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String Casing

Various functions to handle string casing added onto the string prototype


  • String.prototype.capatlize())
    Capatlizes the first char of the string and returns it.

    "this is a string".capatlize() //=> "This is a string" 
  • String.prototype.lower())
    Opposite of capatlize, makes the first char lower case.

    "This is a String".lower() //=> "this is a String" 
  • String.prototype.capatlizeSentence())
    Capatlizes each word in the string

    "this is a string".capatlizeSentence() //=> "This Is A String" 
  • String.prototype.evenCaps())
    Capatlizes every other letter in the string on the even

    "this is a string".evenCaps() //=> "ThIs iS A StRiNg"
  • String.prototype.oddCaps())
    Capatlizes every other letter in the string on the odd

    "this is a string".oddCaps() //=> "tHiS Is a sTrInG"
  • String.prototype.removeWhitespace())
    Removes all spaces from a string

    "this is a string".removeWhitespace() //=> "thisisastring"
  • String.prototype.removeExtraWhitespace())
    Remove whitespace from the ends of the string as well as extra spaces in-between words

    "   this  is a    string   ".removeExtraWhitespace() //=> "this is a string"
  • String.prototype.kabobCase()
    changes string from sentence into kabob case

    "this is a string".kabobCase() //=> "this-is-a-string"
  • String.prototype.snakeCase()
    changes string from sentence into snake case

    "this is a string".snakeCase() //=> "this_is_a_string"
  • String.prototype.camelCase()
    changes string from sentence into camel case

    "this is a string".camelCase() //=> "ThisIsAString"


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