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The PlayerBar

Steven Mavente edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 2 revisions
Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 10 12 07 PM

IMG NOTE: The PlayerBar as seen inside the Bank.

The most important part of the game for any Dungeoneer is their PlayerBar. The PlayerBar is where you'll find:

  • Navigation Controls
  • Health Bar
  • Player Inventory
  • Quick Stats
  • Warning Messages

There are 2 versions of the PlayerBar, a PC version and a Mobile version. They operate nearly identically, but there are a few tweaks to navigate limitations of the mobile system.

Navigation Controls:

The two main buttons are "Pause" and "Return". "Pause" will pause the game, and "Return" will bring you back to where you just were. Certain locations may add their own relevant buttons.

Health Bar:

Your Health Bar displays the current amount of HitPoints you have remaining. As you lose points, the color of the Bar and the Text will change to reflect that.

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 11 54 28 AM

IMG NOTE: Player at Half Health

Player Inventory:

The Player Inventory consists of 32 slots. When your inventory is full, you cannot add any new items.

If you Right Click on an item in your inventory, a menu will appear. The options are:

  • Use - Same as Left Clicking the item
  • Drop - Destroys the Item you've selected
  • Info - Display the Stats of the Item

To close the menu, simply click on the item you've selected.

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 10 19 17 PM

IMG NOTE: Inventory Menu

Quick Stats:

The "Stats" button will display the "Skills" and "Player Stats" buttons. Clicking "Skills" will show your current skill levels (Attack, Defense, etc.). Clicking "Player Stats" will show your player stats (Coins, Dungeon Keys, etc.).

Warning Messages:

Sometimes you'll do something that isn't allowed. This is when the game will alert you with a message. There are 3 colors:

  • White - Minor Warning
  • Yellow - Moderate Warning
  • Red - Major Warning

PC vs Mobile:

There's only a few differences to note:

  • Tapping - Tapping acts as a Right Click instead of a Left Click. This allows the menu to appear on Mobile.
  • Size - The Mobile PlayerBar is much larger so players can easily touch buttons.

Either version can use either PlayerBar. To switch, simply go to Settings, and turn "Mobile Mode" On or Off.

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 10 28 51 PM

IMG NOTE: Mobile Mode Toggle in Settings