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Mod commands

Dreamy Cecil edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 17 revisions

This document contains commands that can be entered in console for altering gameplay in some way.

To read about commands for creating or editing a navigation mesh, see this page.

Bot Mod

  • MOD_QuickBot() - quick bot addition (uses BOT_strSpawnName and BOT_strSpawnTeam)
  • MOD_AddBot(name, AMC filename, team) - bot addition with custom name and player skin (empty strings for random) and also team (empty string for no team)
  • MOD_RemoveBot(name) - remove bots with a certain name from the game (supports wildcards, e.g. Play* will remove Player 1, Playa etc.)
  • MOD_RemoveAllBots() - remove all bots from the game
  • MOD_BotUpdate() - update settings for all bots (if BOT_strBotEdit isn't blank, only updates bots with that name)
  • MOD_BotTeleport() - teleport all bots to the player (if BOT_strBotEdit isn't blank, only teleports bots with that name)

  • BOT_strBotEdit - name of a bot for editing its settings (leave blank for all bots)
  • BOT_strSpawnName - quick add bots with this specific name
  • BOT_strSpawnTeam - quick add bots in this specific team
  • BOT_ResetBotConfig(difficulty) - reset all bot settings to some difficulty preset
  0 - Dummy preset (like Normal, but bots don't shoot and only collect weapons)
  1 - Easy preset (bots are pretty inaccurate and not very decisive)
  2 - Normal preset (default settings)
  3 - Hard preset (bots are really precise)
  All other values (such as -1 or 5) default to the "Normal" preset.

For specific bot behaviour customization go to Options -> Advanced options -> Bot Mod Customization in game (all commands start with BOT_)


  • MOD_bEntityIDs - display IDs of all entities nearby (for MOD_NavMeshPointEntity())

  • MOD_bClientSandbox - let server clients edit world's NavMesh (only for the server)

  • MOD_bBotThoughts - display bot's thoughts on screen for debugging purposes (only for the server)

  • MOD_SetWeapons(weapon type/mask, players) - change all weapon items or player weapons on the map:

Change weapon type of all CWeaponItems:
  weapon type - WeaponItemType index of CWeaponItem entity
  players - set to 0

WeaponItemType indices:
 1 - Colt
 2 - Single shotgun
 3 - Double shotgun
 4 - Tommygun
 5 - Minigun
 6 - Rocket launcher
 7 - Grenade launcher
 8 - Sniper
 9 - Flamer
10 - Laser
11 - Chainsaw
12 - Cannon


Change current player weapons and "Give Weapons" property of all CPlayerMarkers:
  weapon mask - binary mask in base 10 (e.g. 148 = 128 + 16 + 4)
  players - set to 1

Weapon bits for the mask:
   1 - Knife
   2 - Colt
   4 - Double Colt
   8 - Single shotgun
  16 - Double shotgun
  32 - Tommygun
  64 - Minigun
 128 - Rocket launcher
 256 - Grenade launcher
 512 - Chainsaw
1024 - Flamer
2048 - Laser
4096 - Sniper
8192 - Cannon
  • MOD_bCheckEntityNames - use a slower method for checking entities (by name, rather than internal class) that allows bots to attack enemies (CEnemyBase) and collect items (CItem) from external entity packs.
    • It's not multiplayer synchronized, so if you wish to play with others, every single client should have it in the same state as the server!
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