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Team CURI‘s WAIC 2020 Walker competition codebase (3rd place in the final)

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Team CURI's solution for World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2020 Walker challenge competition. Source Code


Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic, Webots R2020a

Project structure


The catkin workspace for development. Two official packages named example and ubt_core_msgs exist in src/. Besides that, we have a series of packages started with walker_ prefix that are tailored for this contest, with the exception of the hope package, which is based on a prior work of our team.

A comprehensive introduction of the customized packages is as follows:

hope: The object detection package that could detect horizontal planes and objects on the plane given the point cloud of the scene. We use this in GraspCup, PushCart, and OpenFridge tasks, which helps for locating the cup to grasp, the cart, or the fridge.

walker_brain: The primary entrance for solving the tasks. Refer its README for details.

walker_description: URDF and meshes for the Walker robot.

walker_moveit_config: MoveIt! configure files generated from walker description.

walker_movement: Primary control functionalists.

walker_nav: Primary navigation stack.

walker_webots_hardware_interface: Interface for interacting with the Webots simulator.


Official pre-built gait package.


Official Webots model and controllers. No modification should be carried out in this part.


  1. In ~, git clone --recrusive You could manually re-create the ubt_sim_ws following this ROS instruction, and then move the contents back.

  2. In new terminal, source /opt/ros/molodic/setup.bash, and then source ~/CURI-Walker/walker_install/setup.bash, and finally catkin_make in ubt_sim_ws.

  3. Add source ~/CURI-Walker/ubt_sim_ws/devel/setup.bash into ~/.bashrc. After that, echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH should give some output like this: /home/x/CURI-Walker/ubt_sim_ws/src:/home/x/CURI-Walker/walker_install/share:/opt/ros/melodic/share


  1. Run roscore

  2. Start Webots, open WAIC.wbt in walker_model/worlds/WAIC.wbt

  3. Refer README in walker_brain for usage guide.

  4. Prepare to record the videos with kazam.

Launching MoveIt

To control the Walker robot via MoveIt you can use moveit.launch from the walker_webots_hardware_interface package. This launcher will start the MoveIt move_group, together with the hardware interface to the simulated robot.

roslaunch walker_webots_hardware_interface moveit.launch show_rviz:=true

This configuration allows to control via MoveIt the arms, the head and the legs of the Walker robot. By default the legs control is disabled to avoid interference with the gait module, you can enable it using enable_legs:=true

NOTE: for this to work you may need to install additional system packages, you can use rosdep to install them automatically. Just move to ubt_sim_ws and run:

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Implementation details

Three different packages have been defined to handle the robot control.

  • walker_description provides the urdf and the 3D meshes that represent the robot
  • walker_moveit_config defines the MoveIt configuration
  • walker_webots_hardware_interface provides the hardware_interface that connects the simulated robot to MoveIt.

Cheat sheet

Webots API


Name Type Content
/walker/sence webots_api/SceneSelection .scene_name “SwitchLight”, “GraspCup”, “PushCart”, “OpenFridge”, “CarryBox”, “Upstairs” .nav true, false .vision true, false

Task-scene relation

scene name nav/vision task
SwitchLight F/F 1
GraspCup F/F 2
F/T 3
T/F 4
T/F 5
PushCart F/F 6
F/T 7
T/F 8
T/F 9
OpenFridge F/F 10
F/T 11
T/F 12
T/F 13
CarryBox F/F 14
Upstairs F/F 15


Name Type Content
/Leg/DesiredJoint sensor_msgs/JointState
/walker/Leg/MeasuredJoint sensor_msgs/JointState
/sensor/head_imu sensor_msgs/Imu
/sensor/orientus_imu sensor_msgs/Imu
/sensor/camera_imu sensor_msgs/Imu
/sensor/ft/lankle geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped
/sensor/ft/lwrist geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped
/sensor/ft/rankle geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped
/sensor/ft/rwrist geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped
/walker/camera/bottomDepth sensor_msgs/Image
/walker/camera/bottomRGB sensor_msgs/Image
/walker/camera/doubleLeftRGB sensor_msgs/Image
/walker/camera/doubleRightRGB sensor_msgs/Image
/walker/camera/headDepth sensor_msgs/Image +z: front, +x: right
/walker/camera/headRGB sensor_msgs/Image
/walker/camera/topDepth sensor_msgs/Image
/walker/camera/topRGB sensor_msgs/Image
/walker/head/controller ubt_core_msgs/JointCommand .mode 5 (P), 6 (V), 7 (F) .command.resize(2) [0] HeadYaw, [1] HeadPitch
/walker/head/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState
/walker/leftHand/controller ubt_core_msgs/JointCommand .mode 5 (P), 6 (V), 7 (F) .command.resize(10) [0] LFirstFinger1, [1] LFirstFinger2, [2] LSecondFinger1, [3] LSecondFinger2, [4] LThirdFinger1, [5] LThirdFinger2, [6] LForthFinger1, [7] LForthFinger2, [8] LFifthFinger1, [9] LFifthFinger2
/walker/leftHand/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState
/walker/leftLimb/controller ubt_core_msgs/JointCommand .mode 5 (P), 6 (V), 7 (F) .command.resize(7) [0] LShoulderPitch, [1] LShoulderRoll, [2] LShoulderYaw, [3] LElbowRoll, [4] LElbowYaw, [5] LWristPitch, [6] LWristRoll
/walker/leftLimb/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState
/walker/rightHand/controller ubt_core_msgs/JointCommand .mode 5 (P), 6 (V), 7 (F) .command.resize(10) [0] RFirstFinger1, [1] RFirstFinger2, [2] RSecondFinger1, [3] RSecondFinger2, [4] RThirdFinger1, [5] RThirdFinger2, [6] RForthFinger1, [7] RForthFinger2, [8] RFifthFinger1, [9] RFifthFinger2
/walker/rightHand/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState
/walker/rightLimb/controller ubt_core_msgs/JointCommand .mode 5 (P), 6 (V), 7 (F) .command.resize(7) [0] RShoulderPitch, [1] RShoulderRoll, [2] RShoulderYaw, [3] RElbowRoll, [4] RElbowYaw, [5] RWristPitch, [6] RWristRoll
/walker/rightLimb/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState
/walker/ultrasound/leftBack sensor_msgs/Range
/walker/ultrasound/leftFront sensor_msgs/Range
/walker/ultrasound/middleBack sensor_msgs/Range
/walker/ultrasound/rightBack sensor_msgs/Range
/walker/ultrasound/rightFront sensor_msgs/Range

Gait API


Name Type Content
/Leg/TaskScheduler walker_srvs .func_name “dynamic” .param_json “” .cmd “start”, “stop”


Name Type Content
/ID_status std_msgs/String
/Leg/BodyPlanner geometry_msgs/Point
/Leg/CmdToDynamic std_msgs/Int64
/Leg/DesiredJoint sensor_msgs/JointState
/Leg/DisLeft2Arm sensor_msgs/JointState
/Leg/DisRight2Arm sensor_msgs/JointState
/Leg/FixedPlanning geometry_msgs/Pose2D
/Leg/Joint2Sim sensor_msgs/JointState
/Leg/RandomOutput geometry_msgs/PointStamped
/Leg/StepNum std_msgs/Int64
/Leg/StopfromScript std_msgs/Bool
/Leg/WaistPoseDesired geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
/Leg/WaistPoseMeasured geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
/Leg/dis_waist2ankle_left geometry_msgs/Point
/Leg/dis_waist2ankle_right geometry_msgs/Point
/Leg/footpose2camera geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
/Leg/footpose2waist geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
/Leg/left_leg_ground std_msgs/Bool
/Leg/leg_status std_msgs/String
/Leg/robot_vel geometry_msgs/Pose2D
/Leg/walking_odom nav_msgs/Odometry
/Leg/walking_status std_msgs/String
/Robot_mode geometry_msgs/Twist
/astra_aruco/markers aruco_msgs/MarkerArray
/astra_aruco_marker_publisher_2/markers aruco_msgs/MarkerArray
/nav/cmd_vel_nav geometry_msgs/Twist
/tf tf2_msgs/TFMessage


  1. The Webots simulator could not run in real-time.

    According to the official statement, the dynamic simulation is time consuming where 0.2x real-time is an reasonable performance, so no need to worry about that and the finial videos will be judged basing on the simulation time.

  2. Webots crash on startup.

    /usr/local/bin/webots: line 86: 27518 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$webots_home/bin/webots-bin" "$@"

    Rollback any changes in the file walker_model/worlds/.WAIC.wbproj