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SuiteSparse v3.3.0

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@DrTimothyAldenDavis DrTimothyAldenDavis released this 19 Oct 18:26

SuiteSparse v3.3.0, released March 24, 2009.

minor update

* BTF 1.1.0:
    minor update.
* CHOLMOD 1.7.1:
    bug fix for cholmod_symmetry
* CSparse 2.2.3:
    cs_gaxpy example fixed.  Minor change to MATLAB cs_sparse interface
* CXSparse 2.2.3:
    cs_gaxpy example fixed.  Minor change to MATLAB cs_sparse interface
* KLU 1.1.0:
    minor update.
* SPQR 1.1.1:
    minor update (compiler workaround)
* UMFPACK 5.3.0:
    compiler workaround.  added timer options.
    bug fix for 2-by-2 strategy (subsequently removed in v5.4.0)