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NuGet version (RocketRP)

A Rocket League Replay parser written in C#. Replay files are converted to an object which can be exported as JSON.

RocketRP can also convert the generated JSON file back into a replay file. This functionality hasn't been extensively tested and might not always work.

Supports all Rocket League versions up to at least v2.38 (2024-04-16). Newer versions will likely also work because the replay format doesn't change often. RocketRP successfully parses all my 900+ replays dating back to early 2016. If you find a replay that fails to get parsed, please create an issue so I can look into fixing it.


You can download the latest release or build from source.

If you want to include this in your project, a NuGet package is also available.


 RocketRP [FLAGS]

 -r, --replay       Required. Path to the Replay File/Directory
 -o, --output       (Default: ReplayPath) Path to the output Directory
 -d, --directory    (Default: false) Process entire Directory
 -t, --threads      (Default: 10) Number of Threads to run in Directory Mode
 -f, --fast         (Default: false) Skips the Netstream
 -c, --enforce-crc  (Default: false) Fail if CRCs don't match the data
 -p, --pretty       (Default: false) Output JSON pretty-printed
 -m, --mode         (Default: Deserialize) Deserialize to JSON or Serialize from JSON
 --help             Display this help screen.
 --version          Display version information.

 RocketRP -r example.replay -p              Convert Replay to pretty-printed JSON
 RocketRP -r "path\to\replay\files" -d -c   Convert all Replays in a directory if they pass the CRC check
 RocketRP -r example.json -m Serialize      Convert a JSON file back into a Replay
 RocketRP -r example.replay -f              Convert only the metadata of a Replay to JSON