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Enable the run command's fallback file by default
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By default, the fallback file will be written to the user's configuration directory.
Files downloaded with the `enclave secrets download` command can also now be used as fallback files.
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Piccirello committed Jan 18, 2020
1 parent 2bff5c8 commit bd50580
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Showing 3 changed files with 149 additions and 37 deletions.
146 changes: 111 additions & 35 deletions pkg/cmd/run.go
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Expand Up @@ -16,19 +16,25 @@ limitations under the License.
package cmd

import (


// DefaultFallbackDir path to the default fallback dir
var DefaultFallbackDir string

var runCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "run [command]",
Short: "Run a command with secrets injected into the environment",
Expand All @@ -40,16 +46,38 @@ doppler run -- printenv
doppler run --token=123 -- printenv`,
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
enableFallback := !utils.GetBoolFlag(cmd, "no-fallback")
fallbackReadonly := utils.GetBoolFlag(cmd, "fallback-readonly")
fallbackOnly := utils.GetBoolFlag(cmd, "fallback-only")
fallbackPath := utils.GetFilePath(cmd.Flag("fallback").Value.String(), "")
exitOnWriteFailure := !utils.GetBoolFlag(cmd, "no-exit-on-write-failure")
localConfig := configuration.LocalConfig(cmd)

if cmd.Flags().Changed("fallback") && fallbackPath == "" {
fallbackPath := ""
if cmd.Flags().Changed("fallback") {
fallbackPath = utils.GetFilePath(cmd.Flag("fallback").Value.String(), "")
} else {
fallbackPath = defaultFallbackFile(localConfig.EnclaveProject.Value, localConfig.EnclaveConfig.Value)
if enableFallback && !utils.Exists(DefaultFallbackDir) {
err := os.Mkdir(DefaultFallbackDir, 0700)
if err != nil && exitOnWriteFailure {
utils.HandleError(err, "Unable to create directory for fallback file", strings.Join(writeFailureMessage(), "\n"))
if fallbackPath == "" {
utils.HandleError(errors.New("invalid fallback file path"), "")

localConfig := configuration.LocalConfig(cmd)
secrets := getSecrets(cmd, localConfig, fallbackPath, fallbackReadonly, fallbackOnly)
if !enableFallback {
flags := []string{"fallback", "fallback-only", "fallback-readonly", "no-exit-on-write-failure"}
for _, flag := range flags {
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flag) {
utils.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Warning: --%s has no effect when the fallback file is disabled", flag))

secrets := getSecrets(cmd, localConfig, enableFallback, fallbackPath, fallbackReadonly, fallbackOnly, exitOnWriteFailure)

env := os.Environ()
excludedKeys := []string{"PATH", "PS1", "HOME"}
Expand All @@ -74,67 +102,115 @@ doppler run --token=123 -- printenv`,

func getSecrets(cmd *cobra.Command, localConfig models.ScopedOptions, fallbackPath string, fallbackReadonly bool, fallbackOnly bool) map[string]string {
useFallbackFile := (fallbackPath != "")
if useFallbackFile && fallbackOnly {
func getSecrets(cmd *cobra.Command, localConfig models.ScopedOptions, enableFallback bool, fallbackPath string, fallbackReadonly bool, fallbackOnly bool, exitOnWriteFailure bool) map[string]string {
fetchSecrets := !(enableFallback && fallbackOnly)
if !fetchSecrets {
return readFallbackFile(fallbackPath)

response, err := http.GetSecrets(localConfig.APIHost.Value, utils.GetBool(localConfig.VerifyTLS.Value, true), localConfig.Token.Value, localConfig.EnclaveProject.Value, localConfig.EnclaveConfig.Value)
if err != (http.Error{}) {
if useFallbackFile {
response, httpErr := http.DownloadSecrets(localConfig.APIHost.Value, utils.GetBool(localConfig.VerifyTLS.Value, true), localConfig.Token.Value, localConfig.EnclaveProject.Value, localConfig.EnclaveConfig.Value, true)
if httpErr != (http.Error{}) {
if enableFallback {
utils.LogDebug("Failed to fetch secrets from the API")
return readFallbackFile(fallbackPath)
utils.HandleError(err.Unwrap(), err.Message)
utils.HandleError(httpErr.Unwrap(), httpErr.Message)

if useFallbackFile && !fallbackReadonly {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(fallbackPath, response, 0600)
if err != nil {
utils.HandleError(err, "Unable to write fallback file")
// ensure the response can be parsed before proceeding
secrets, err := parseSecrets(response)
if err != nil {
if enableFallback {
utils.LogDebug("Failed to parse the API response")
return readFallbackFile(fallbackPath)
utils.HandleError(err, "Unable to parse API response")

secrets, parseErr := models.ParseSecrets(response)
if parseErr != nil {
utils.HandleError(parseErr, "Unable to parse API response")
writeFallbackFile := enableFallback && !fallbackReadonly
if writeFallbackFile {
utils.LogDebug(fmt.Sprintf("Writing to fallback file %s", fallbackPath))
err := ioutil.WriteFile(fallbackPath, response, 0600)
if err != nil {
utils.LogDebug("Failed to write to fallback file")
if exitOnWriteFailure {
utils.HandleError(err, "Unable to write fallback file", strings.Join(writeFailureMessage(), "\n"))
} else {
utils.LogDebug("Not exiting due to --no-exit-on-write-failure flag")

secretsStrings := map[string]string{}
for key, value := range secrets {
secretsStrings[key] = value.ComputedValue
return secrets

return secretsStrings
func writeFailureMessage() []string {
var msg []string

msg = append(msg, "")
msg = append(msg, color.Green.Render("Why did doppler exit?"))
msg = append(msg, "Doppler failed to make a local backup of your secrets, known as a fallback file.")
msg = append(msg, "The most common cause for this is insufficient permissions, including trying to use a fallback file created by a different user.")
msg = append(msg, "")
msg = append(msg, color.Green.Render("Why does this matter?"))
msg = append(msg, "Without the fallback file, your secrets would be inaccessible in the event of a network outage or Doppler downtime.")
msg = append(msg, "This could mean your development is blocked, or it could mean that your production services can't start up.")
msg = append(msg, "")
msg = append(msg, color.Green.Render("What should I do now?"))
msg = append(msg, "1. You can change the location of the fallback file using the '--fallback' flag.")
msg = append(msg, "2. You can attempt to debug and fix the local error causing the write failure.")
msg = append(msg, "3. You can choose to ignore this error using the '--no-exit-on-write-failure' flag, but be forewarned that this is probably a really bad idea.")
msg = append(msg, "")
msg = append(msg, "Run 'doppler run --help' for more info.")
msg = append(msg, "")

return msg

func readFallbackFile(path string) map[string]string {
utils.Log("Using fallback file")
utils.Log("Reading secrets from fallback file " + path)

if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
utils.HandleError(errors.New("The fallback file does not exist"))

utils.HandleError(err, "Unable to read fallback file")

response, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
utils.HandleError(err, "Unable to read fallback file")

secrets, err := models.ParseSecrets(response)
secrets, err := parseSecrets(response)
if err != nil {
utils.HandleError(err, "Unable to parse fallback file")

secretsStrings := map[string]string{}
for key, value := range secrets {
secretsStrings[key] = value.ComputedValue
return secrets

func parseSecrets(response []byte) (map[string]string, error) {
secrets := map[string]string{}
err := json.Unmarshal(response, &secrets)
return secrets, err

return secretsStrings
func defaultFallbackFile(project string, config string) string {
fileName := fmt.Sprintf(".run-%s.json", utils.Hash(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", project, config)))
return filepath.Join(DefaultFallbackDir, fileName)

func init() {
DefaultFallbackDir = filepath.Join(configuration.UserConfigDir, "fallback")

runCmd.Flags().StringP("project", "p", "", "enclave project (e.g. backend)")
runCmd.Flags().StringP("config", "c", "", "enclave config (e.g. dev)")

runCmd.Flags().String("fallback", "", "write secrets to this file after connecting to Doppler. secrets will be read from this file if future connection attempts are unsuccessful.")
runCmd.Flags().Bool("fallback-readonly", false, "do not update or modify the fallback file. [requires --fallback]")
runCmd.Flags().Bool("fallback-only", false, "do not request secrets from Doppler. all secrets will be read directly from the fallback file. [requires --fallback]")

runCmd.Flags().String("fallback", "", "write secrets to this file after connecting to Doppler. secrets will be read from this file if subsequent connections are unsuccessful.")
runCmd.Flags().Bool("no-fallback", false, "do not read or write a fallback file")
runCmd.Flags().Bool("fallback-readonly", false, "do not create or modify the fallback file")
runCmd.Flags().Bool("fallback-only", false, "do not request secrets from Doppler. all secrets will be read from the fallback file")
runCmd.Flags().Bool("no-exit-on-write-failure", false, "do not exit if unable to write the fallback file")
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions pkg/utils/crypto.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Copyright © 2020 Doppler <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package utils

import (

// Hash a string
func Hash(s string) string {
hash := sha256.New()
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash.Sum(nil))
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions pkg/utils/log.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,11 +56,19 @@ func ErrExit(e error, exitCode int, messages ...string) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, string(resp))
} else {
for _, message := range messages {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, message)
if len(messages) > 0 {
for _, message := range messages[0:1] {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, message)


if len(messages) > 0 {
for _, message := range messages[1:] {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, message)

if Debug {
Expand Down

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