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Releases: DoubleDee73/Yass

Yass Reloaded 2024.2

28 Feb 19:58
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What's New?

New Java Version Requirement

Yass Reloaded now requires Java 21 + JavaFX

USDB Syncer Meta-Tag Generator


This feature is for those who use as source for Ultrastar txt-files and the USDB Syncer to gather the necessary media files to create a playable Ultrastar song. To map video/audio/cover files to a txt, the necessary information is put into a set of tags which are stored as #VIDEO tag within USDB.
Yass Reloaded's USDB Syncer Meta-Tag Generator has basically the same functionality as the one from the "USDB Syncer", but takes the duet, preview and medley information from a selected song and prefills them in the generator. This is useful for those who create new songs and find it tiresome to copy-and-paste these values back and forth.


Several minor bugfixes are included within this release:

  • When switching between AUDIO/INSTRUMENTAL/VOCALS, the mp3 is reloaded so that the correct file is played
  • Fixed incorrect duration for the #END spinner
  • Fixed Duet Icon getting lost in the songlist once a duet was selected

Yass Reloaded 2024.1

24 Jan 20:58
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New Features

Supports Ultrastar-Format Version 1.1.0

To activate the new format, go to "Extras" -> "Preferences" -> "Error Checking" -> "Tags" -> "Compatiblity" -> Select "SHINY (1.1.0)"


  • Tags are now supported in the Song-List view. Either from the context-menu (right-click) or from the file-menu ("Edit" -> "Set Masterdata" -> "Set Tags")


  • Various audio-tags are now supported
  • When editing a song, new fields are now available in the top-right corner.
  • A combobox lets you switch between "AUDIO", "INSTRUMENTAL" and "VOCALS". The selected value of this combobox determines, which file is saved under the legacy #MP3 tag


  • Currently, this does nothing. You cannot add or edit it from Yass, but it won't mess with it either, if you have manually edited the txt-file


To accomodate the new audio tags in the song editor, the pop-up dialogs for #GAP, #BPM, #START, #END have also moved into the top-right corner


The copy-pasting functionality has undergone another refactoring and should now produce less unpredictable outcomes.

Paste Notes

Additionally to the existing feature to copy notes from anywhere in the song and pasting them somewhere else, it is now possible to copy lyrics from any text source (e. g. like "" or ""). Pasting them with CTRL-SHIFT-V will try to split the lyrics into syllables and paste them with the length of 1 spaced out with 1 beat gap in between them.

Yass Reloaded 2023.12

10 Dec 16:23
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Release Notes

This release basically addresses #7


This release introduces a compatibility setting (Extras > Preferences > Error Checking > Tags) where you can set the target Ultrastar Format version. By default this is set to "1.0.0"
If the default is selected, saving a file will result in:

  • #RELATIVE tag being removed and the file is stored with absolute beats
  • #AUTHOR tag is replaced with #CREATOR tag. If the latter already exist, the author will be appended to the creator
  • #DUETSINGERP1 and #DUETSINGERP2 are replaced with #P1 and #P2

In any case, the #VERSION tag will now be added as well.

New Features

  • #CALCMEDLEY is now supported. If this is set to on/off, #MEDLEYSTART- and ENDBEAT will be removed (and the other way around)
  • When copying notes, you can now use "Paste Note Heights" to paste the copied note heights over other notes. The note lengths and lyrics of the notes that are pasted over will be retained. (Keyboard Shortcut CTRL-SHIFT-ALT-V)

Yass Reloaded 2023.11

12 Nov 22:31
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Release Notes

I have been creating quite a couple of new songs, and tried to improve things, that were bothering me, whilst doing so.


Obviously, this was already there, but the algorithm sometimes did not do a very good job in my opinion. For a lot of folks, the current workflow when creating new songs includes the Ultrastar Creator as a first step to tap in the lyrics and as a finishing step Yass, to finetune notes. If you are not already using Ultrastar Creator (in the latest version), I highly recommend downloading it. It includes dictionary files that help hyphenate words.
In the previous version, splitting a word (e. g. by hitting the "-" Minus key) that had multiple syllables would still result in a split where the whole word would be the first note, and a tilde the second. Now, the hyphenator will do it's best, to split the word in syllables, and put the first one in the first note, and the remaining syllables into the second note. Furthermore, if the word to split has multiple syllables, the length of the first note would be relative to the amount of syllables, e. g. if a word has three syllables and the note is 9 units long, then splitting the word would result in a 3 unit long note for the first syllable, and the remaining two were in a 6 unit long note. If you have defined in the settings, that notes should not be touching, then the first syllable would be 2 unites long, and the next note would start leaving a 1 unit long break.
Also, if you feel like the hyphenation did not meet your expectation, because the word was split lexixcally, rather than how it is sung (e. g. "hy-phen-ate" vs "hy-phe-nate"), you can hit "CTRL-H" to try to rehyphenate the word again


  1. Install Ultrastar Creator for improved hyphenation (= splitting of words/notes into syllables)
  2. Note-splitting tries to consider whole word length and sets the length of the split notes accordingly
  3. New feature "Re-hyphenation": Mark the syllables to be rehyphenated and hit CTRL-H. Yass will toggle between "brea-king" and "break-ing". Also works on "breaking - ", which changes it to "brea - king" and then to "brea - king"

Recalculate BPM

Added the possibility to recalculate all notes based on a new BPM:

  1. Open a song
  2. Open "Lyrics Gap & Beats"
  3. Enter a new BPM into the "Beats" field. Instead of hitting "ENTER", which will simply set a new BPM, click the "Recalculate BPM" icon (looks like a "Refresh" button with two circular arrows, and the start times of all existing notes will be recalculated based on the new BPM

Improved Copy-Pasting

This is still a bit wonky, but selecting and copying multiple notes and then pasting them over existing notes is easier now. Very useful, e. g. when you have finished the chorus of a song, then you can simply copy the chorus and paste it over the second chorus using CTRL-SHIFT-V


  • Use the installer, if you are on Windows and haven't installed Yass yet
  • If you have already installed Yass, you can simply replace the yass.exe file in your installation folder
  • Use the JAR, if on Mac or Linux

Yass Reloaded 2023.8

15 Aug 15:08
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  • FIX: Fixed some incompatibilities during playback
  • NEW: Auto-Correct option to capatalize each line
  • NEW: Auto-Correct option to replace all sorts of apostrophes with typographic ones
  • IMPROVED: Copy-Pasting notes and lyrics
  • IMPROVED: CTRL-SHIFT-UP/DOWN now increases/decreases not by octave

Yass Reloaded 2023.7

04 Jul 16:11
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Release Notes

  • You probably won't notice, but from this release on, Yass has been migrated to Java 17. Since I'm still planning to migrate from Swing to JavaFX, I will leave this issue #4 open
  • SarutaSan72#11 : Not quite there yet. This release still won't play ogg-files, BUT now it's possible to play m4a
  • SarutaSan72#99 : When Yass was left open for a bit, MIDI playback would start to lag. A lot. While I couldn't quite figure out the reason for this, Yass will now re-initialize the MIDI synthesizer each time the editor is opened. This way, re-opening the song will get rid of the lag, and you don't have to restart the whole application
  • SarutaSan72#109 : Now you can configure Yass to refresh the song library on each startup
  • SarutaSan72#112 : Overlapping notes across pages will now be detected
  • SarutaSan72#132 : When changing playlists, refreshing the song library or changing the selected playlist will not trigger a warning with the option to save any changes

Yass Reloaded 2023.6

09 Jun 05:05
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Release Notes

I realize that this is quite a short time between the last release. I had the previous version sitting there for two or three weeks, before I figured out, how I can make releases. I think, I will now continue to do this at a montly basis (or more, depending on how much I'll get done).

What's New?

  • Autocorrect Spacing: I have fixed some spots I have missed the first time around

  • Added hyphenation support for French, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish

  • Splitting with Syllables: Now, when splitting syllables, Yass will try to split the note between the first and the second syllable (useful, when only words had been tapped at song creation). Note that this is based on the existing hyphenation mechanism that only covers a limited selection of languages

  • Language Detection: When a TXT is missing the #LANGUAGE-Tag, an automatic language detection will kick in and suggest a language (somewhat fixes SarutaSan72#20)

Yass Reloaded 2023.5

04 Jun 20:27
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Release Notes

So, this is the first release of "Yass Reloaded" that has been forked from the original "Yass 2.4.3".

What's New?

  • Possibility to configure default spacing for auto-correction
    -- Autocorrect now supports uncommon spacing either as leading (legacy method) or trailing spaces (like e. g. USDX 2023, Ultrastar Manager, etc) (fixes SarutaSan72#123)
  • Saving files as UTF-8 is now configured as default (Fixes SarutaSan72#124)
  • Maven framework was added to project (fixes SarutaSan72#87)

Other Fixes

  • Songlist cache was saved as ANSI. Now the cache is saved as UTF-8
  • Fobs4JMF was removed from the project because it was not used
  • Minor refactorings to clean up the code

I also started adding unit tests