I was determined to achieve. However. I am currently implementing a SSR approach using react-pagination and that should be live soon (the latter being the method defaulted to for the sake of simplicity).
  • That said, I was able to achieve "pagination" with Keen Slider, though that made for a less than ideal UX especially on mobile as all 10 of the displayed posts could be swiped from side to side, often with little effort. If you import Keenslider into pages/r/[display_name].tsx and wrap the submissions as follows
	display_name_prefixed={'/' + p.display_name_prefixed}
	description={p.description ?? ''}
	<LoadMore />
  • then you should be able to achieve the same result with minimal tweaking to the css. I have used keen slider in other projects before but most frequently for things such as testimonials as opposed to 10 vertically aligned posts.

  • Chances are good that I will resolve pagination over the next days or so as I was close with one custom method in particular but ran out of time. The reason snooSubmissions.tsx is still there is because it does indeed return data for more submissions, I've embedded it using <pre></pre> tags at the bottom of subreddits and confirmed it's in working order via Postman. The challenge therein being that it was necessary to switch fallback from true to blocking to avoid a getInitialProps mediated error on initial render.

  • The types/json.ts file are helper typedefs I put together to resolve passing JSON from server to client in a typescript environment

  • as you can see in the screenshot below, the white block of text is the serverside-consolodiated serialized/jsonified/noundefined mass whereas the green output is the clientside recipient deserializing that same mass back into its original form


  • In retrospect, I might approach this project with an apollo microserver and apollo client since (a) that's my comfort zone and (b) the reddit api proved less organized than anticipated, so I ended up making custom types regardless. I am glad, however, that I was able to explore handling JSON data in a typescript environment this intricately. The notion of fully utilizing the getStaticProps mediated donation of data from the server to the client via inferring getStaticProps in a more hands-on way intrigued me. That was ultimately my favorite part of this exercise, and it showed in the analytics as far as bundle size and time to first paint are concerned.
