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Title: Android Contact Manager(ContactApp)#CCINTERNSHIP.

Description: The Android Contact Manager is a robust mobile application designed to efficiently organize and manage contacts on Android devices. Built using Java for Android development and SQLite as the database, this application offers a user-friendly interface and essential features for seamless contact management.

Key Features:

Contact CRUD Operations:

Create: Users can add new contacts by providing details such as name, phone number, email, and address. Read: View a list of all contacts with their details in a scrollable interface. Update: Modify contact information easily, ensuring accurate and up-to-date data. Delete: Remove unwanted contacts with a simple delete functionality. Search and Filter:

Quick and efficient search functionality to find contacts based on name, phone number, or email. Filter contacts by groups or categories for better organization. User-Friendly Interface:

Intuitive design with a clean and organized layout for a smooth user experience. Contact details displayed in a readable format for easy comprehension. SQLite Database Integration:

Efficient SQLite database management for storing and retrieving contact information. Ensures data persistence across app sessions and device restarts. Contact Groups:

Create and manage contact groups for categorizing contacts based on relationships or criteria. Easily add or remove contacts from specific groups. Backup and Restore:

Implement a backup and restore feature to safeguard against data loss. Users can export contacts to a file and import them back when needed. Multi-Language Support:

Provide support for multiple languages, catering to a diverse user base. Security:

Implement secure practices to protect user data, including encryption and password protection if needed. Development Stack:

Programming Language: Java Database: SQLite User Interface: Android XML layouts Version Control: Git Future Enhancements:

Integration with cloud services for cross-device synchronization. Advanced search filters, such as sorting contacts by date added or modified. Integration with social media platforms for automatic contact updates. Enhanced security features, including biometric authentication.


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