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DefaultDocumentation 0.7.6

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@Doraku Doraku released this 03 Sep 21:38
· 147 commits to master since this release

added DefaultDocumentationGeneratedAccessModifiers property to set members of which accessibility should be generated (#59)
added separator to dotnet tool arguments parsing so the format is the same as the msbuild task property one (#73)
added LTS netcoreapp3.1 target to dotnet tool (#66)
removed extra space when writing self closing tag
added DefaultDocumentationIgnoreLineBreak property to state if line break in the documentation should be ignored and written as is or transformed as markdown line break (two space at the end of a line)
added ignorelinebreak attribute handling to change localy DefaultDocumentationIgnoreLineBreak setting

fixed multiple element with same id from different extern link files
fixed usage of DefaultDocumentationExternLinksFiles msbuild property on non windows platforms (#68)
fixed preview ignoring more xml tags than just code (#67)

msbuild task nuget package
dotnet tool nuget package