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Version 6 beta

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@Dragon-0609 Dragon-0609 released this 04 Mar 16:00
· 102 commits to main since this release

Added to Plugin:

  1. Change code completion of the IDE.
  2. Highlighting of brackets and other pair words (begin-end and etc.).
  3. Improve Theme Switcher
  4. Context menu of tab: Open in Explorer

Added to both:

  1. Old/New Theme format
  2. Export themes even for other languages: CSharp, Haskell, KuMir, KuMir00, Python, VB.NET
  3. Collapse/Expand to ThemeManager
  4. Identify theme in Highlighting directory better

Fixed: Left Border of text editor isn't shown #23

bandicam 2022-03-04 19-39-15-887