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Claycorp edited this page Oct 13, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the D3Backend wiki! You will find everything you need to know on how to set-up and use this backend here! (Someday :p)


  • Users

  • Multi-User

  • Per user Maximum Ram, Servers, and Disk Space

  • Two user groups Admin and Normal (Admins have access to everything in the backend.)

  • Users setup and manage their own servers within the limits provided

  • Server Control

  • Start/Stop/Kill

  • Server list of all owned servers

  • General information about each server

  • Easy install for Minecraft and Forge

  • Modpack zip uploading via URL

  • editor

  • Full file browser per server and edit any text based file

  • World management and backup

  • Backend Administration

  • Backend wide console

  • Server list show all servers and status

  • Easy install and updating of the backend

  • Automatic downloading of new backend versions

  • Backend wide commands

  • Miscellaneous statistics about the backend

How to setup D3Backed

Page by page information

  • Backend Home
  • Server List
  • Server Dropdown
  • New Server
  • Users
  • Console (Backend Administrator only)
  • Server overview
  • World Manager
  • File Manager
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