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315 lines (262 loc) · 15.2 KB


Get feature

from Utils.Data.Data import get_feature
feature_df = get_feature(feature_name="mapped_feature_tweet_id", dataset_id="train")

Get multiple feature

from Utils.Data.Data import get_dataset
features = [
feature_df = get_dataset(features=features, dataset_id="train")


For each dataset we have the following features:

Raw Features

  • raw_feature_tweet_text_token: str:
    Ordered list of Bert ids corresponding to Bert tokenization of Tweet text.

  • raw_feature_tweet_hashtags: str:
    Tab separated list of hastags (hashed identifiers) present in the tweet.

  • raw_feature_tweet_text_token: str:
    Tweet identifier (hashed).

  • raw_feature_tweet_media: str:
    Tab separated list of media types. Media type can be in (Photo, Video, Gif)

  • raw_feature_tweet_links: str:
    Tab separeted list of links (hashed identifiers) included in the Tweet.

  • raw_feature_tweet_domains: str:
    Tab separated list of hashed domains included in the Tweet (,

  • raw_feature_tweet_type: str:
    Tweet type, can be either Retweet, Quote, Reply, or Toplevel.

  • raw_feature_tweet_language: str:
    Identifier corresponding to the inferred language of the Tweet.

  • raw_feature_tweet_timestamp: int:
    Unix timestamp, in sec of the creation time of the Tweet.

  • raw_feature_creator_id: str:
    User identifier.

  • raw_feature_creator_follower_count: int:
    Number of followers of the user.

  • raw_feature_creator_following_count: int:
    Number of accounts the user is following.

  • raw_feature_creator_is_verified: bool:
    Is the account verified?

  • raw_feature_creator_creation_timestamp: int:
    Unix timestamp, in seconds, of the creation time of the account.

  • raw_feature_creator_id: str:
    User identifier.

  • raw_feature_creator_follower_count: int:
    Number of followers of the user.

  • raw_feature_creator_following_count: int:
    Number of accounts the user is following.

  • raw_feature_creator_is_verified: bool:
    Is the account verified?

  • raw_feature_creator_creation_timestamp: int:
    Unix timestamp, in seconds, of the creation time of the account.

  • raw_feature_engagement_creator_follows_engager: bool:
    Does the account of the engaged tweet author follow the account that has made the engagement?

  • raw_feature_engagement_reply_timestamp: int: [only train/val set]
    If there is at least one, unix timestamp, in s, of one of the replies.

  • raw_feature_engagement_retweet_timestamp: int: [only train/val set]
    If there is one, unix timestamp, in s, of the retweet of the tweet by the engaging user.

  • raw_feature_engagement_comment_timestamp: int: [only train/val set]
    If there is at least one, unix timestamp, in s, of one of the retweet with comment of the tweet by the engaging user.

  • raw_feature_engagement_like_timestamp: int: [only train/val set]
    If there is one, Unix timestamp, in s, of the like.

Mapped Features

Those features are just the same as raw features but each identifier has been mapped to a positive integer:

  • mapped_feature_tweet_hashtags: list of int:
    List of hashtags present in the tweet. None otherwise.
  • mapped_feature_tweet_id: int:
    Tweet identifier.
  • mapped_feature_tweet_media: list of int:
    List of media present in the tweet. None otherwise.
  • mapped_feature_tweet_links: list of int:
    List of links present in the tweet. None otherwise.
  • mapped_feature_tweet_domains: list of int:
    List of domains present in the tweet. None otherwise.
  • mapped_feature_tweet_language: int:
    Tweet language.
  • mapped_feature_creator_id: int:
    User identifier of the creator.
  • mapped_feature_engager_id: int:
    User identifier of the engager.

Generated Features

Those features has been extracted from the previous one. All the identifiers used in these features are mapped using the internal dictionary.

Generated Tweet Features

Number of media

  • tweet_feature_number_of_photo: int:
    Number of photo in the tweet.
  • tweet_feature_number_of_video: int:
    Number of video in the tweet.
  • tweet_feature_number_of_gif: int:
    Number of gif in the tweet.
  • tweet_feature_number_of_media: int:
    Number of media (photo, video and gif) in the tweet.

Number of hashtags

  • tweet_feature_number_of_hashtags: int:
    Number of hashtags in the tweet.

Hashtag related features

  • tweet_feature_has_discriminative_hashtag_like: bool:
    If the tweet contains a discriminative (w.r.t like engagements) hashtag.

  • tweet_feature_has_discriminative_hashtag_retweet: bool:
    If the tweet contains a discriminative (w.r.t retweet engagements) hashtag.

  • tweet_feature_has_discriminative_hashtag_reply: bool:
    If the tweet contains a discriminative (w.r.t reply engagements) hashtag.

  • tweet_feature_has_discriminative_hashtag_comment: bool:
    If the tweet contains a discriminative (w.r.t comment engagements) hashtag.

  • tweet_feature_number_of_discriminative_hashtag_like: int:
    Count of the discriminative (w.r.t like engagements) hashtags contained in a tweet.

  • tweet_feature_number_of_discriminative_hashtag_retweet: int:
    Count of the discriminative (w.r.t retweet engagements) hashtags contained in a tweet.

  • tweet_feature_number_of_discriminative_hashtag_reply: int:
    Count of the discriminative (w.r.t reply engagements) hashtags contained in a tweet.

  • tweet_feature_number_of_discriminative_hashtag_comment: int:
    Count of the discriminative (w.r.t comment engagements) hashtags contained in a tweet.

Is tweet type

  • tweet_feature_is_reply: bool:
    True if the tweet is a reply.
  • tweet_feature_is_retweet: bool:
    True if the tweet is a retweet.
  • tweet_feature_is_quote: bool:
    True if the tweet is a quote.
  • tweet_feature_is_top_level: bool:
    True if the tweet is a top_level.

Extracted from text token

  • tweet_feature_mentions: list of ints (or None):
    Mentions extracted from the tweet.

  • tweet_feature_number_of_mentions: int:
    Number of mentions in the tweet.

  • tweet_feature_token_length: int:
    Number of BERT tokens in the tweet.

  • tweet_feature_token_length_unique: int:
    Number of unique bert tokens in the tweet.

  • tweet_feature_text_token_decoded: list of str:
    Decoded BERT tokens.

  • tweet_feature_text_topic_word_count_adult_content: int:
    Number of 'adult content' words.

  • tweet_feature_text_topic_word_count_kpop: int:
    Number of 'kpop' words.

  • tweet_feature_text_topic_word_count_covid: int:
    Number of 'covid' words.

  • tweet_feature_text_topic_word_count_sport: int:
    Number of 'sport' words.

Creation timestamp

  • tweet_feature_creation_timestamp_hour: int:
    The hour when the tweet has been created. (0-23 UTC hour)

  • tweet_feature_creation_timestamp_hour_shifted: int:
    The shifted hour (+12 hours) when the tweet has been created. (0-23 UTC hour)

  • tweet_feature_creation_timestamp_week_day: int:
    The week day when the tweet has been created (0-6 UTC date)

  • tweet_feature_creation_timestamp_day_phase: int:
    The phase of the day when the tweet has been created. It can be NIGHT, MORNING, LUNCH, AFTERNOON or EVENING.

  • tweet_feature_creation_timestamp_day_phase: int:
    The shifted phase of the day (+12 hours) when the tweet has been created. It can be NIGHT, MORNING, LUNCH, AFTERNOON or EVENING.

Is engagement type

Only for train and local validation test

  • tweet_feature_engagement_is_like: bool:
    True if the tweet has been liked by the engager.
  • tweet_feature_engagement_is_retweet: bool:
    True if the tweet has been retweeted by the engager.
  • tweet_feature_engagement_is_comment: bool:
    True if the tweet has been commented by the engager.
  • tweet_feature_engagement_is_reply: bool:
    True if the tweet has been replied by the engager.
  • tweet_feature_engagement_is_positive: bool:
    True if the tweet has been involved in a positive engagement by the engager.
  • tweet_feature_engagement_is_negative: bool:
    True if the tweet has been involved in a pseudo negative engagement by the engager.

Engager knows hashtag

  • engager_feature_knows_hashtag_like: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged with a like engagement the hashtags in the tweet.
  • engager_feature_knows_hashtag_retweet: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged with a retweet engagement the hashtags in the tweet.
  • engager_feature_knows_hashtag_reply: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged with a reply engagement the hashtags in the tweet.
  • engager_feature_knows_hashtag_comment: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged with a comment engagement the hashtags in the tweet.
  • engager_feature_knows_hashtag_negative: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged with a negative engagement the hashtags in the tweet.
  • engager_feature_knows_hashtag_positive: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged with a positive engagement the hashtags in the tweet.

Number of (previous) engagement

  • engager_feature_number_of_previous_like_engagement: int:
    The number of time the engager has previously engaged a tweet with a like engagement.

  • engager_feature_number_of_previous_retweet_engagement: int:
    The number of time the engager has previously engaged a tweet with a retweet engagement.

  • engager_feature_number_of_previous_reply_engagement: int:
    The number of time the engager has previously engaged a tweet with a reply engagement.

  • engager_feature_number_of_previous_comment_engagement: int:
    The number of time the engager has previously engaged a tweet with a comment engagement.

  • engager_feature_number_of_previous_positive_engagement: int:
    The number of time the engager has previously engaged a tweet with a positive engagement.

  • engager_feature_number_of_previous_negative_engagement: int:
    The number of time the engager has previously engaged a tweet with a negative engagement.

  • number_of_engagements_like: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged a tweet with a like engagement.

  • number_of_engagements_retweet: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged a tweet with a retweet engagement.

  • number_of_engagements_reply: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged a tweet with a reply engagement.

  • number_of_engagements_comment: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged a tweet with a comment engagement.

  • number_of_engagements_positive: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged a tweet with a positive engagement.

  • number_of_engagements_negative: int:
    The number of time the engager has engaged a tweet with a negative engagement.

Number of engagements ratio

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_like: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous like engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. 0 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_retweet: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous retweet engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. 0 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_reply: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous reply engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. 0 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_comment: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous comment engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. 0 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_positive: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous positive engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. 0 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_negative: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous negative engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. 0 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_like_1: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous like engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. -1 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_retweet_1: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous retweet engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. -1 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_reply_1: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous reply engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. -1 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_comment_1: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous comment engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. -1 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_positive_1: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous positive engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. -1 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_negative_1: int:
    The ratio 'number of previous negative engagements'/'number of all previous engagements'. -1 when the user has never been seen.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_like: int:
    The ratio 'number of like engagements'/'number of all engagements'.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_retweet: int:
    The ratio 'number of retweet engagements'/'number of all engagements'.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_reply: int:
    The ratio 'number of reply engagements'/'number of all engagements'.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_comment: int:
    The ratio 'number of comment engagements'/'number of all engagements'.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_positive: int:
    The ratio 'number of positive engagements'/'number of all engagements'.

  • number_of_engagements_ratio_negative: int:
    The ratio 'number of negative engagements'/'number of all engagements'.

Main Language

  • engager_main_language: int:
    The main language of the engager.
  • creator_main_language: int:
    The main language of the creator.
  • creator_and_engager_have_same_main_language: int:
    True if the creator and the engager have the same main language.
  • is_tweet_in_creator_main_language: int:
    True if the tweet is in the creator main language.
  • is_tweet_in_engager_main_language: int:
    True if the tweet is in the engager main language.
  • is_tweet_in_engager_main_language: int:
    True if the tweet is in the engager main language.
  • statistical_probability_main_language_of_engager_engage_tweet_language_1: int:
    Statical data explaining how probable a user that have a certain language know also the tweet language. (Excluding the relation language_X - language_X)
  • statistical_probability_main_language_of_engager_engage_tweet_language_2: int:
    Statical data explaining how probable a user that have a certain language know also the tweet language. (Including the relation language_X - language_X)