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Downrest edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 10 revisions



GraphicsEditor is a performance module for modifying the graphics side of things.

This module makes it easier to change or modify certain aspects of a game's graphics. This can be used to implement a Low-Quality option for low-end devices, a Setting system with multiple options, and more!

GraphicsEditor supersedes Perclean, an old module I made a while ago that does the same thing. The difference is, that I rewrote the module from scratch. Unlike Perclean, this utilizes OOP instead of folders for its inner workings. It is also more efficient, has more options, is easier to use, and the code is more organized which makes it easier to update this module.

How To Use

Example usage:

local ge = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GraphicsEditor).new()

ge.SetGraphic("Lighting", false)

There are two functions for the entire module, making it easier to use and navigate through. These are and ge:SetGraphic(option: string, state: boolean)

The current available options are CastShadow, Lighting, RenderDistance, PostProcessing, TextureAppearance, and ParticleRendering.


The options are the main aspects of what you can modify in the scope of graphics (what Roblox allows us to edit graphics-wise).

Do note that all of these options are reversible!


You can read about an in-depth explanation of the functions and options here.

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