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Advanced Algorithm Circuit Retiming Project



Retiming is the technique of moving the structural location of latches or registers in a digital circuit to improve its performance, area, and/or power characteristics in such a way that preserves its functional behavior at its outputs. Retiming was first described by Charles E. Leiserson and James B. Saxe in 1983. The technique uses a directed graph where the vertices represent asynchronous combinational blocks and the directed edges represent a series of registers or latches (the number of registers or latches can be zero). Each vertex has a value corresponding to the delay through the combinational circuit it represents. After doing this, one can attempt to optimize the circuit by pushing registers from output to input and vice versa - much like bubble pushing. Two operations can be used - deleting a register from each input of a vertex while adding a register to all outputs, and conversely adding a register to each input of vertex and deleting a register from all outputs. In all cases, if the rules are followed, the circuit will have the same functional behavior as it did before retiming.


This repository contains a collection of scripts that implements two algorithm: OPT_1 and OPT_2. Both the algorithms are described in this paper. Given a Graph with V vertices and E edges, the complexity of OPT_1 is O(|V|^3 * lg|V|) and the complexity of OPT_2 is O(|V| * |E| * lg|V|). So whenever |E| < |V|^2, the second algorithm is expected to eventually have better performance.

Run the algorithms

In order to run the algorithms use the following scripts:

python3 --input --output --verbose True
python3 --input --output --verbose True


The implementation of circuit retiming has been done in Python.


In order to run the code it is necessary to have:

  • Python: version 3.8.
  • Pip: version 20.1.1.

If you do not have Python already installed, you can find it here:

Install the python dependecies with the following bash command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This repository uses the following libraries:

  • numpy, to handle arrays and matrixes.
  • networkx, to handle graphs.
  • pygraphviz, to view graphs.
  • matplotlib, to plot graphs.
  • memory_profiler, to profile the memory usage.
  • tqdm, to monitor for loops and multiprocess tasks.
  • pandas, to handle csv results.
  • plotly, to plot the results in nice charts.

The script contains the functions to generate different types of circuits:

  • N bit correlator.
    import gen_circuits
    G = gen_circuits.gen_correlator(4)

  • Tree with B branches and D depth.
    import gen_circuits
    G = gen_circuits.gen_tree(depth=2, n_branch=2)

  • Close to fully connected graph with N nodes.
    import gen_circuits
    G = gen_circuits.gen_tree(nodes=4)

For most of the circuits is possible to choose randomize the delay of each node.

To read a custom dot file it is possible to use the read_dot feature provided by the NetworkX library. An example of how the dot file should be formatted can be found here.

import networkx as nx
path = ""
G = nx.nx_agraph.read_dot(path)

The script contains the implementation of 5 algorithms described by Charles E. Leiserson and James B. Saxe.

  • CP: Given a graph G, for each vertex V, it returns the maximum cost path without registers.
import algorithm, gen_circuits
G = gen_circuits.gen_correlator(4)
G = graph_utils.preprocess(G)
X = algorithm.CP(G)
# X: {'vh': 24, 'vcomp_0': 3, 'vcomp_1': 3, 'vcomp_2': 3, 'vcomp_3': 3, 'vsum_0': 10, 'vsum_1': 17, 'vsum_2': 24}
  • WD: Given a graph G, it uses Floyd-Warshall algorithm to build the W and D matrixes described in the paper.
import algorithm, gen_circuits
G = gen_circuits.gen_correlator(4)
G = graph_utils.preprocess(G)
W, D = algorithm.WD(G)
# W: matrix([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1],
#            [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0],
#            [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0],
#            [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
#            [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0],
#            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0],
#            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 0, 0],
#            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 0]])
  • OPT_1: Given a graph G, a matrix W and a matrix D. It returns a retimed graph with minimum legal clock.
import algorithm, gen_circuits
G = gen_circuits.gen_correlator(4)
G = graph_utils.preprocess(G)
W, D = algorithm.WD(G)
retimed_G = algorithm.OPT_1(G, W, D)
  • FEAS: Given a graph G and a clock C, it returns a retimed graph with legal clock C if feasible. Otherwise None.
import algorithm, gen_circuits
G = gen_circuits.gen_correlator(4)
G = graph_utils.preprocess(G)
retimed_G = algorithm.FEAS(G, 14)
  • OPT_2: Given a graph G and a matrix D. It returns a retimed graph with minimum legal clock.
import algorithm, gen_circuits
G = gen_circuits.gen_correlator(4)
G = graph_utils.preprocess(G)
W, D = algorithm.WD(G)
retimed_G = algorithm.OPT_1(G, D)


The testing part of the project has been done using the circuits generated with Furthermore, OPT_1 and OPT_2 best clock results are compared and it is checked that they are equal. The script responsible for the testing is

  • Correlator N bit: Given a correlator circuit we know that a minimum clock retiming period of 14 is always possible.

  • Tree with B branches and D depth: Given a tree with B branches and D depth, we know that the minimum achievable clock is max(nodes_delay).

  • Graph N nodes: Given a graph with N nodes half connected, we know that the clock is max(nodes_delay). This result is obtained by having a register in each edge of the graph.


This section contains the benchmark of the two algorithms. It is composed by two subsections: the first one is related to the time needed to compute the minimum clock and the second one reports the memory consumed.

Those benchmarks have been run on a Intel Xeon 2670 CPU.

Time benchmark

The script runs OPT_1 and OPT_2 on different circuits. For each circuit, the algorithm is run 20 times in order to have a more stable result. Before running the benchmark we expect that eventually circuits that have E (Edges) < V^2 (Vertices) performs better with OPT_2 rather than with OPT_1.

Correlator data

Circuit name Vertices Edges Opt 1 time Opt 2 time
Correlator 5 bit 10 14 0.063 0.018
Correlator 10 bit 20 29 0.738 0.077
Correlator 15 bit 30 44 4.600 0.347
Correlator 20 bit 40 59 14.479 0.673
Correlator 25 bit 50 74 39.165 0.556
Correlator 30 bit 60 89 75.612 0.819
Correlator 35 bit 70 104 125.030 1.057

Tree data

N branches = 1 (so it is a list of vertices having 1 input edge and 1 output edge).

Circuit name Vertices Edges Opt 1 time Opt 2 time
Tree n_branch 1 depth 20 random_delays 22 22 0.302 0.122
Tree n_branch 1 depth 40 random_delays 42 42 3.787 0.954
Tree n_branch 1 depth 60 random_delays 62 62 9.948 2.192
Tree n_branch 1 depth 80 random_delays 82 82 12.408 2.116
Tree n_branch 1 depth 100 random_delays 102 102 41.434 3.556
Tree n_branch 1 depth 120 random_delays 122 122 48.470 9.729
Tree n_branch 1 depth 140 random_delays 142 142 119.889 7.453
Tree n_branch 1 depth 160 random_delays 162 162 144.826 9.371
Tree n_branch 1 depth 180 random_delays 182 182 205.978 11.889

N branches > 1

Circuit name Vertices Edges Opt 1 time Opt 2 time
Tree n_branch 2 depth 1 random_delays 4 5 0.003 0.003
Tree n_branch 2 depth 2 random_delays 8 11 0.023 0.030
Tree n_branch 2 depth 3 random_delays 16 23 0.212 0.120
Tree n_branch 2 depth 4 random_delays 32 47 1.830 0.497
Tree n_branch 3 depth 1 random_delays 5 7 0.008 0.007
Tree n_branch 3 depth 2 random_delays 14 22 0.185 0.094
Tree n_branch 3 depth 3 random_delays 41 67 3.777 0.690
Tree n_branch 3 depth 4 random_delays 122 202 48.047 4.397
Tree n_branch 4 depth 1 random_delays 6 9 0.013 0.012
Tree n_branch 4 depth 2 random_delays 22 37 0.573 0.233
Tree n_branch 4 depth 3 random_delays 86 149 57.330 3.548
Tree n_branch 4 depth 4 random_delays 342 597 1673.138 34.680

Graph data

Circuit name Vertices Edges Opt 1 time Opt 2 time
Full graph 20 nodes random_delays 21 192 0.272 0.434
Full graph 40 nodes random_delays 41 782 3.145 3.566
Full graph 60 nodes random_delays 61 1772 4.635 4.637
Full graph 80 nodes random_delays 81 3162 19.618 22.289
Full graph 100 nodes random_delays 101 4952 36.925 28.343
Full graph 120 nodes random_delays 121 7142 43.694 42.018
Full graph 140 nodes random_delays 141 9732 79.382 59.424
Full graph 160 nodes random_delays 161 12722 106.434 92.594
Full graph 180 nodes random_delays 181 16112 135.168 134.733

OPT 1 vs OPT 2

In this chart the two algorithm are compared. In particular, the aim is to show that OPT 2 outperforms OPT 1 when we the circuits have a small amount of edges. The followings bubble charts (generated with the script highlight this behavior. The size of the bubble represents the time used with OPT 1 and the color represents the time taken by OPT 2. So the bigger is the bubble and more time is been required for OPT 1 to complete, and more 'yellowish' is the bubble and more time is been needed for OPT 2.

As expected, OPT 2 scales very well with the number of vertices (the color of the biggest bubble is purple), and increasing the number of edges (close to (V^2)/2 ), the performance starts to decrease rapidly.

The interactive plot can be found here (it requires to be opened with a browser/HTML reader).

Memory benchmark

This section reports the memory consumed by the algorithms. I do not think the report is very detailed since Python is a garbage collected language, and the measurement has been done through memory profiler that under the hood uses psutil. The script responsible of the memory benchmark is and the memory usage is been monitored with an interval of 10ns. The script monitors only the amount of memory needed to run the algorithm (so the memory needed for the graph has been excluded). The following table reports only the max delta memory consumption (in MB) of the large circuits:

Circuit name Vertices Edges Δ Memory Opt 1 Δ Memory Opt 2
Full graph 120 nodes 121 7142 0.25 0.25
Full graph 20 nodes random_delays 21 192 0.25 0.25
Full graph 40 nodes random_delays 41 782 0.25 0.25
Tree n_branch 1 depth 180 random_delays 182 182 1.22265625 0.6328125
Full graph 140 nodes random_delays 141 9732 1.84375 1.7109375
Full graph 140 nodes 141 9732 2.8515625 1.890625
Full graph 160 nodes random_delays 161 12722 4.89453125 2.78125
Full graph 160 nodes 161 12722 5.0625 3.31640625
Full graph 180 nodes random_delays 181 16112 6.9453125 4.49609375
Full graph 180 nodes 181 16112 7.96484375 4.08203125
Tree n_branch 4 depth 4 random_delays 342 597 35.4140625 3.5
Tree n_branch 4 depth 4 342 597 40.6171875 1.6640625



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