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DrInfy edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

UnitRoleManager is required manager that manages unit roles within sharpy. All friendly workers and combat units have a single role in Sharpy at all times. In order to see role contribution during game, set debug for UnitRoleManager to True.


Roles are defined in UnitTask.

  • Idle = 0
    • Unit doesn't have an assigned task
  • Building = 1
    • Worker is either building (terran), trying to build, or moving to build a new building
  • Gathering = 2
    • Worker is gathering minerals or vespene gas. Workers that are worker drilling don't count here.
  • Scouting = 3
    • Unit has been assigned for scouting enemy units / buildings. Will never be reassigned.
  • Moving = 4
    • Unit is moving to a position, i.e. gather point. Can be assigned to defend instead.
  • Fighting = 5
    • Unit is fighting against enemy somewhere. Can be assigned to defend instead.
  • Defending = 6
    • Unit is defending a zone / something
  • Attacking = 7
    • Unit is attacking enemy base. Can be assigned to defend instead.
  • Reserved = 8
    • Reserved for some unknown purpose, i.e. gate keeper for Protoss. Will never be reassigned.
  • Hallucination = 9
    • Not a real unit.

Adding more roles

Because UnitTask is IntEnum and the roles operatate on int basis, it is possible to add more roles to sharpy as required. In KnowledgeBot.configure_managers set self.knowledge.roles.role_count to the amount of roles desired. By default additional roles are handled in similar way to Reserved and will never be re-assigned in any normal sharpy acts.

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