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What is Dracula Protocol?

Dracula Protocol is a universal DeFi adapter that aggregates interest earning strategies, known as yield farming, into a singular protocol. Dracula Protocol aims to consolidate various aspects of DeFi into one platform and is managed through a Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO), in which voting rights are quantified by $DRC ownership.

How does it work?

Dracula Protocol allows users to deposit their assets through its interface, which are then deposited into underlying platforms to earn interest. Dracula Protocol adds a layer of security when yield farming, while also consolidating all steps necessary to earn interest into one protocol.

Dracula Protocol contracts

Core contracts

MasterVampire 0xB58E80f655F451f4AD2278a7D806C475AcCdB8bd implements the core logic behind Dracula Protocol.

DraculaToken 0xb78B3320493a4EFaa1028130C5Ba26f0B6085Ef8 ERC20-interface compliant token with minter set to MasterVampire and vote-delegating functionality.

DrainController 0x4852a488F15AE544C75FED466908A2D1559EBAfa

DrainDistributor 0x62440aE6a5b861D01b0104D6ED77DbEDA29c4dc8

DRCRewardPool 0xcAABb5e44868F720924Aa2c8c4809d4F236Ed7Ee DRC staking pool.

LPRewardPool 0xcA329C19396DfB92F570FD19E6F468AF87c9a9c1 DRC/ETH UNI-LP staking pool.

IVampireAdapter interface that allows Master Vampire to uniformly communicate with various target pools, effectively shadowing all the differences between them. Every victim's adapter smart-contract implements this interface. The interface also contains several informational methods that will be used in Governance for automatic reward redistribution.

VampireAdapter is a helper library, that makes delegate calls from MasterVampire to target adapters.


There are several adapters to the most popular farming contracts. Every one of them is a separate contract that implements the IVampireAdapter interface.

DODOAdapter 0x680276CF3Ea6C52F0fCa4BA216C3353fe387EBdE

LuaAdapter 0x8dF2844f3f2e3297d57E2A9EE38AB3f7AF652e03

PickleAdapter 0x8432BF53c68aed9E703ABCd78Be3810478F1eE36

SushiAdapter 0x750bA66B58708C7C1F396844F41dc84b0092F427

TruFiAdapter 0xe26Ab391A2bA6D9A5399aE412727Dd197414cFA1

Local Development

The following assumes the use of node@>=14.


Copy .env.example to .env and update variables

Install Dependencies

npm install

Compile Contracts

npm run build

Run Tests

npm run test