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Serious Engine 1 versions & forks

Dreamy Cecil edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 16 revisions

This is a list of all versions of Serious Engine 1, including official, third-party and user-made forks under each specific version.

Development version tree

List of engine versions from the very beginning.

  • itf - Engine (initially called "S-Cape 3D") used in the initial project called "In The Flesh" around 1996-1998. No publicly available builds.
    • alpha - Engine used in so-called "Serious Sam Alpha". The only publicly available build using this engine is called "Evaluation version for Croteam_Test" from 2000.
      • pb1 - Engine used in "Public Test 1". Major changes but still functionally close to the "Alpha" version.
        • pb2 - Engine used in "Public Test 2". Major changes, moving the engine closer to release version of "The First Encounter".
          • pb21 - Engine used in "Public Test 2.1". Very insignificant changes.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter version tree

List of engine versions evolving from pb21. Latest actual version for "The First Encounter" is 1.05fe.

  • 1.00fe - Official release of "The First Encounter".
    • 1.02fe - Small patch for "The First Encounter".
      • 1.03fe - 1.03 patch has never actually been released for "The First Encounter" for unknown reasons.
        • 1.04fe - Major patch for "The First Encounter".
          • 1.05fe - Major and final patch for "The First Encounter". Includes Direct3D support.
        • carnivores - Engine fork used in "Carnivores: Cityscape" with most changes related to its gameplay mechanics. The only game to ever run on a version that no official Serious Sam game runs on.

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter version tree

List of engine versions evolving from 1.05fe. Latest actual version for "The Second Encounter" is 1.07se.

  • 1.05se - Official release of "The Second Encounter". Minimal internal changes since "The First Encounter".
    • 1.07se - Major patch for "The Second Encounter". Includes usable models with skeletal animations, new terrain system, updated netcode.
      • 1.50 - Engine used in "Serious Sam Xbox" from 2002. Includes finalized skeletal animations, revamped terrain system introduced in 1.07, netcode remade from scratch, updated sound engine and many other changes.
      • b1.50 - Beta version of a major update for "The Second Encounter" with most 1.50 features backported onto 1.07.
      • bh03 - Engine fork used in "Bird Hunter 2003".
        • dh03 - Minor update of the engine used in "Deer Hunter 2003".

Third-party version tree

List of third-party engine forks of either 1.50 or b1.50 (most likely).

  • abz - Engine fork used in "Alpha Black Zero".
    • ec - Minor update of the engine used in "EuroCops".
  • lc - Engine fork used in "Last Chaos".
  • nf_demo - Engine fork used in the demo version of "Nitro Family".
    • nf - Update of the engine used in "Nitro Family".
  • rakion - Engine fork used in "Rakion: Chaos Force".

Official 1.10 version tree

List of engine versions evolving from 1.07se. Latest actual version for 1.10 is Croteam-official/Serious-Engine.

  • 1.10 - Semi-official version of the 1.07 engine adapted for more modern systems. Developed by "Scratch" - a Seriously! user and a Croteam intern around 2010-2012. No publicly available builds, however the SDK with compiled engine binaries have been distributed directly by Scratch.
    • revolution - Engine used in "Serious Sam: Revolution" developed by the Alligator Pit team with Scratch as the project lead. No publicly available SDK. Has many iterations of the engine over the years of updating Revolution. Most notable engine versions are AP_3381 (last Early Access version from 2016) and 1.03 (latest version from 2020).
    • Croteam-official/Serious-Engine - Official open-source release of Serious Engine 1. Commonly known as "1.10" instead of the semi-official version that it initially evolved from.

1.10 forks

List of notable forks of Croteam-official/Serious-Engine.

  • aarcangeli/Serious-Sam-Android - Abandoned fork that makes the engine compatible with Android.
    • Skyrimus/Serious-Sam-Android - Source ports of "The First Encounter" and "The Second Encounter" that run on Android.

      This fork is most notable for having newer releases with more features.

  • icculus/Serious-Engine - Fork that makes the engine compatible with Linux operating systems.

    This fork is most notable for laying groundwork for cross-platform support and implementing Simple DirectMedia Layer into the engine's ecosystem.

  • SeriousAlexej/Serious-Engine - Fork that improves editing tools that are compatible with files used primarily by 1.07 engine.
  • sultim-t/Serious-Engine-Vk - Fork that includes support for Vulkan rendering API.
    • sultim-t/Serious-Engine-RT - Unofficial source port of "The First Encounter" that introduces rendering using ray tracing technology.

      This fork is most notable for completely rewriting rendering pipeline of the engine that relies heavily on modern graphics cards, which has never been done before.

  • TwilightWingsStudio/SSE-Legacy - Obsolete fork used in an unofficial project called "Serious Sam Evolution (Legacy Version)".

    This fork is most notable for implementing interesting features and ideas that could be backported into a mod for TSE 1.07.

  • TwilightWingsStudio/SSE - Abandoned source port of "The Second Encounter" called "Serious Sam Evolution". Supports 64-bit Windows operating systems and includes limited support for resources from games on various versions of 1.50 engine.

    This fork is most notable for implemeting a lot of interesting, experimental and quality-of-life features, albeit heavily untested and unfinished.