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Concurrency Interoperability with Objective-C

  • Proposal: SE-NNNN
  • Author: Doug Gregor
  • Review Manager: TBD
  • Status: Awaiting implementation
  • Implementation: Partially available in recent main snapshots behind the flag -Xfrontend -enable-experimental-concurrency

Table of Contents


Swift's concurrency feature involves asynchronous functions and actors. While Objective-C does not have corresponding language features, asynchronous APIs are common in Objective-C, expressed manually through the use of completion handlers. This proposal provides bridging between Swift's concurrency features (e.g., async functions) and the convention-based expression of asynchronous functions in Objective-C. It is intended to allow the wealth of existing asynchronous Objective-C APIs to be immediately usable with Swift's concurrency model.

For example, consider the following Objective-C API in CloudKit:

- (void)fetchShareParticipantWithUserRecordID:(CKRecordID *)userRecordID 
    completionHandler:(void (^)(CKShareParticipant * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completionHandler;

This API is asynchronous. It delivers its result (or an error) via completion handler. The API directly translates into Swift:

func fetchShareParticipant(
    withUserRecordID userRecordID: CKRecord.ID, 
    completionHandler: @escaping (CKShare.Participant?, Error?) -> Void

Existing Swift code can call this API by passing a closure for the completion handler. This proposal provides an alternate Swift translation of the API into an async function, e.g.,

func fetchShareParticipant(
    withUserRecordID userRecordID: CKRecord.ID
) async throws -> CKShare.Participant

Swift callers can invoke fetchShareParticipant(withUserRecordID:) within an await expression:

guard let participant = await try? container.fetchShareParticipant(withUserRecordID: user) else {
    return nil

Swift-evolution thread: [Concurrency] Interoperability with Objective-C


On Apple platforms, Swift's tight integration with Objective-C APIs is an important part of the developer experience. There are several core features:

  • Objective-C classes, protocols, and methods can be used directly from Swift.
  • Swift classes can subclass Objective-C classes.
  • Swift classes can declare conformance to Objective-C protocols.
  • Swift classes, protocols, and methods can be made available to Objective-C via the @objc attribute.

Asynchronous APIs abound in Objective-C code: the iOS 14.0 SDK includes nearly 1,000 methods that accept completion handlers. These include methods that one could call directly from Swift, methods that one would override in a Swift-defined subclass, and methods in protocols that one would conform to. Supporting these use cases in Swift's concurrency model greatly expands the reach of this new feature.

Proposed solution

The proposed solution provides interoperability between Swift's concurrency constructs and Objective-C in various places. It has several inter-dependent pieces:

  • Translate Objective-C completion-handler methods into async methods in Swift.
  • Allow async methods defined in Swift to be @objc, in which case they are exported as completion-handler methods.
  • Provide Objective-C attributes to control over how completion-handler-based APIs are translated into async Swift functions.

The detailed design section describes the specific rules and heuristics being applied. However, the best way to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the translation is to see its effect over a large number of Objective-C APIs. This pull request demonstrates the effect that this proposal has on the Swift translations of Objective-C APIs across the Apple iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS SDKs.

Detailed design

Asynchronous completion-handler methods

An Objective-C method is potentially an asynchronous completion-handler method if it meets the following requirements:

  • The method has a completion handler parameter, which is an Objective-C block that will receive the "result" of the asynchronous computation. It must meet the following additional constraints:
    • It has a void result type.
    • It is called exactly once along all execution paths through the implementation.
    • If the method can deliver an error, one of the parameters of the block is of type NSError * that is not _Nonnull. A non-nil NSError * value typically indicates that an error occurred, although the C swift_async attribute can describe other conventions (discussed in the section on Objective-C attributes).
  • The method itself has a void result type, because all results are delivered by the completion handler block.

An Objective-C method that is potentially an asynchronous completion-handler method will be translated into an async method when it is either annotated explicitly with an appropriate swift_async attribute (described in the section on Objective-C attributes) or is implicitly inferred when the following heuristics successfully identify the completion handler parameter:

  • If the method has a single parameter, and the suffix of the first selector piece is one of the following phrases:
    • WithCompletion
    • WithCompletionHandler
    • WithCompletionBlock
    • WithReplyTo
    • WithReply the sole parameter is the completion handler parameter. The matching phrase will be removed from the base name of the function when it is imported.
  • If the method has more than one parameter, the last parameter is the completion handler parameter if its selector piece or parameter name is completion, withCompletion, completionHandler, withCompletionHandler, completionBlock, withCompletionBlock, replyTo, withReplyTo, reply, or replyTo.
  • If the method has more than one parameter, and the last parameter ends with one of the suffixes from the first bullet, the last parameter is the completion handler. The text preceding the suffix is appended to the base name of the function.

When the completion handler parameter is inferred, the presence of an NSError * parameter that is not _Nonnull in the completion handler block type indicates that the translated method can deliver an error.

The translation of an asynchronous Objective-C completion-handler method into an async Swift method follows the normal translation procedure, with the following alterations:

  • The completion handler parameter is removed from the parameter list of the translated Swift method.
  • If the method can deliver an error, it is throws in addition to being async.
  • The parameter types of the completion handler block type are translated into the result type of the async method, subject to the following additional rules:
    • If the method can deliver an error, the NSError * parameter is ignored.
    • If the method can deliver an error and a given parameter has the _Nullable_result nullability qualifier (see the section on Objective-C attributes below), it will be imported as optional. Otherwise, it will be imported as non-optional.
    • If there are multiple parameter types, they will be combined into a tuple type.

The following PassKit API demonstrates how the inference rule plays out:

- (void)signData:(NSData *)signData 
withSecureElementPass:(PKSecureElementPass *)secureElementPass 
      completion:(void (^)(NSData *signedData, NSData *signature, NSError *error))completion;

Today, this is translated into the following completion-handler function in Swift:

@objc func sign(_ signData: Data, 
    using secureElementPass: PKSecureElementPass, 
    completion: @escaping (Data?, Data?, Error?) -> Void

This will be translated into the following async function:

@objc func sign(
    _ signData: Data, 
    using secureElementPass: PKSecureElementPass
) async throws -> (Data, Data)

When the compiler sees a call to such a method, it effectively uses withUnsafeContinuation to form a continuation for the rest of the function, then wraps the given continuation in a closure. For example:

let (signedValue, signature) = await try passLibrary.sign(signData, using: pass)

becomes pseudo-code similar to

try withUnsafeContinuation { continuation in 
        signData, using: pass, 
        completionHandler: { (signedValue, signature, error) in
            if let error = error {
                continuation.resume(throwing: error)
            } else {
                continuation.resume(returning: (signedValue!, signature!))

Additional rules are applied when translating an Objective-C method name into a Swift name of an async function:

  • If the base name of the method starts with get, the get is removed and the leading initialisms are lowercased.
  • If the base name of the method ends with Asynchronously, that word is removed.

Defining asynchronous @objc methods in Swift

Many Swift entities can be exposed to Objective-C via the @objc attribute. With an async Swift method, the compiler will add an appropriate completion-handler parameter to the Objective-C method it creates, using what is effectively the inverse of the transformation described in the previous section, such that the Objective-C method produced is an asynchronous Objective-C completion-handler method. For example, a method such as:

@objc func perform(operation: String) async -> Int { ... }

will translate into the following Objective-C method:

- (void)performWithOperation:(NSString * _Nonnull)operation
           completionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSInteger))completionHandler;

The Objective-C method implementation synthesized by the compiler will create a detached task that calls the async Swift method perform(operation:) with the given string, then (if the completion handler argument is not nil) forwards the result to the completion handler.

For an async throws method, the completion handler is extended with an NSError * parameter to indicate the error, any non-nullable pointer type parameters are made _Nullable, and any nullable pointer type parameters are made _Nullable_result. For example, given:

@objc func performDangerousTrick(operation: String) async throws -> String { ... }

the resulting Objective-C method will have the following signature:

- (void)performDangerousTrickWithOperation:(NSString * _Nonnull)operation
    completionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSString * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completionHandler;

Again, the synthesized Objective-C method implementation will create a detached task that calls the async throws method performDangerousTrick(operation:). If the method returns normally, the String result will be delivered to the completion handler in the first parameter and the second parameter (NSError *) will be passed nil. If the method throws, the first parameter will be passed nil (which is why it has been made _Nullable despite being non-optional in Swift) and the second parameter will receive the error. If there are non-pointer parameters, they will be passed zero-initialized memory in the non-error arguments to provide consistent behavior for callers. This can be demonstrated with Swift pseudo-code:

// Synthesized by the compiler
@objc func performDangerousTrick(
    operation: String,
    completionHandler: ((String?, Error?) -> Void)?
) {
    runDetached {
        do {
            let value = await try performDangerousTrick(operation: operation)
            completionHandler?(value, nil)
        } catch {
            completionHandler?(nil, error)

Actor classes

Actor classes can be @objc and will be available in Objective-C as are other classes. Actor classes require that their superclass (if there is one) also be an actor class. However, this proposal loosens that requirement slightly to allow an actor class to have NSObject as its superclass. This is conceptually safe because NSObject has no state (and its layout is effectively fixed that way), and makes it possible both for actor classes to be @objc and also implies conformance to NSObjectProtocol, which is required when conforming to a number of Objective-C protocols and is otherwise unimplementable in Swift.

A member of an actor class can only be @objc if it is either async or is outside of the actor's isolation domain. Synchronous code that is within the actor's isolation domain can only be invoked on self (in Swift). Objective-C does not have knowledge of actor isolation, so these members are not permitted to be exposed to Objective-C. For example:

actor class MyActor {
    @objc func synchronous() { } // error: part of actor's isolation domain
    @objc func asynchronous() async { } // okay: asynchronous
    @objc @actorIndependent func independent() { } // okay: actor-independent

Completion handlers must be called exactly once

A Swift async function will always suspend, return, or (if it throws) produce an error. For completion-handler APIs, it is important that the completion handler block be called exactly once on all paths, including when producing an error. Failure to do so will break the semantics of the caller, either by failing to continue or by executing the same code multiple times. While this is an existing problem, widespread use of async with incorrectly-implemented completion-handler APIs might exacerbate the issue.

Fortunately, because the compiler itself is synthesizing the block that will be passed to completion-handler APIs, it can detect both problems by introducing an extra bit of state into the synthesized block to indicate that the block has been called. If the bit is already set when the block is called, then it has been called multiple times. If the bit is not set when the block is destroyed, it has not been called at all. While this does not fix the underlying problem, it can at least detect the issue consistently at run time.

Additional Objective-C attributes

The transformation of Objective-C completion-handler-based APIs to async Swift APIs could benefit from the introduction of additional annotations (in the form of attributes) to guide the process. For example:

  • _Nullable_result. Like _Nullable, indicates that a pointer can be null (or nil). _Nullable_result differs from _Nullable only for parameters to completion handler blocks. When the completion handler block's parameters are translated into the result type of an async method, the corresponding result will be optional.
  • __attribute__((swift_async(...))). An attribute to control the translation of an asynchronous completion-handler method to an async function. It has several operations within the parentheses:
    • __attribute__((swift_async(none))). Disables the translation to async.
    • __attribute__((swift_async(not_swift_private, C))). Specifies that the method should be translated into an async method, using the parameter at index C as the completion handler parameter.
    • __attribute__((swift_async(swift_private, C))). Specifies that the method should be translated into an async method that is "Swift private" (only for use when wrapping), using the parameter at index C as the completion handler parameter.
  • __attribute__((swift_attr("swift attribute"))). A general-purpose Objective-C attribute to allow one to provide Swift attributes directly. In the context of concurrency, this allows Objective-C APIs to be annotated with a global actor (e.g., @UIActor).
  • __attribute__((swift_async_name("method(param1:param2:)"))). Specifies the Swift name that should be used for the async translation of the API. The name should not include an argument label for the completion handler parameter.
  • __attribute__((swift_async_error(...))). An attribute to control how passing an NSError * into the completion handle maps into the method being async throws. It has several possible parameters:
    • __attribute__((swift_async_error(none))): Do not import as throws. The NSError * parameter will be considered a normal parameter.
    • __attribute__((swift_async_error(zero_argument(N))): Import as throws. When the Nth argument to the completion handler is passed the integral value zero (including false), the async method will throw the error. The Nth argument is removed from the result type of the translated async method.
    • __attribute__((swift_async_error(nonzero_argument(N))): Import as throws. When the Nth argument to the completion handler is passed a non-zero integral value (including true), the async method will throw the error. The Nth argument is removed from the result type of the translated async method.

Source compatibility

Generally speaking, changes to the way in which Objective-C APIs are translated into Swift are source-breaking changes. To avoid breaking source compatibility, this proposal involves translating Objective-C asynchronous completion-handler methods as both their original completion-handler signatures and also with the new async signature. This allows existing Swift code bases to gradually adopt the async forms of API, rather than forcing (e.g.) an entire Swift module to adopt async all at once.

Importing the same Objective-C API in two different ways causes some issues:

  • Overloading of synchronous and asynchronous APIs. Objective-C frameworks may have evolved to include both synchronous and asynchronous versions of the same API, e.g.,

    - (NSString *)lookupName;
    - (void)lookupNameWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSString *))completion;

    which will be translated into three different Swift methods:

    @objc func lookupName() -> String
    @objc func lookupName(withCompletionHandler: @escaping (String) -> Void)
    @objc func lookupName() async -> String

    The first and third signatures are identical except for being synchronous and asynchronous, respectively. The async/await design doesn't allow such overloading to be written in the same Swift module, but it can happen when translating Objective-C APIs or when importing methods from different Swift modules. The async/await design accounts for such overloading by favoring synchronous functions in synchronous contexts and asynchronous functions in asynchronous contexts. This overloading should avoid breaking source compatibility.

  • Another issue is when an asynchronous completion-handler method is part of an Objective-C protocol. For example, the NSURLSessionDataDelegate protocol includes this protocol requirement:

    - (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session
              dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask
    didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
     completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionResponseDisposition disposition))completionHandler;

    Existing Swift code might implement this requirement in a conforming type using its completion-handler signature

    func urlSession(
        _ session: URLSession,
        dataTask: URLSessionDataTask,
        didReceive response: URLResponse,
        completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.ResponseDisposition) -> Void
    ) { ... }

    while Swift code designed to take advantage of the concurrency model would implement this requirement in a conforming type using its async signature

    func urlSession(
        _ session: URLSession,
        dataTask: URLSessionDataTask,
        didReceive response: URLResponse
    ) async -> URLSession.ResponseDisposition { ... }

    Implementing both requirements would produce an error (due to two Swift methods having the same selector), but under the normal Swift rules implementing only one of the requirements will also produce an error (because the other requirement is unsatisfied). Swift’s checking of protocol conformances will be extended to handle the case where multiple (imported) requirements have the same Objective-C selector: in that case, only one of them will be required to be implemented.

  • Overriding methods that have been translated into both completion-handler and async versions have a similar problem to protocol requirements: a Swift subclass can either override the completion-handler version or the async version, but not both. Objective-C callers will always call to the subclass version of the method, but Swift callers to the "other" signature will not unless the subclass's method is marked with @objc dynamic. Swift can infer that the async overrides of such methods are @objc dynamic to avoid this problem (because such async methods are new code). However, inferring @objc dynamic on existing completion-handler overrides can change the behavior of programs and break subclasses of the subclasses, so at best the compiler can warn about this situation.

Revision history

  • Changes in the second pitch:

    • Removed mention of asynchronous handlers, which will be in a separate proposal.
    • Introduced the swift_async_error Clang attribute to separate out "throwing" behavior from the swift_async attribute.
    • Added support for "Swift private" to the swift_async attribute.
    • Tuned the naming heuristics based on feedback to add (e.g) reply, replyTo, completionBlock, and variants.
    • For the rare case where we match a parameter suffix, append the text prior to the suffix to the base name.
    • Replaced the -generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimes:completionHandler: example with one from PassKit.
    • Added a "Future Directions" section about NSProgress.
  • Original pitch (document and forum thread).

Future Directions


Some Objective-C completion-handler methods return an NSProgress to allow the caller to evaluate progress of the asynchronous operation. Such methods are not imported as async in this proposal, because the method does not return void. For example:

- (NSProgress *)doSomethingThatTakesALongTimeWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(MyResult * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completionHandler;

To support such methods would require some kind of integration between NSProgress and Swift's tasks. For example, when calling such a method, the NSProgress returned from such a call to be recorded in the task (say, in some kind of task-local storage). The other direction, where a Swift-defined method overrides a method, would need to extract an NSProgress from the task to return. Such a design is out of scope for this proposal, but could be introduced at some later point.