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Drill4J Admin UI

Env variables:

# Required; Specify URLs to load test2code-ui module from. Use the example string below to use test2code-ui@0.8.0-78

# Required; Address to ping Drill4J Admin Backend before launching Admin UI

# Optional; Customize nginx port to bind to, default is 8080

For development

For development you need a node.js.

Current versions

$ node --version

$ npm --version

To launch the development environment, follow these steps:

  1. open console from the project root
  2. run the command npm install
  3. run the command npm run start
  4. enjoy the development.

Important notes

  1. Make sure to include import "twin.macro"; in each .tsx file to enable tailwind styles via tw= attribute

    • if you see the tw= attribute in html on the page - missing import is the cause of it


For development

  1. clone ui-kit repo
  2. run the command npm install
  3. run the command npm run start:standalone
  4. copy url from terminal and paste it to index.ejs file in first script tag with contain imports key object with key is @drill4j/ui-kit and value is url. Example

"imports": { "@drill4j/ui-kit": "http://localhost:8000/drill4j-ui-kit.js" }