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Mandalorian GIF Generator

Mandalorian GIFs screenshot

Random Mandalorian GIFs generator using Doppler for managing app configuration and secrets via environment variables.



Running the application

Here are the most common and secure methods secrets for injecting secrets into Node.js applications using Doppler:

  1. npm start: Used when secrets are injected as environment variables by the platform (e.g. Vercel) with secrets synced by a Doppler integration
  2. npm run doppler-run: Uses the Doppler CLI to inject secrets into the application process
  3. mount-dotenv: Mounts an ephemeral .env file allowing only a single read before being destroyed
  4. nodemon-dotenv: Mounts an ephemeral .env file without read limits to support nodemon reloads.

Run using Gitpod

To create an Gitpod development environment, first create the workspace:

Open in Gitpod

Then create a Service Token for the dev config and copy the token value and configure the Gitpod workspace by running:

npm run gitpod-config

Then start the application in development mode:

npm run gitpod

To populate the terminal with the $DOPPLER_TOKEN environment variable without restarting the workspace, run:

source <(echo 'export DOPPLER_TOKEN="$(gp env | grep DOPPLER_TOKEN | cut -d '=' -f 2)"')

What is Doppler?

Doppler's secure and scalable Universal Secrets Manager seeks to make developers lives easier by removing the need for env files, hardcoded secrets, and copy-pasted credentials.

The Doppler CLI provides easy access to secrets in every environment from local development to production and a single dashboard makes it easy for teams to centrally manage app configuration for any application, platform, and cloud provider.

Learn more at our product website or docs.