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Oberon-0 Compiler in Watcom C

This project is a translation of Niklaus Wirth's Oberon-0 compiler as presented in [1] into Watcom C. Oberon-0 is a simplified variant of Oberon with just the basic types INTEGER and BOOLEAN and without function procedures. It only compiles a single module. However, Oberon-0 has procedures, value and reference parameters, arrays, and records.

The source code is compiled for a hypothetical RISC processor as presented in [1]. The RISC processor is reduced to a bare minimum and mainly offers integer arithmetic, comparison, and branch instructions. Some details are given below.

[1] Oberon0 Compiler, Niklaus Wirth, Compiler Construction, 2005


cd src

Compiling and Running an Example

cd examples
..\o0c QSORT.MOD


The port of the Oberon-0 compiler is structured as follows: scan.c contains the scanner. It performs lexical analysis, i.e., it transforms Oberon-0 source text into a stream of symbols (tokens). Syntax analysis is done by parser.c. The structure of the recursive descent parser directly mirrors the Oberon-0 EBNF grammar, given below. The parser calls functions in gen.c to emit code for the RISC processor. The parser also checks types, ranges of constants, etc. The compiler is a non-opt imizing single-pass compiler. A simulator of the RISC processor is located in risc.c.

The main function is located in o0c.c. If a source file could be compiled successfully, o0c prints the generated instructions and directly executes the code using the simulator. The structure and the source code of the compiler are a direct port of the Oberon-0 compiler given in [1].

Oberon-0 EBNF Grammar

ident = letter {letter | digit}.
integer = digit {digit}.

selector = {"." ident | "[" expression "]"}.

factor = ident selector | integer | "(" expression ")" | "~" factor.
term = factor {("*" | "DIV" | "MOD" | "&") factor}.
SimpleExpression = ["+"|"-"] term {("+"|"-" | "OR") term}.
expression = SimpleExpression [("=" | "#" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=") SimpleExpression].

assignment = ident selector ":=" expression.

ActualParameters = "(" [expression {"," expression}] ")" .
ProcedureCall = ident [ActualParameters].

IfStatement = "IF" expression "THEN" StatementSequence
              {"ELSIF" expression "THEN" StatementSequence}
              ["ELSE" StatementSequence] "END".

WhileStatement = "WHILE" expression "DO" StatementSequence "END".

statement = [assignment | ProcedureCall | IfStatement | WhileStatement].
StatementSequence = statement {";" statement}.

IdentList = ident {"," ident}.
ArrayType = "ARRAY" expression "OF" type.
FieldList = [IdentList ":" type].
RecordType = "RECORD" FieldList {";" FieldList} "END".
type = ident | ArrayType | RecordType.

FPSection = ["VAR"] IdentList ":" type.
FormalParameters = "(" [FPSection {";" FPSection}] ")".

ProcedureHeading = "PROCEDURE" ident [FormalParameters].
ProcedureBody = declarations ["BEGIN" StatementSequence] "END".
ProcedureDeclaration = ProcedureHeading ";" ProcedureBody ident.
declarations = ["CONST" {ident "=" expression ";"}]
               ["TYPE" {ident "=" type ";"}]
               ["VAR" {IdentList ":" type ";"}]
               {ProcedureDeclaration ";"}.

module = "MODULE" ident ";" declarations ["BEGIN" StatementSequence] "END" ident "." .

RISC Processor

The hypothetical RISC target is a 32-bit processor, i.e., the word size is 4 bytes. All instructions are one word long. There are 16 general-purpose registers (R0 to R15). R15 is used as the program counter (PC) and R14 (link register) is used by the branch-to-subroutine (BSR) instruction to store the return address. The comparison instructions (CMP, CMPI) implicitly compute the difference of their operands and set the N (negative) and Z (zero) flags according to the result. There are four instruction formats:

  • F0: 00 op[4] a[4] b[4] unused[14] c[4]
  • F1: 01 op[4] a[4] b[4] im[18]
  • F2: 10 op[4] a[4] b[4] disp[18]
  • F3: 11 op[4] disp[26]

where a, b, and c refer to registers (R0-R15) and im and disp are 18-bit immediate/displacement values. They are given in two's complement format. For most instructions, a is the destination register and b and c are the operand registers. The opcodes occupy the upper 6 bits of the instruction word. The opcodes are:

  • F0: 00 op[4] a[4] b[4] unused[14] c[4]
    • MOV = 0, MVN = 1 (move, move negated)
    • ADD = 2, SUB = 3, MUL = 4, Div = 5, Mod = 6
    • CMP = 7 (compare registers)
  • F1: 01 op[4] a[4] b[4] im[18]
    • MOVI = 16, MVNI = 17 (move immediate, move immediate negated)
    • ADDI = 18, SUBI = 19, MULI = 20, DIVI = 21, MODI = 22
    • CMPI = 23 (compare register with immediate operand)
    • CHKI = 24 (check index)
  • F2: 10 op[4] a[4] b[4] disp[18]
    • LDW = 32, LDB = 33, POP = 34, STW = 36, STB = 37, PSH = 38 (load from, store to memory)
    • RD = 40, WRD = 41, WRH = 42, WRL = 43, RB = 44, WRB = 45 (input/output)
  • F3: 11 op[4] disp[26]
    • BEQ = 48, BNE = 49, BLT = 50, BGE = 51, BLE = 52, BGT = 53 (conditional branch)
    • BR = 56 (unconditional branch)
    • BSR = 57, RET = 58 (branch to, return from subroutine)

The input/output instructions are included to allow the simulated RISC to read from standard input and write to standard output. RB/WRB reads and writes a single byte, RD/WRD reads and writes an integer number in decimal form, WRH writes an integer number in hexadecimal form, and WRL writes a line break.

Example Compilation

This example counts the number of bytes in the standard input stream.

MODULE CountBytes;
    VAR c, n: INTEGER;
    n := 0;
    WHILE c # -1 DO
    Write(n); WriteLn
END CountBytes.

Compile and run the program to compute the size of its source text.

..\src\o0c CountBytes.Mod < CountBytes.Mod

The output (with comments) is:

entry = 0
20 instructions generated
  0 MOVI 13  0 4096    set stack pointer to top of memory
  1 PSH  14 13  4      push link register (initially contains 0)
  2 MOVI  0  0  0      n := 0;
  3 STW   0 15 -20
  4 RB    0  0  0      ReadByte(c);
  5 STW   0 15 -24
  6 LDW   0 15 -28     c
  7 CMPI  0  0 -1      c # -1
  8 BEQ   8            WHILE c # -1 DO
  9 LDW   0 15 -44     n
 10 ADDI  0  0  1      INC(n);
 11 STW   0 15 -52
 12 RB    0  0  0      ReadByte(c)
 13 STW   0 15 -56
 14 BR   -8            END;
 15 LDW   0 15 -68     n
 16 WRD   0  0  0      Write(n);
 17 WRL   0  0  0      WriteLn
 18 POP  14 13  4      pop link register (return address) from stack
 19 RET  14            return (using return address in link register)
 181                   size of CountBytes.Mod is 181 bytes