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A highly functional Botnet with security, powerful bot scripts, and the ability to set up remote access to it with admin scripts. It also has a dynamic-web-interface(but I'm not too good at HTML so it looks bad :/ ). It is mainly using TCP for regular bots, but it can use SSH when logging into SSH Servers.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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A highly functional Botnet with security, powerful bot scripts, and the ability to set up remote access to it with admin scripts along with an ugly web-interface(It still functions well though). It is mainly using TCP for regular bots, but it can use SSH when logging into SSH Servers.


SquidNet 8.0 is the final version of SquidNet. I am currently developing SquidNet2, which will have a better more optimized server script, and you can also choose to get output from one bot at a time rather than all of them at once. Many of the features will be from the original, however some of them(such as the SSH botnet. as it overcomplicates the script and makes it unstable) will not be included. A lot of the logic used in the new SquidNet will be from my DatCord project, as DatCord is the best networking script I have created (This statement is false because I found a pretty serious exploit in it lol).

2023 Update

Note that this script is not an actual reflection of my programming prowess; consider it more of a snapshot of the past. I've written 2 more Botnet related frameworks where one got an award for the most extensive product in a self study project in my grade. I'm debating on whether I should open-source them, but I'll most likely discuss this with my teachers.


Security - Has a Username and Password that the user is able to configure, to set up remote connections.

Web-Interface - Ability to view connections and general info about the server via a webpage.

Option-Parsing - Re-usability and having the ability to configure the server with only one cmd command.

Bots - Compromised Bots infected with the Bot script will connect to the server(if configured correctly), and are able to do many different things.

Remote-Connections - Ability to set-up remote connections with admins, so that the server can also be used remotely via an admin.

SSH Compatability - The botnet can also take control of SSH Servers.

Logging - The server is logged, and server errors can be checked there.

Smart-Script-Generation - The Botnet will generate Bot and Admin scripts on command with the neccessary variables.

Reverse-Shell Connection - Run CMD/Shell commands on the bot computers.

Keylogging - Get the real-time key inputs of the bots.

File-Management - Manage files remotely on the bots.


The Botnet will be able to determine whether a bot is a bot or not. There is a custom command for being recognized by the botnet. If that command is not recieved, the incoming connection will be closed, and they will be kicked. If they do enter the correct command, they will be recognized as a proper client of the Botnet. If an admin is connecting to the Botnet, they will send the login command to the server, and also send the command that allows them access. They will need to enter the correct username or password, otherwise they will be kicked and the server will be warned. During password configuration(sorry for going a little off topic), the provided username will be put in a txt file, as well as the password. However, this password will first be hashed with the md5 hashing algorythm for increased security. Back to the admins connections, the username and password will be checked with the txt file with the correct credentials. The password in the command will first be hashed, and it will be checked with what is in the text file. If the username and password are correct, they will be granted access to the server.

Example of the Admin-File:




Bot Being Recognized:



The Botnet has a web-interface for when the user wants to see the connections in a more simpler format. The web-interface will be able to show the connections in a table, where it is much easier to read, as well as showing information about them. In the tables, you are able to see the hostname of who is connected, the IP Address, the username of the connection, the source port(good for differentiate between duplicate connections), as well as the os. The main connections are listed in the first table, and the admin connections are listed in the second. For the SSH Connections, those are listed in the 3rd table. They will have the hostname first, then the IP Address, and finally the password of the SSH Server. Then there will be some other information about the configured variables in the Botnet. These include where the log file is located, the IP and Port used to connect to the Botnet, the admin login info, Encryption Key for encrypting files on the bots, and also the bruteforcing password-list for ssh connections. It doesn't look too great, as I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to HTML. You can connect to the Web-Interface by going to in your web browser if the Botnet is up.

Example of the Web-Interface:


The Connection Table can be Displayed when doing '!getconnlist':



The Botnet uses option-parsing to configure settings in the Botnet. This can include the host IP and the host Port that the server will be hosted, as well as the admin username and the admin password(optional, as the defaults are 'admin' and 'root'). You are required to provide a password txt document if you choose to do SSH Brute-Forcing, however it is optional. If you dont't provide a password list the Botnet will function, however without the ability to use the Brute-Forcing command. If you are on a windows machine, you can get ngrok using '--gN' and it will download ngrok for windows in your current directory. You can also do '--i' for displaying the help message. You can also specify an encryption key, however there is a default key set meaning that it is optional. You are also able to specify external ip addresses and ports, if you want to.

Help Message(As of Version 6.942.0):


Example of Option-Parsing:



The Bots are the computers used to connect to the server and run commands from it. These can do many things, as there are many commands in the server that can be ran in the bots. One of the main commands that it can do is that it can conduct DDoS Attacks. There are 3 types of DDoS Attacks possible with the bot script, one being an HTTP Flood attack which floods a web server with seeming legitimate HTTP Requests, which would then take the web server down and make it unavailable. Theres a TCP Flood attack that floods TCP Servers with packets, as well as a UDP Flood Attack doing similar things like the TCP Flooder. There are also custom commands that can be ran in the bots, some including google password obtaining(only for windows bots), as well as the ability to edit files remotely and also run cmd commands on the bots from the Botnet or the admins. There are many commands that are able to be used on the Bots, but I will not explain them here. For the SSH Bots, you can run cmd commands, with administrator privalleges and also able to be injected with files with SFTP, however this can only happen via the main Botnet. The bots will reconnect if they are disconnected from the Botnet.

Commands List(As of Version 6.942.0):



These are for admin connections. The admins are able to do nearly every command in the server, where they could also start DDoS Attacks and also run cmd commands remotely. When they do provide the correct username and passwords(this is explained more in the Security section), they will have access to the Botnet and all of the Bots that are connected to it. When it is connected, the admin will get sent the command list of what commands are able to be used remotely, and also how to use them. If the admin gets disconnected for some reason, they will be able to reconnect to the server rather quickly(depending on if its down or not).

Admin Connection Being Announced:



The Botnet is able to setup SSH Connections for SSH Bots. It can do this from either brute-forcing from a passwordlist(It's really slow, I suggest using another tool like hydra), or logging in directly with a provided password. If the SSH Credentials are able to be cracked, you are able to remotely access the SSH Server's shell and are able to run commands for it remotely at an administrative privallage. There is an additional command for if you want to inject a file to the SSH Bots, which you can get a file from the Botnet's working directory and can send it directly to the Bots via SFTP(Secure File Transfer Protocol).

SSH-Password Cracked Broadcast:



There is logging in the Botnet. This is excellent if you want to check the log for server output or any errors overall. Every message, error and command will be logged in the server log. When the server starts, the log will indicate the starting time, as well as the ip and port that it is hosted on. The log is also good for if you cleared the output of the script, but you wanted to check what was previously on the output. This is because you are able to check the logs and whatever output was on the server would have been logged in the server log. However, the web-interface errors will not appear on the server log.

Examples of Output Being Logged:



With smart script generation, you won't need to rewrite variables for creating the admin and bot scripts. Instead you only need to run commands in the Botnet. To generate the Bot-Script, type in '!genscript' and type '!genadminscript' to generate the admin script. These will generate the scripts with many of the configured settings from the option parsing, so that there would be a lack of errors with the scripts. Important variables imported into both scripts would include the Botnet IP and Port, as well as the admin username and password for the admins, and the encryption key for the Bots.

Smart-Script-Generation For Admin Scripts:


Smart-Script-Generation For Bot Scripts:


Reverse Shell Connection

Any other commands sent to the bots that are not one of the built in functions from the Botnet will be made into shell commands. The shell commands will ran on the Bots and will send their Shell ouput back to the Botnet for the Admins and the Server to see what the output was. You can run pretty much every command there is on the Bot's OS. This allows you to basically control the Bots computer at your own will with just system/shell commands.

Picture of Reverse Shell Testing:



With keylogging, you are able to view the key inputs of the Bots. There is an option to not display them on output(instead being logged in the server log). Additionally, this would mean you are able to see whatever is pressed by the bot on their keyboard will be sent to the Botnet for the Server and Admins to be able to see and spy on them. This can be used to see if the Bot is entering any personal info, where the Admins and Server would be able to obtain said info and do whatever they want with it(please don't commit identity theft!).

Picture of Keylogging being Displayed on the Server:


Picture of Keylogging being Logged:



File-Management is possible with the SquidNet. You can remotely edit, create, and delete files on the bots computer. You can also change the bot's working directory to something else if you choose to do so. This is so that you edit other files in other directories, and not be stuck with the directory that the backdoor script is in. You can create new files in the directory, and add content to it if wanted. You also have the ability to download files from the internet directly onto the bots(if used correctly), which means you can also download files from the internet on the remote machine.

(Pictures coming soon.)

Extra Notes

This script was made for educational uses only!

Do not use this script for malicious uses.

Any Damage caused by this script from other people will not be my fault.

Please do not copy this script and say that it is yours.

Only use this script on people that give you their consent to test it on(make sure that they know what it is capable of).

If you do not, it is considered illegal.

If you plan to modify this script in anyway, please credit me.

Happy (Ethical)Hacking, DrSquid


A highly functional Botnet with security, powerful bot scripts, and the ability to set up remote access to it with admin scripts. It also has a dynamic-web-interface(but I'm not too good at HTML so it looks bad :/ ). It is mainly using TCP for regular bots, but it can use SSH when logging into SSH Servers.






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