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Generate when statements and interfaces for kotlin sealed classes


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Generate Kotlin state mutation specs from sealed classes.


This is a basic example that functions without any libraries.

// A simple State model that holds a number.
data class CounterState(val count: Int)

    patchFunParams = [CounterState::class],
    patchFunParamNames = ["state"],
    connectionBaseClass = CounterEvent::class,
    connectionReturnClass = CounterState::class)
sealed class CounterEvent {
  object Inc : CounterEvent()
  object Dec : CounterEvent()
  data class Add(val number: Int) : CounterEvent()
  data class Sub(val number: Int) : CounterEvent()

The following switchboard will be generated.

interface CounterEventSwitchboard {
    fun patch(state: CounterState, connection: CounterEvent): CounterState = when (connection) {
        CounterEvent.Inc -> inc(state)
        CounterEvent.Dec -> dec(state)
        is CounterEvent.Add -> add(state, connection)
        is CounterEvent.Sub -> sub(state, connection)

    fun inc(state: CounterState): CounterState
    fun dec(state: CounterState): CounterState
    fun add(state: CounterState, connection: CounterEvent.Add): CounterState
    fun sub(state: CounterState, connection: CounterEvent.Sub): CounterState


Switchboard is available on jcenter.

allprojects {
  repositories {

Add the dependency:

dependencies {
  implementation 'drewcarlson.switchboard:api:VERSION'
  kapt 'drewcarlson.switchboard:generator:VERSION'
  // Or with Mobius
  implementation 'drewcarlson.switchboard:api-mobius:VERSION'
  kapt 'drewcarlson.switchboard:generator-mobius:VERSION'

Mobius Spec Generator

The generator module doubles as the @Switchboard generator and an extension point for providing specialized Switchboard generators.

This project provides api-mobius and generator-mobius as

  1. an example of how to generate custom Switchboards and
  2. a practical library for generating Mobius Update<M, E, F> and Connectable<F, E>(effect handler) function specs.


    modelName = "Login",
    baseModel = LoginState::class,
    baseEffect = BaseEffect::class)
sealed class LoginEvent : BaseEvent {
  object OnSubmitLoginClicked : LoginEvent()
  object OnForgotPasswordClicked : LoginEvent()
  object OnLoginSuccess : LoginEvent()

  data class OnEmailChanged(val email: String) : LoginEvent()
  data class OnPasswordChanged(val password: String) : LoginEvent()
  data class OnLoginRequestError(val error: String) : LoginEvent()
  data class OnLoginValidationError(val emailError: String, val passwordError: String) : LoginEvent()

The following update spec will be generated.

interface LoginUpdateSpec {
    fun patch(model: LoginState, event: BaseEvent): Next<LoginState, Any> = when (event) {
        LoginEvent.OnSubmitLoginClicked -> onSubmitLoginClicked(model)
        LoginEvent.OnForgotPasswordClicked -> onForgotPasswordClicked(model)
        LoginEvent.OnLoginSuccess -> onLoginSuccess(model)
        is LoginEvent.OnEmailChanged -> onEmailChanged(model, event)
        is LoginEvent.OnPasswordChanged -> onPasswordChanged(model, event)
        is LoginEvent.OnLoginValidationError -> onLoginValidationError(model, event)
        is LoginEvent.OnLoginRequestError -> onLoginRequestError(model, event)
        else -> drop(model, event)

    fun drop(model: LoginState, event: AppEvent): Next<LoginState, Any>
    fun onSubmitLoginClicked(model: LoginState): Next<LoginState, Any>
    fun onForgotPasswordClicked(model: LoginState): Next<LoginState, Any>
    fun onLoginSuccess(model: LoginState): Next<LoginState, Any>
    fun onEmailChanged(model: LoginState, event: LoginEvent.OnEmailChanged): Next<LoginState, Any>
    fun onPasswordChanged(model: LoginState, event: LoginEvent.OnPasswordChanged): Next<LoginState, Any>
    fun onLoginRequestError(model: LoginState, event: LoginEvent.OnLoginRequestError): Next<LoginState, Any>
    fun onLoginValidationError(model: LoginState, event: LoginEvent.OnLoginValidationError): Next<LoginState, Any>

Framework example

Note: This section remains as an example advanced @Switchboard usage, if you intend to use Switchboard with Mobius use the provided Mobius Generator.

Here is an example that generates switchboards suitable for Mobius Update<M, E, F> functions. In this example, we don't need any Effects, so we'll just use Unit but any non-primative type will work.

import com.spotify.mobius.Next
import com.spotify.mobius.Update

// A simple State model that holds a number.
data class CounterModel(val count: Int)

    patchFunParams = [CounterModel::class],
    patchFunParamNames = ["model"],
    connectionBaseClass = MobiusCounterEvent::class,
    connectionParamName = "event",
    connectionReturnClass = Next::class,
    connectionReturnProjections = [CounterModel::class, Unit::class]
sealed class MobiusCounterEvent {
  object onInc : MobiusCounterEvent()
  object onDec : MobiusCounterEvent()
  data class onAdd(val number: Int) : MobiusCounterEvent()
  data class onSub(val number: Int) : MobiusCounterEvent()

The following switchboard will be generated.

import com.spotify.mobius.Next

interface MobiusCounterEventSwitchboard {
    fun patch(model: CounterModel, event: MobiusCounterEvent): Next<CounterModel, Unit> = when (event) {
        MobiusCounterEvent.onInc -> onInc(model)
        MobiusCounterEvent.onDec -> onDec(model)
        is MobiusCounterEvent.onAdd -> onAdd(model, event)
        is MobiusCounterEvent.onSub -> onSub(model, event)

    fun onInc(model: CounterModel): Next<CounterModel, Unit>
    fun onDec(model: CounterModel): Next<CounterModel, Unit>
    fun onAdd(model: CounterModel, event: MobiusCounterEvent.onAdd): Next<CounterModel, Unit>
    fun onSub(model: CounterModel, event: MobiusCounterEvent.onSub): Next<CounterModel, Unit>


Copyright 2018 Andrew Carlson

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.'